Obligatorio in english


pronunciation: rikwaɪɜrd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

obligatorio = enforced ; mandatory ; obligatory ; compulsory ; a must have + Nombre ; mandated. 

Example: Cost cutting by government has resulted in enforced staff reductions.Example: Such directives, however, do not have the status of mandatory instructions.Example: The references which are suggested are not obligatory, and references should be made as appropriate with regards to the item being indexed.Example: Some authors, of course, object to their work being subjected to compulsory dissection for exams in the traditional deadly manner and like Bernard Shaw, they swear to haunt anyone who so mistreats them (Shaw's ghost must be busy these days).Example: Shin pads are a 'must have' protection for every level of play.Example: Sleepiness continues to be a significant issue among medical residents despite recently mandated reductions in resident work hours.


» actuación obligatoria de vermust-see .

Example: This 'must-see', song-filled adaptation reawakens the true spirit of Christmas in a heart-stirring carol of profound beauty.

» anécdota obligatoria de contarmust-tell .

Example: What kind of secrets are must-tells, and what are simply meant to die with you?.

» asignatura obligatoriarequired course .

Example: Other universities have a small core of required courses and permit students to specialize in such fields as administration, technical services, information science, and school media centers.

» bebida obligatoriamust-drink .

Example: Lemon water is a must-drink each morning.

» comida obligatoriamust-eat .

Example: Sometimes they have little triangle-shaped cakes that are a must-eat.

» enseñanza obligatoriacompulsory education .

Example: The government wants to shake up compulsory education in England.

» espectáculo obligatorio de vermust-see .

Example: This 'must-see', song-filled adaptation reawakens the true spirit of Christmas in a heart-stirring carol of profound beauty.

» evasión del servicio militar obligatoriodraft dodging .

Example: I don't want to give the plot away on this book but I will say this: if your looking for draft dodging, blood and guts, smoking dope or post-war angst, keep on looking.

» evasor del servicio militar obligatoriodraft evaderdraft dodger .

Example: The basic question is what will be the effects if amnesty is granted to all draft evaders of the Vietnam War.

Example: Israel is having a growing problem with draft dodgers.

» hacerse obligatoriobecome + imperative .

Example: It became imperative that books be arranged to make it easy for the reader to find what he wanted = Se convirtió en una prioridad ordenar los libros de tal modo que fuese fácil para el lector encontrar lo que buscaba.

» lectura obligatoriarequired reading .

Example: This book is highly recommended for all types of libraries, and it should be required reading for librarians who want to correct the wrongs in their chosen profession = Este libro es muy recomendado para todo tipo de bibliotecas y debería ser de lectura obligatoria para aquellos bibliotecarios que quieran corregir los errores de su profesión.

» monumento obligatorio de vermust-see .

Example: This 'must-see', song-filled adaptation reawakens the true spirit of Christmas in a heart-stirring carol of profound beauty.

» no obligatoriounrequired .

Example: The key to success is doing the unrequired things that most people don't do.

» película obligatoria de vermust-see .

Example: This 'must-see', song-filled adaptation reawakens the true spirit of Christmas in a heart-stirring carol of profound beauty.

» relato obligatorio de contarmust-tell .

Example: What kind of secrets are must-tells, and what are simply meant to die with you?.

» ser obligatoriobe a must .

Example: Terminological consistency is a must for achieving satisfactory information flow onboard an oil platform, and between offshore field centres and onshore administration.

» servicio militar obligatoriocompulsory military servicedraft, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]military draft .

Example: The Italian government has passed a new law abolishing compulsory military service in favour of the creation of a professional army.

Example: Some librarians have found opposition to the setting up of 'alternative rooms' containing 'movement publications and trade books on women's and gay liberation, the third world, imperialism, yoga, rock music, the draft, prisons, the counter-culture, communes, social change'.

Example: Military drafts are instated in countries throughout the world, both in times of war and in times of peace.

» visita obligatoriamust-visit .

Example: It is truly a peaceful place and a must-visit for any avid camper.

Obligatorio synonyms

necessary in spanish: necesario, pronunciation: nesəseri part of speech: adjective mandatory in spanish: obligatorio, pronunciation: mændətɔri part of speech: adjective requisite in spanish: requisito, pronunciation: rekwəzət part of speech: adjective compulsory in spanish: obligatorio, pronunciation: kəmpʌlsɜri part of speech: adjective obligatory in spanish: obligatorio, pronunciation: əblɪgətɔri part of speech: adjective needed in spanish: necesario, pronunciation: nidəd part of speech: adjective needful in spanish: necesario, pronunciation: nidfəl part of speech: adjective called upon in spanish: exhortó a, pronunciation: kɔldəpɑn
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