Partido in english


pronunciation: mætʃ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

partido1 = party. 

Example: Surely the concept 'Conservative party' appears last in the citation order of this class number.


» aparato del partidoparty machinery .

Example: This shows how easily Republican Party machinery can be captured by a well-organized religious power group.

» buen partidoeligible partyeligible bachelor .

Example: As already indicated, funding has had to be limited to eligible parties that are least developed countries.

Example: Even more surprisingly, a significant number of eligible bachelors (22% percent) agreed with a statement that marriage just isn't for them.

» de dos partidos políticosbipartisan [bi-partisan] .

Example: Often the majority group in these councils is of the left, but the approach to obtaining finance has been bi-partisan and pragmatic, with groups of every political persuasion avidly pursuing Community money.

» de tres partidosthree-cornered .

Example: In a remarkable turn-around on the previous three-cornered contest in 1993, the Nationals polled less than 10% of the vote.

» obtener partido decapitalise on/upon [capitalize, -USA] .

Example: The dilemma facing most library managers is how to balance the need to develop and maintain library collections with the need to acquire and capitalise on new technologies.

» Partido Comunista, elCommunist Party, the .

Example: How the devil did he come to be the general secretary of the Communist Party?.

» Partido Conservador, elConservative Party, theTory party, the [Partido político del Reino Unido]Tories, the .

Example: Surely the concept 'conservative party' appears last in the citation order of this class number.

Example: I think it is about time the Tory party stopped prevaricating about Europe.

Example: Floating voters are more likely to trust the Tories on the economy but are more supportive of Labour's approach to public services and believe the party is more likely to be on their side.

» partido de derechasright wing party .

Example: Both left and some right wing parties support the gratis principle and agree that the stagnation of the library service must be reversed.

» partido de izquierdasleft-wing party .

Example: The figures do not support the postulation that the better educated, public employees, left-wing party supporters frequent libraries most.

» partido de la oposiciónopposition party .

Example: The current situation of political competitiveness is then analyzed by means of the relationship between the governing party & the opposition party.

» partido de los tories, elTory party, the [Partido político del Reino Unido]Tories, the .

Example: I think it is about time the Tory party stopped prevaricating about Europe.

Example: Floating voters are more likely to trust the Tories on the economy but are more supportive of Labour's approach to public services and believe the party is more likely to be on their side.

» partido de los verdes, elGreen Party, the .

Example: Over the last decade and more, Green Party representation has significantly increased at all levels of government.

» Partido Demócrata, elDemsDemocratic Party, the .

Example: I'd rather they just leave the work unfinished for Dems to clean up instead of pushing through.

Example: Another talking point was the no-show of the founding chairman of the Democratic Party at the event.

» partido disidentesplinter party .

Example: In 1928 the National Socialist Party was only a marginal splinter party but by 1932 it had mobilized 14 million voters.

» partido en el gobiernogoverning party .

Example: The current situation of political competitiveness is then analyzed by means of the relationship between the governing party & the opposition party.

» partido en el poder, elruling party, the .

Example: Since January of 2006 we have had to deal with the raving lunatics and suicidal madmen of the ruling party of Hamas.

» partido gobernantegoverning party .

Example: The current situation of political competitiveness is then analyzed by means of the relationship between the governing party & the opposition party.

» Partido Laborista, elLabour Party, the .

Example: Irish former minister Proinsias de Rossa was knocked to the ground after a public meeting in Dublin on Monday night, according to the Labour Party.

» Partido Liberal Democrático, elLiberal Democrats, the .

Example: Mr Hammond said the Liberal Democrats are 'all over the place' on the economy.

» partido políticopolitical party .

Example: This article gives details of the archive collections of a political party library including deposits and bequests, the picture archive, the collection of banners, the film and video archive, and sound recordings = Este artículo da detalles de las archivos de una biblioteca de un partido político incluyendo depósitos y legados, el archivo fotográfico, la colección de pancartas, la filmoteca y las grabaciones sonoras.

» Partido Socialista Nacional, elNational Socialist Party, the [En la Alemania de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, partido político liderado por Hitler] .

Example: In 1928 the National Socialist Party was only a marginal splinter party but by 1932 it had mobilized 14 million voters.

» partido verde, elGreen Party, the .

Example: Over the last decade and more, Green Party representation has significantly increased at all levels of government.

