Partidista in english


pronunciation: pɑrtəzən part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

partidista = partisan ; biased [biassed]. 

Example: After having read many novels by many different authors, one gets less partisan, one is able to see faults even in one's favorites.Example: The documentation concerning indexing is in danger of presenting a biased view of indexing.


» no partidistanon-partisan [nonpartisan] .

Example: To support these ends, the public library must be readily accessible to all, its use must be free of charge, it must be non-partisan and non-sectarian.

Partidista synonyms

tendentious in spanish: tendencioso, pronunciation: tendenʃəs part of speech: adjective zealot in spanish: fanático, pronunciation: zelət part of speech: noun biased in spanish: parcial, pronunciation: baɪəst part of speech: adjective irregular in spanish: irregular, pronunciation: ɪregjəlɜr part of speech: adjective sectarian in spanish: sectario, pronunciation: sekteriən part of speech: adjective underground in spanish: subterráneo, pronunciation: ʌndɜrgraʊnd part of speech: adjective, noun aligned in spanish: alineado, pronunciation: əlaɪnd part of speech: adjective enthusiast in spanish: entusiasta, pronunciation: enθuziæst part of speech: noun one-sided in spanish: Unilateral, pronunciation: wənsaɪdəd part of speech: adjective denominational in spanish: confesional, pronunciation: dɪnɔməneɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective partizan in spanish: partizan, pronunciation: pɑrtɪzən part of speech: noun tendencious in spanish: tendencioso, pronunciation: tendenʃəs part of speech: adjective party-spirited in spanish: animado de fiesta, pronunciation: pɑrtispɪrətəd part of speech: adjective
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