Palmeado in english


pronunciation: webd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

palmeado = webbed. 

Example: My dad has the same toes webbed, but he has it on both feet.


» dedos palmeadoswebbed toes .

Example: I was born with a condition called syndactyly, better known as webbed toes.

» patas palmeadaswebbed feet .

Example: All petrel species have dense plumage, webbed feet and deeply grooved and hooked bills.

» pies palmeadoswebbed feet .

Example: All petrel species have dense plumage, webbed feet and deeply grooved and hooked bills.

Palmeado synonyms

lacy in spanish: de encaje, pronunciation: leɪsi part of speech: adjective reticulate in spanish: reticular, pronunciation: rɪtɪkjəleɪt part of speech: adjective reticulated in spanish: reticular, pronunciation: rɪtɪkjəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective reticular in spanish: reticular, pronunciation: rɪtɪkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective palmate in spanish: palmeado, pronunciation: pælmeɪt part of speech: adjective netted in spanish: neto, pronunciation: netɪd part of speech: adjective webby in spanish: webby, pronunciation: webi part of speech: adjective netlike in spanish: similar a una red, pronunciation: netlaɪk part of speech: adjective weblike in spanish: weblike, pronunciation: weblaɪk part of speech: adjective
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