Oca in english


pronunciation: gus part of speech: noun
In gestures

oca = goose [geese, -pl.]. 

Example: So, the search retrieves 'goose,' 'geese,' and 'guise,' as well as the acronyms 'gise' and 'gse'.


» juego de la ocagame of chutes and ladders [También conocido como game of snakes and ladders (juego de serpientes y escaleras)]game of snakes and ladders [También conocido como game of chutes and ladders (juego de toboganes y escaleras)] .

Example: I am the most recent fallen angel to stumble into a game of chutes and ladders, and you best believe I will hold on for dear life.

Example: Life is more or less like a game of snake and ladders -- you are the top at some point of time, and at the very next moment, you are back at square one.

Oca synonyms

zany in spanish: loco, pronunciation: zeɪni part of speech: adjective, noun cuckoo in spanish: cuco, pronunciation: kʌku part of speech: noun goof in spanish: bobo, pronunciation: guf part of speech: noun, verb jackass in spanish: burro, pronunciation: dʒækæs part of speech: noun fathead in spanish: imbécil, pronunciation: fæθed part of speech: noun
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