» sacar el máximo partidoexploit + Posesivo + full potentialtake + full advantage (of)take + the best advantage .

Example: This, however, falls short of exploiting the full potential of the microcomputer to revolutionize the way in which business documents, memoranda, reports etc. are produced and disseminated.

Example: In 1972 Hans Wellisch discussed the inadequacy of LC's subject cataloging and the failure of LC to rectify this inadequacy by taking full advantage of the richness of the MARC (Machine-Readable Cataloging) format.

Example: There is an element of good fortune involved in being in the right place at the right time and it is essential to take the best advantage of whatever opportunities arise.

» sacar el máximo partido aget + the most out ofreach + the full potential of .

Example: The experience which information professionals have in understanding users' needs gives them a head start in getting the most out of hypermedia.

Example: But burnishing is laborious and slow, and the full potential of the copperplate process could not be reached in the absence of a special press = Aunque el pulido es laborioso y lento y no se le pudo sacar el máximo partido al proceso de impresión mediante planchas de cobre al no disponer de una prensa especial.

» sacar el máximo partido demake + the most ofharness + the power ofmake + the best of .

Example: If the budget will not permit staff augmentation, then the reference librarian must help the department head to make the most of available resources.

Example: The author presents seven ways of harnessing the power of the computer to solve the problem of searching for articles in periodicals.

Example: Careful cooperative planning is needed to make the best of these resources.

» sacar el mayor partido al dinero de unoget + the most for + Posesivo + money .

Example: Smith advised librarians to get the most for their money by bidding their business.

» sacar el mejor partido deget + the best out of .

Example: The public librarian's information role becomes even more vital to help people get the best out of their complex environment.

» sacar el mejor partido de Algomake + the best advantage ofmake + the best use ofmake + the best possible use of .

Example: Future libraries will make the best advantage of CDROM for data that is only of moderate interest to users.

Example: To make the best use of resources school and public libraries have, in many instances, combined with both positive and negative results.

Example: Librarians should make the best possible use of the window of opportunity created by the development of this type of software = Los bibliotecarios deberían aprovecharse al máximo de la oportunidad creada por el desarrollo de este tipo de software.

» sacar el mejor partido posibleget + the best of both worldsget + the best of all worlds .

Example: He suggested a method of getting the best of both worlds: retaining the syntactical relationships while making separate entries for each significant word.

Example: In our opinion, what CAS did was to duck the risk and to try to get the best of all worlds.

» sacarle partido amake + an opportunity (out) of .

Example: Unfortunately, there are some trying to make an opportunity out of this very turbulant situation.

» sacar más partidoget + more for + Posesivo + money .

Example: The article 'Cutting costs: pruning the tree, logging the forest' presents general strategies that reduce search expenses or enables users to get more for their money.

» sacar más partido aget + more from/out ofget + more juice from/out of .

Example: Getting more out of life is a matter of choosing to live to the fullest and being smart about how you spend your time.

Example: But there may be other ways to strategically use social media to get more juice out of your marketing campaign.

» sacar mayor partido asqueeze + more life out of .

Example: The article is entitled 'Squeezing more life out of bitonal files: a study of black and white'.

» sacar mejor partidoget + more for + Posesivo + money .

Example: The article 'Cutting costs: pruning the tree, logging the forest' presents general strategies that reduce search expenses or enables users to get more for their money.

» sacar partido a una oportunidadcapitalise on + an opportunityleverage + opportunity .

Example: Perhaps the 2 most important factors in capitalising on opportunities and reducing risks in the acquisition of information companies is the application of a careful screening procedure = Quizás los dos factores más importantes para aprovechar oportunidades y reducir riesgos en la adquisición de empresas dedicadas a la información es la aplicación de un procedimiento cuidadoso de selección.

Example: The Internet has made it possible for us to leverage the opportunities it provides to make legitimate money doing business.

» sacar partido (de)take + advantage (of) .

Example: It is not surprising that the networks discussed later have all taken advantage of computer processing in some form or another.

» sacar partido deexploit + the benefits ofmake + good use ofmake + a return out ofcapitalise on/upon [capitalize, -USA] .

Example: The 'freezer model' for change in libraries has three phases -- freezing for stability, unfreezing to introduce change, and refreezing to achieve control of the change and exploit its benefits fully.

Example: As long as your old cell phone is still in working order you can make good use of it and help someone in need.

