Obesidad in english


pronunciation: oʊbisəti part of speech: noun
In gestures

obesidad = obesity ; fatness ; obeseness ; fattiness. 

Example: His bodily frame, verging on obesity, appeared to have fallen into disrepair, as though he had ceased to be interested in it.Example: Moreover, her fatness is an act of defiance; in a world in which women are taught to take up as little space as possible, Lilian learns to foist her way into the public sphere.Example: Celia is a victim in the conflict, greatly due to her obeseness, diabetic condition and because of the glasses that she wears.Example: She is a revolting person, not merely because of her fattiness and ambition in life, but also because of her incredible selfishness.


» luchar contra la obesidadfight + obesity .

Example: If you have tried and failed at weight loss, bariatrics can help end your battle to fight obesity.

Obesidad synonyms

fleshiness in spanish: carnosidad, pronunciation: fleʃɪnəs part of speech: noun
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