Obediente in english


pronunciation: oʊbidiənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

obediente = obedient ; compliant ; acquiescent. 

Example: Was she, too, destined to become as docile and obedient as the other staff members appeared to be?.Example: A compliant and motivated client will participate enthusiastically in a treatment, whereas the recalcitrant client will resist therapeutic interventions.Example: Now I look back and wonder why I put up with so much, why I was so acquiescent.

Obediente synonyms

compliant in spanish: obediente, pronunciation: kəmplaɪənt part of speech: adjective dutiful in spanish: obediente, pronunciation: dutifəl part of speech: adjective acquiescent in spanish: condescendiente, pronunciation: ækwiesənt part of speech: adjective biddable in spanish: dócil, pronunciation: bɪdəbəl part of speech: adjective conformable in spanish: conforme, pronunciation: kənfɔrməbəl part of speech: adjective duteous in spanish: obediente, pronunciation: dutiəs part of speech: adjective
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