Example: The news sector is tough, very tough, and I know some say it is difficult to make a return out of news.

Example: The dilemma facing most library managers is how to balance the need to develop and maintain library collections with the need to acquire and capitalise on new technologies.

» sin afiliación a un partido políticonon-partisan [nonpartisan] .

Example: To support these ends, the public library must be readily accessible to all, its use must be free of charge, it must be non-partisan and non-sectarian.

» tomar partidotake + sides .

Example: The academic librarian, by remaining neutral, can stay above the fray and does not need to take sides in order to provide scholars with access to the truth.

» tomar partido porside withside in + Posesivo + favourtake + sides with .

Example: Alex Wilson sides with the librarians who say 'concentrate your book service first and foremost on existing users because expenditure on attracting those with a low motivation is much more costly and likely to be mostly unsuccessful'.

Example: If someone does slip on your wet floors and the area is marked correctly with warning signs the court will usually side in your favor.

Example: President Obama says US does not take sides with any party or political figure in Egypt.

» un buen partidoa good catch .

Example: We know nothing about the appearance of Filipa, but whether she was attractive or not, she was undoubtedly 'a good catch'.

partido2 = sports match ; game ; match ; fixture. 

Example: School events may be regular and seasonal, like Christmas and vacations, or occasional and minor like sports matches.Example: A game is a set of materials designed for play according to prescribed rules.Example: That was one of the finest matches they ever played.Example: New fixtures for the rest of the season have been issued along with some changes in the First Division.


» amaño de partidosmatch-fixingmatch-rigging .

Example: At the hearing, he denied any knowledge of the match-fixing, but stated that he became suspicious when none of his teammates would pass the ball to him.

Example: The investigation is ongoing, however no one has been barred from the sport or even accused of match-rigging.

» botellón antes de un partidotailgate drinking [En USA, se aplica en general a beber antes o durante un partido utilizando las bebidas que uno lleva en el maletero del coche] .

Example: And because beer and wine are so expensive at the stadium, many of these fans are coming to the games already sauced up from tailgate drinking.

» cancelar un partidocall off + a match .

Example: Unfortunately when we arrived at the football ground for our cup tie, it was pelting it down and the referee called the match off.

» ganar un partidowin + a match .

Example: Despite tough opposition the team stepped up to the mark, relishing the challenge and going on to win their first two matches.

» hacerse con el partidoclinch + the gameclinch + the match .

Example: The boys in Blue put in a great performance to clinch the game by 19 points to 6.

Example: In the first epic match of this year's tournament, Henman recovered from two sets to one down to clinch the match in near darkness after more than four hours on court.

» jugar un partido de fútbolplay + a soccer game .

Example: A stag party took a turn for the worst when a man suffered a heart attack after playing a soccer game.

» partido amistosofriendly matchfriendly gameexhibition game .

Example: France's national anthem was lustily jeered by the crowd at the opening of a France-Tunisia friendly match in Paris last night.

Example: There are no friendly games -- all games of football are and should be competitive.

Example: Exhibition games are found in just about every branch of competitive sports.

» partido de competiciónclub game [Entre equipos] .

Example: Footage from four decades of English soccer includes hard tackles, pushes and punches from club games.

» partido de fútbolfootball gamesoccer gamefootball match .

Example: These everyday situations occur everywhere and include shopping in an open-air market, greeting friends, choosing clothes to wear, singing the national anthem at a football game, and so forth.

Example: In order to evaluate the significance of taking vitamin complexes minutes before soccer games, 40 soccer players were tested.

Example: The issue of refereeing football matches is never far from the forefront of public debate of the modern game.

» partido de idaaway gamefirst legaway match .

Example: Any more than two away games in a row is out of order.

Example: Second qualifying round first legs to be played July 30, second legs to be played on August 6.

Example: Taking part in away matches meant there were often long periods spent in a car travelling to the opponents' ground.

» partido de ligaleague gameleague match .

Example: Liverpool and Chelsea are grabbing all the headlines, but Arsenal have quietly moved it up a gear scoring 10 goals in their last three league games.

Example: The top-seeded Spartans looked invincible early on in their first season as reigning national champions but hit a rough patch in February, dropping three of their last five league matches.

» partido de vueltasecond leghome gamereturn leghome match .

Example: Second qualifying round first legs to be played July 30, second legs to be played on August 6.

