Observancia in english


pronunciation: əbzɜrvəns part of speech: noun
In gestures

observancia = adherence ; observance. 

Example: Superior cataloguing may result, since more consistency and closer adherence to standard codes are likely to emerge with cataloguers who spend all of their time cataloguing, than with a librarian who tackles cataloguing as one of various professional tasks.Example: Because of the need to preserve cartographic documents for present and future generations, map librarians are obliged to guarantee strict observance of conservation requirements.

Observancia synonyms

notice in spanish: darse cuenta, pronunciation: noʊtəs part of speech: noun, verb ceremony in spanish: ceremonia, pronunciation: serəmoʊni part of speech: noun observation in spanish: observación, pronunciation: ɑbzɜrveɪʃən part of speech: noun watching in spanish: acecho, pronunciation: wɑtʃɪŋ part of speech: noun ceremonial in spanish: ceremonial, pronunciation: serəmoʊniəl part of speech: adjective honoring in spanish: honrando, pronunciation: ɑnɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun ceremonial occasion in spanish: ocasión ceremonial, pronunciation: serəmoʊniələkeɪʒən part of speech: noun
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