pronunciation: blɑk
part of speech: noun
obstaculizar = encumber ; hamper ; handicap ; hinder ; thwart ; stand in + the way (of) ; obstruct ; stymie ; get in + the way (of) ; hem + Nombre + in ; cramp ; stand in + Posesivo + way.
Example: It is extremely difficult for SLIS to compete with other interests which are less encumbered on equal terms.Example: Unfortunately, the inclusion of abstracts in most services tends to hamper currency.Example: The database may, as a result of its parentage, be handicapped by features that are not suited to computerized retrieval.Example: In practice the application of recall and precision in the evaluation of indexes is hindered by the difficulty of evaluating some of the components in the definition.Example: A public library's design can go far in either reinforcing or thwarting the intimacy of reading and in determining its success -- functionally, aesthetically and financially.Example: It may be objected that a direct experience of the country by visiting it does not ensure a true picture, in fact that it may even stand in the way.Example: But the present revision, incorporating ISBD, will literally clutter the entries with obtrusive redundancies and esoterics that will only obscure the content of the entries and obstruct the use of the catalog.Example: So, in a lot of cases the ability to take advantage of technologically sophisticated younger faculty is stymied by these conflicting interests.Example: At the end of the day, librarians must 'produce the goods' and prove their worth -- professionalism could get in the way.Example: The world of work is no longer constrained by the four physical dimensions of space and time that have hemmed us in for most of recorded history.Example: They used schools as a buttress of a caste system designed to subordinate blacks socially, to cramp them economically under a rigid job ceiling.Example: We support Mr. Radcliffe's artistic decision -- if he wants to perform fully clothed, we'd never stand in his way.
» no obstaculizar
= be out of the way of
Example: On a pair of ordinary glasses is a square of fine lines near the top of one lens, where it is out of the way of ordinary vision.
» obstaculizar el paso
= block in
Example: A man who blocked in a rubbish lorry with his car in a dispute over waste collection was allegedly hit on the head and sworn at by a binman.
» obstaculizar la labor judicial
= pervert + the course of justice
Example: Perjury and perverting the course of justice are serious offences because they struck at justice itself.
» sin estar obstaculizado por
= untrammelled by
Example: This view offers a version of information futures untrammelled by mundane resource considerations.
Obstaculizar synonyms
in spanish: bar,
pronunciation: bɑr
part of speech: noun
in spanish: detener,
pronunciation: stɑp
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: congelar,
pronunciation: friz
part of speech: noun, verb
in spanish: cosas,
pronunciation: stʌf
part of speech: noun
in spanish: olvidar,
pronunciation: fɜrget
part of speech: verb
in spanish: impedir,
pronunciation: hɪndɜr
part of speech: verb
in spanish: mermelada,
pronunciation: dʒæm
part of speech: noun
in spanish: impedir,
pronunciation: ɪmpid
part of speech: verb
in spanish: detener,
pronunciation: hɔlt
part of speech: noun, verb
in spanish: cierre,
pronunciation: kloʊʒɜr
part of speech: noun
in spanish: cubo,
pronunciation: kjub
part of speech: noun
in spanish: arrastrar,
pronunciation: lʌg
part of speech: noun, verb
in spanish: cambiar,
pronunciation: dɪflekt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: bloquear,
pronunciation: staɪmi
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: kibosh,
pronunciation: kɪbɔʃ
part of speech: verb
in spanish: avergonzar,
pronunciation: ɪmberəs
part of speech: verb
in spanish: oclusión,
pronunciation: əkluʒən
part of speech: noun
in spanish: interferencia,
pronunciation: ɪntɜrfɪrəns
part of speech: noun
in spanish: parar,
pronunciation: peri
part of speech: noun
in spanish: obstruir,
pronunciation: əbstrʌkt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: ocluir,
pronunciation: əklud
part of speech: verb
in spanish: bloqueo,
pronunciation: blɑkeɪd
part of speech: noun
in spanish: polea,
pronunciation: pʊli
part of speech: noun
in spanish: barricada,
pronunciation: bærəkeɪd
part of speech: noun
in spanish: paro,
pronunciation: stɑpɪdʒ
part of speech: noun
in spanish: bloqueando,
pronunciation: blɑkɪŋ
part of speech: noun
in spanish: bloqueo,
pronunciation: blɑkɪdʒ
part of speech: noun
in spanish: inmovilizar,
pronunciation: ɪmoʊbəlaɪz
part of speech: verb
close up
in spanish: de cerca,
pronunciation: kloʊsʌp
part of speech: verb, adverb
in spanish: stymy,
pronunciation: staɪmi
part of speech: verb
choke up
in spanish: atragantarse,
pronunciation: tʃoʊkʌp
part of speech: verb
block off
in spanish: bloquear,
pronunciation: blɑkɔf
part of speech: verb
draw a blank
in spanish: quedarse el duda,
pronunciation: drɔəblæŋk
part of speech: verb
blank out
in spanish: en blanco,
pronunciation: blæŋkaʊt
part of speech: verb
block up
in spanish: obstruir,
pronunciation: blɑkʌp
part of speech: verb
mental block
in spanish: bloqueo mental,
pronunciation: mentəlblɑk
part of speech: noun
city block
in spanish: Manzana de la ciudad,
pronunciation: sɪtiblɑk
part of speech: noun
cylinder block
in spanish: bloque cilíndrico,
pronunciation: sɪləndɜrblɑk
part of speech: noun
in spanish: bloque de polea,
pronunciation: pʊliblɑk
part of speech: noun
engine block
in spanish: bloque de motor,
pronunciation: endʒənblɑk
part of speech: noun
auction block
in spanish: bloque de subasta,
pronunciation: ɑkʃənblɑk
part of speech: noun