Example: Watford gaffer believes his team's home games hold the key to their ability to survive in the Premiership.

Example: The much-hyped return leg derby failed to live up to the expectation as only about 30,000 crowd turned up for the match.

Example: Our home match has been cancelled today due to a snow-covered pitch.

» partido entre equipos rivaleslocal derby .

Example: By the end of last season he was established as a firm favourite with the crowds for scoring the equaliser in the local derby with Arsenal.

» partido oficialofficial game .

Example: They measured emotional responses of basketball fans as they exited the sport arena after their team had won or lost an official game.

» partido que se juega en casahome gamehome match .

Example: Watford gaffer believes his team's home games hold the key to their ability to survive in the Premiership.

Example: Our home match has been cancelled today due to a snow-covered pitch.

» partido que se juega fuera de casaaway gameaway match .

Example: Any more than two away games in a row is out of order.

Example: Taking part in away matches meant there were often long periods spent in a car travelling to the opponents' ground.

» perder un partidolose + match .

Example: He was both the coach of a national team that never lost a match and a club that never won a title.

» resultado de un partidoscore .

Example: Examples of homographs are: bear (to carry, or an animal) and score (music, football or to cut).

» ser convocado para un partidomake + the cut for a game .

Example: Both their goalkeeper and one of their midfielders are unlikely to make the cut for the game due to a muscular and knee injury respectively.

» suspender un partidocall off + a match .

Example: Unfortunately when we arrived at the football ground for our cup tie, it was pelting it down and the referee called the match off.

» tres goles en un mismo partidohat trick .

Example: The article 'The cutting edge: a hat trick (plus one!)' stresses the importance of mass market information systems, sets out reasons for close examination of currently available applications, and warns of the downside to present developments.

partido3 = cloven ; forked. 

Example: It is a very old belief that the Devil always appears with a cloven foot as a distinguishing mark.Example: One theory suggests that the forked section of the hieroglyph represents an animal's legs with the central shaft as the body or elongated neck (like a giraffe).


» con el corazón partidobroken-hearted .

Example: When we feel broken-hearted it is all too easy to wallow in the emptiness and pain and forget that as with everything in life this too shall pass.

» corazón partidobroken heart .

Example: Falling in love for all the wrong reasons can result in a broken heart which may even affect future relationships.

» jornada de trabajo partidasplit workdaysplit working daysplit shift .

Example: Most people who back the continuous shift criticize the split workday because, they reason, extending the hours we stay at the office only produces weariness.

Example: To cut down on traffic the government abolished Greece's traditional split working day with its three-hour midday break.

Example: In a split shift, a driver will typically work three to five hours in the morning, have anywhere from a one to three hour break, and then work three to five hours in the afternoon.

» jornada laboral partidasplit workdaysplit working daysplit shift .

Example: Most people who back the continuous shift criticize the split workday because, they reason, extending the hours we stay at the office only produces weariness.

Example: To cut down on traffic the government abolished Greece's traditional split working day with its three-hour midday break.

Example: In a split shift, a driver will typically work three to five hours in the morning, have anywhere from a one to three hour break, and then work three to five hours in the afternoon.

» jornada partidasplit workdaysplit working daysplit shift .

Example: Most people who back the continuous shift criticize the split workday because, they reason, extending the hours we stay at the office only produces weariness.

Example: To cut down on traffic the government abolished Greece's traditional split working day with its three-hour midday break.

Example: In a split shift, a driver will typically work three to five hours in the morning, have anywhere from a one to three hour break, and then work three to five hours in the afternoon.

» lucha a brazo partidohand-to-hand fight .

Example: They are obviously in love with the same man, and the hand-to-hand fight is the traditional gypsy way to solve the dispute.

» lucha a cuerpo partidohand-to-hand fight .

Example: They are obviously in love with the same man, and the hand-to-hand fight is the traditional gypsy way to solve the dispute.

» luchar a brazo partidofight + tooth and nailfight + hand to handfight + hand to handgo at it + hammer and tongsfight + hard .

Example: In fact, it was the right-wing that fought tooth and nail against those who sought to outlaw child labor in this country.

Example: Sgt. Joe Harris and a cornered burglar fought hand-to-hand in the struggle leading to their deaths from gunshot wounds.

Example: Sgt. Joe Harris and a cornered burglar fought hand-to-hand in the struggle leading to their deaths from gunshot wounds.

