Navaja in english


pronunciation: reɪzɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

navaja1 = penknife [penknives, pl.] ; buck knife ; pocket knife ; razor ; switchblade ; flick-blade (knife) ; folding-blade (knife) ; folding knife ; jackknife ; clasp knife. 

Example: The exhibition 'Out of the woodwork: On the history of tartanware' displays boxes, frames, penknives and other objects decorated with a distinctive tartan pattern and manufactured in Scotland in the 19th c.Example: This tradition of given a young man a buck knife to welcome him into manhood is now somewhat archaic.Example: Police say the two were arguing when Lovato allegedly stabbed the man with a pocket knife.Example: His teeth grew into razor fangs with two large incisors sticking out above the rest like a wolf.Example: California has strict laws regulating the sale and possession of switchblades.Example: He shot the man in self-defence after he was threatened with a flick-blade knife.Example: He stole $200 in cash and a checkbook from a woman by threatening her with a folding-blade knife.Example: The victim was stabbed with a folding knife at a factory warehouse.Example: Two men -- one allegedly armed with a wooden club, the other with a jackknife -- were arrested early yesterday morning on assault and battery.Example: She suffered numerous stab wounds to the legs and torso delivered by a stranger with a clasp knife, but survived the attack.


» amenazado con una navajaat knifepoint .

Example: Police are hoping security camera images will lead them to the suspect wanted for sexually assaulting a woman at knifepoint Thursday night.

» andar por el filo de la navajabe on a razor's edge .

Example: I didn't feel threatened, but I knew that I was on a razor's edge -- I had no margin for error.

» a punta de navajaat knifepoint .

Example: Police are hoping security camera images will lead them to the suspect wanted for sexually assaulting a woman at knifepoint Thursday night.

» estar en el filo de la navajabe on a razor's edge .

Example: I didn't feel threatened, but I knew that I was on a razor's edge -- I had no margin for error.

» más afilado que una navajaas sharp as a knifeas sharp as a razor (blade) .

Example: They continued on their way until they came to a great plain covered with reeds that had great leaves on them as sharp as knives.

Example: If you gently pull your fingers up the sides of a grass leaf you'll find it's as sharp as a razor.

» navaja de afeitarrazorstraight razorcut-throat razor .

Example: His teeth grew into razor fangs with two large incisors sticking out above the rest like a wolf.

Example: Using razor strops is as important as knowing how to swipe the blade of your straight razor over your face.

Example: You can still buy cut-throat razors at boot sales and in some antique shops.

» tallar con una navajawhittle .

Example: It seems like the old pastime of sitting on the front porch whittling has officially been replaced by sitting on the couch watching TV.

navaja2 = razor clam ; razor shell. 

Example: Razor clams coated in breadcrumbs with lemon sauce and capers, potatoes and walnut vinaigrette.Example: Razor shells are deep burrowers and are rarely seen alive; when disturbed they rapidly move down deeper into the sediment.
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