Pacificador in english


pronunciation: pæsəfaɪɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

pacificador = pacifier. 

Example: The two works aim to present the king as pacifier (after winning the political and religous civil wars) and as restorer of the monarchy.


» agente pacificadorpeace broker .

Example: On Friday, she took part in a panel discussion about the way in which sport can be used as a peace broker -- and which challenges exist in practice.

» mediador pacificadorpeace broker .

Example: On Friday, she took part in a panel discussion about the way in which sport can be used as a peace broker -- and which challenges exist in practice.

Pacificador synonyms

comforter in spanish: edredón, pronunciation: kʌmfɜrtɜr part of speech: noun peacemaker in spanish: pacificador, pronunciation: pismeɪkɜr part of speech: noun appeaser in spanish: apaciguador, pronunciation: əpizɜr part of speech: noun conciliator in spanish: conciliador, pronunciation: kənsɪlieɪtɜr part of speech: noun reconciler in spanish: reconciliador, pronunciation: rikɑnsəlɜr part of speech: noun teething ring in spanish: anillo de dentición, pronunciation: tiðɪŋrɪŋ part of speech: noun make-peace in spanish: hacer las paces, pronunciation: meɪkpis part of speech: noun
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