Example: The second half commenced as before with both teams going at it hammer and tongs.

Example: Up to this date, women are still fighting hard to be on equal footing with men.

» luchar a brazo partido para defenderfight + tooth and nail to defend .

Example: I know folk are very passionate about politics and can fight tooth and nail to defend their particular ideological stance.

» pelea a brazo partidohand-to-hand fight .

Example: They are obviously in love with the same man, and the hand-to-hand fight is the traditional gypsy way to solve the dispute.

» pelear a brazo partidofight + tooth and nailgo at it + hammer and tongsfight + hard .

Example: In fact, it was the right-wing that fought tooth and nail against those who sought to outlaw child labor in this country.

Example: The second half commenced as before with both teams going at it hammer and tongs.

Example: Up to this date, women are still fighting hard to be on equal footing with men.

partir1 = cleave ; split ; break ; divide. 

Example: Ethnic and racial differences cleaved the American working class.Example: In the mechanised paper fibre process individual pages are soaked and split so that acid-free paper can be put between the two layers.Example: The document arrangement adopted is often broken, in the sense that documents in libraries are rarely shelved in one single and self-evident sequence.Example: Most Americans view him as a president who is doing more to divide the country than to unite it.


» partir el bacalaocall + the shotsbe the bosscall + the tunerule + the roostrun + the show .

Example: The article is entitled 'Who's calling the shots in the semiconductor industry'.

Example: One of the hardest things about being the boss is that no one tells you what you're doing wrong.

Example: As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.

Example: Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.

Example: This might happen organically as a younger cohort replaces the boomers currently running the show.

» partir el corazónbreak + Posesivo + heartwring + Posesivo + heartgo through + (a) heartbreak .

Example: You could break my heart into tiny little pieces, and I'd still pick them up and put them back in your hands.

Example: There was another thing which wrung her heart, and she could not speak of it without new floods of tears: her boy had died unreconciled to the Church.

Example: If you have followed along with me over the years you may know that I went through heartbreak, divorce, depression and some rough times over the past few years.

» partir endivide + Nombre + in(to) .

Example: AACR2 divides works of mixed responsibility into two groups.

» partir en doshalverend in + twobreak in + two .

Example: The author concludes that this technique almost halves the storage required with no loss of information.

Example: Anthropology as a discipline is in danger of being rent in two by the tensions between those who practice it.

Example: In April 1656 she would meet her destiny on the shores of Western Australia when it crashed onto the reef and broke in two immediately.

» partir la panacall + the shotsbe the bosscall + the tunerule + the roostrun + the showstand out + head and shoulders (above/over)stand out above + the reststand out from + the reststand out above/from/in + the crowdstand out from/in + the mass .

Example: The article is entitled 'Who's calling the shots in the semiconductor industry'.

Example: One of the hardest things about being the boss is that no one tells you what you're doing wrong.

Example: As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.

Example: Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.

Example: This might happen organically as a younger cohort replaces the boomers currently running the show.

Example: `General recreation or leisure' stands out head and shoulders above all the other answers given by public library users as their reason for using the library.

Example: German culture stood above the rest of Latin Christendom in the late tenth and early eleventh centuries.

Example: The article is entitled 'A course that stands out from the rest'.

Example: It is in fact, like putting icing on the cake and it certainly makes you stand out in the crowd.

Example: The beach is going to be full of wonderful women, but we offer you something that might help you stand out in the mass.

» partir por la mitadhalvebreak in + half .

Example: The author concludes that this technique almost halves the storage required with no loss of information.

Example: But when runner beans are fresh, they do snap when you break them in half!.

» partir por mediorend in + two .

Example: Anthropology as a discipline is in danger of being rent in two by the tensions between those who practice it.

» partirse de reírburst into + side-splitting laughterburst into + a fit of laughterbe in fits of laughterburst into + guffaws of laughterbreak into + guffaws of laughter .

Example: Finally, when the two workers, frozen to the marrow, emerged from beneath the water, the spectators burst into side-splitting laughter.

Example: Napoleon burst into a loud fit of laughter, gave him a slap in the face, called him a clever fellow, and made him a captain in the artillery.

Example: Not only were the adults in fits of laughter all the way through the play, but the schoolchildren in the audience as well.

Example: Someone by the door farted and his mates burst into crude guffaws of laughter.

Example: The other children broke into guffaws of laughter -- I felt embarrassed but more ashamed of my own ignorance.

» partirse de risalaugh + Posesivo + head offburst into + side-splitting laughterburst into + a fit of laughterbe in fits of laughtercrack upsplit + Posesivo + sides with laughterbe in stitches (with laughter)fall about + laughingdouble up in + stitchesburst into + guffaws of laughterbreak into + guffaws of laughtercrease up (laughing/with laughter) .

Example: Harry was a right laugh. I remember finding him in my bath one night, pissed as a lord, laughing his head off... and then weeping throughout till dawn.

Example: Finally, when the two workers, frozen to the marrow, emerged from beneath the water, the spectators burst into side-splitting laughter.

Example: Napoleon burst into a loud fit of laughter, gave him a slap in the face, called him a clever fellow, and made him a captain in the artillery.

Example: Not only were the adults in fits of laughter all the way through the play, but the schoolchildren in the audience as well.

Example: Sometimes he makes me cringe and sometimes he makes me crack up.

Example: His dad pronounced the strange term to the best of his ability and the young man split his sides with laughter.

Example: Andrea and Mark were very welcoming and Jess was a real scream and had us in stitches.

Example: I told the lads about the conversation I'd had with the skipper and they all fell about laughing.

Example: Now science backs up that claim, even proving that you burn as many calories as 15 minutes on an exercise bike when you double up in stitches.

Example: Someone by the door farted and his mates burst into crude guffaws of laughter.

Example: The other children broke into guffaws of laughter -- I felt embarrassed but more ashamed of my own ignorance.

Example: She has an uncanny and unnerving ability to make you crease up with laughter before dropping a perfectly-timed bombshell.

» partirse la cara porwork + Reflexivo + to deathwork + Reflexivo + to the ground .

Example: The deportees died in part starving and freezing to death in concentration camps and in part working themselves to death under a barbaric police regimen.

Example: Their poor mother worked herself to the ground all day long, didn't have two pennies to rub together, and they were always just a little bit hungry.

» partirse la crismabreak + Posesivo + neck .

Example: Reeve broke his neck in May 1995 when he was thrown from his horse during an equestrian competition.

» partirse la mollerarack + Posesivo + brain(s) [Escrito también wrack + Posesivo + brain(s)] .

Example: She racked her brains for a way out but could not find anything successful.

» ¡que + Pronombre + partir un rayo!be damned! .

Example: The idea was to give the 'best and most aspiring poor' the opportunity to improve; the not so good and less aspiring be damned!.

partir2 = head out ; go forth ; leave ; depart. 

Example: It's tempting to splurge on a new hi-fi system or head out on a shopping spree, but the smart option might be to pay off an existing debt.Example: Finally six men agreed to go forth in their underclothes and nooses around their necks in hopeful expectation that their sacrifice would satisfy the king's bloodlust and he would spare the rest of the citizens.Example: 'Do you ever let anyone leave without inspecting their bags?' Carpozzi asked as she sidled up to the checker.Example: He smiled again, waved goodbye, and departed.


» a partir debased onworking fromfromon a diet ofin response to .

Example: Libraries will make judgements based on criteria such as better information resources, quicker answers, and more cost-effective services = Las bibliotecas tomarán decisiones de acuerdo con criterios tales como mejores recursos informativos, rapidez de respuesta y servicios más rentables.

Example: In the case of index terms, these will be assigned by a (human) indexer working from the document and probably a thesaurus or authority file.

Example: From the analysis of some 5760 questions, Wilkinson and Miller developed a 'step approach' to differentiate reference questions according to how many judgmental steps were required to answer them.

Example: No true reader can be expected to grow on a diet of prescribed texts on regardless of how well chosen they are.

Example: You have seen that the basic principle in information retrieval is to search only a limited part of the store in response to each request.

» a partir de ahorafrom now onfrom this point onhenceforthas of nowfrom now onward(s)from this time on .

Example: From now on we will refer to library catalogues simply as catalogues.

Example: From this point on in the text the Colon Classification will be referred to by the commonly used abbreviation CC.

Example: Henceforth the inventory function was no longer to be a part of the functions of the library's catalog.

Example: Public inputs received on proposed new methodologies will be as of now available in the CDM web site.

Example: From now onwards you're going to spend most of your life at work so it's much better to be involved in something you love.

Example: My hope is in the Lord from this time on and evermore.

» a partir de ahora y durante + Cuantificador + algunos añosfor + Cuantificador + years to come .

Example: These, and similar, questions are likely to form the subject of debate for some years to come.

» a partir de aquíhereupon .

Example: Hereupon proposals are made in order to determine which index types are the most appropriate tools for the analysis and retrieval in the various document collections.

» a partir de ellotherefrom .

Example: The author describes the complexities of some secondary source publications and the problems of information retrieval therefrom.

» a partir de entoncesfrom this time onhereafterthereafterfrom then onthenceforthwhereafterhenceforthfrom that moment on .

Example: By 1960 a draft code had been produced, and from this time on, British and American Committees co-operated closely.

Example: Later cataloguing codes have tended to regard filing as a separate issue, and hereafter, special codes for filing are evident.

Example: At the two extremes, the order may simply be decided for each topic as and when it arises, and followed thereafter.

Example: Until the mid seventeenth century compositors generally sat to their work, but from then on it became more usual to compose standing up, an easier position for fast work.

Example: From 1751 to 1766 he copied out the details of all the various processes in two books, which were thenceforth kept in the factory's archives.

Example: No further developments in binding technology took place until the 1850s, whereafter most of the innovators were American, not English.

Example: Henceforth the inventory function was no longer to be a part of the functions of the library's catalog.

Example: Compound interest is the concept of adding accumulated interest back to the principal, so that interest is earned on interest from that moment on.

» a partir de ese momentofrom that moment on .

Example: Compound interest is the concept of adding accumulated interest back to the principal, so that interest is earned on interest from that moment on.

» a partir de este momentohereinafter .

Example: Apply this rule to legislative enactments and decrees of a political jurisdiction and decrees of a chief executive having the force of law (hereinafter referred to as laws).

» a partir de estoon this basison that basis .

Example: On this basis innovative programmes would provide graduates with in-demand skills to complement the currently dominant model of technology-driven programmes.

Example: On that basis, consistency rose significantly, with 81% agreement among the three indexers = Como consecuencia, la coincidencia aumentó significativamente, obteniéndose una coincidencia del 81% entre los tres indizadores.

» a partir de + Fechafrom + Fechaeffective + Fecha .

Example: This was a spur to several other London boroughs who set up shop-front consumer advice centres from 1972.

Example: We will be on red alert effective today, which means that we will place on stand-by at least 2,000 soldiers to prepare for any incident in the Labor Day holiday.

» a partir de hoyas from today .

Example: As from today, any white farmer still on his land will be deemed to be trespassing on state property.

» a partir de la medianochelate night .

Example: In 1996 the library expanded its opening hours to meet the needs of the students for a late night quiet study facility.

» a partir de los títulostitle-based .

Example: Title-based subject indexes have been used as indexes to local abstracting and indexing publications = Los índices de materias a partir de los títulos se han utilizado para indizar las publicaciones de resúmenes hechas por la propia biblioteca.

» catalogar partiendo de cerocatalogue from + scratch .

Example: Since I was cataloging the collection from scratch, I was cataloging series by series.

» comenzar partiendo de cerobuild from + scratch .

Example: When a library outgrows its second automated circulation system it sets stringent functional, performance and growth specifications and builds from scratch.

» compilar partiendo de cerocompile from + scratchcompile from + scratch .

Example: This article describes problems encountered in compiling a data base from scratch.

Example: This article describes problems encountered in compiling a data base from scratch.

» construir partiendo de ceroconstruct from + scratch .

Example: There are so many possibilities that the classifier may feel that he has the task of constructing the scheme from scratch!.

» de partirse de risaside-splitting .

Example: The author combines southern warmth with unabashed emotion and side-splitting hilarity.

» en un par de días a partir de ahorain a few days from nowa few days from now .

Example: Asin is keeping her fingers crossed -- the verdict will be out in a few days from now.

Example: A few days from now you will be facing up to your boss for annual appraisal.

» hacer Algo a partir demake + Nombre + out of .

Example: Come to school with your wildest, bushiest and fanciest moustache possible -- you can make it out of paper, felt, fur or whatever your heart desires.

» hacer una plancha a partir de un moldecast + plate + from mould .

Example: Finally a second set of plates was cast from the original, full-page, moulds.

» introducir datos partiendo de ceroenter from + scratch .

Example: Records for this program, however, have to be entered from scratch.

» justo partiendo de cerostraight from scratch .

Example: I simply love lemon meringue pies and I can easily bake one at home straight from scratch.

» para partirse de risaside-splitting .

Example: The author combines southern warmth with unabashed emotion and side-splitting hilarity.

» partiendo deon the basis of .

Example: In addition, there is an element of perpetuation about the establishment of headings on the basis of reference sources.

» partiendo de cerofrom scratchfrom an empty slatefrom the ground up .

Example: The Office does not support development of new systems from scratch.

Example: The article 'Creation of an academic library: lessons from an empty slate' describes the construction of a new library at Arizona State University.

Example: This article describes the experiences of a library training officer whose brief was to build library services from the ground up.

» partiendo de estoon this basison that basis .

Example: On this basis innovative programmes would provide graduates with in-demand skills to complement the currently dominant model of technology-driven programmes.

Example: On that basis, consistency rose significantly, with 81% agreement among the three indexers = Como consecuencia, la coincidencia aumentó significativamente, obteniéndose una coincidencia del 81% entre los tres indizadores.

» partiendo de la prácticapractice-led  .

Example: Many changes have occurred through the various applications of practice-based and practice-led arts research.

» partiendo del hecho de quebased on the understanding that .

Example: Rapid & revolutionary technological change and its impact on society are discussed, based on the understanding that it is the nature of technology itself that gives rise to confusion .

» partir derest on/uponstem fromdraw on/uponbuild on/uponstrike out from .

Example: Faceted classification rests upon the definition of the concept of a facet.

Example: Both these general criticisms stemmed from more specific problems with the code.

Example: Bay's essay was produced to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Gesner's birth and draws upon a mass of contemporary source material.

Example: The system should build on existing resources, rather than develop expensive new programmes.

Example: It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.

» partir (de)set off (from) .

Example: In order to execute this mammoth task, the route to the theatre was completely cleared immediately before the convoy set off.

» partir de cerobegin from + scratchstart from + scratchstart at + ground zero .

Example: If none of the items found are relevant, we have to begin the new search from scratch.

Example: In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service centre, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.

Example: Readers will feel compelled to listen to her; after all, she started at ground zero and worked her way up to the top.

» partir de la base de questart from + the premise thatbuild on + the premise that .

Example: The author starts from the premise that meaning is not an intrinsic property of information items.

Example: Our strategy is built on the premise that progress in security will pave the way for political progress.

» partir de la premisa de questart from + the premis

Partido synonyms

check in spanish: comprobar, pronunciation: tʃek part of speech: verb, noun fit in spanish: ajuste, pronunciation: fɪt part of speech: verb, noun catch in spanish: captura, pronunciation: kætʃ part of speech: verb, noun meet in spanish: reunirse, pronunciation: mit part of speech: verb pit in spanish: pozo, pronunciation: pɪt part of speech: noun peer in spanish: mirar, pronunciation: pɪr part of speech: noun touch in spanish: toque, pronunciation: tʌtʃ part of speech: noun, verb jibe in spanish: burla, pronunciation: dʒaɪb part of speech: noun, verb mate in spanish: compañero, pronunciation: meɪt part of speech: noun agree in spanish: de acuerdo, pronunciation: əgri part of speech: verb tally in spanish: cuenta, pronunciation: tæli part of speech: noun pair in spanish: par, pronunciation: per part of speech: noun couple in spanish: Pareja, pronunciation: kʌpəl part of speech: noun correspond in spanish: corresponder, pronunciation: kɔrəspɑnd part of speech: verb equal in spanish: igual, pronunciation: ikwəl part of speech: adjective oppose in spanish: oponerse a, pronunciation: əpoʊz part of speech: verb twin in spanish: gemelo, pronunciation: twɪn part of speech: noun, adjective rival in spanish: rival, pronunciation: raɪvəl part of speech: noun gibe in spanish: burla, pronunciation: dʒaɪb part of speech: noun lucifer in spanish: Lucifer, pronunciation: lusəfɜr part of speech: noun compeer in spanish: compañero, pronunciation: kəmpɪr part of speech: noun mates in spanish: compañeros, pronunciation: meɪts part of speech: noun cope with in spanish: poder con, pronunciation: koʊpwɪð part of speech: verb friction match in spanish: partido de fricción, pronunciation: frɪkʃənmætʃ part of speech: noun
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