Natal in english


pronunciation: neɪtɪv part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

natal = native. 

Example: During his relatively brief career as a corporate tactician, Jeff Gordon, a lanky 32-year-old who retains a touch of the 'aw shucks' manner of his native southland, has chalked up some substantial achievement.


» ciudad natalhome townhome city .

Example: It occurred to him that the library might subscribe to his boyhood home town newspaper.

Example: Lisa Woodman has been banned from every nightclub in her home city for dressing too skimpily.

» ierra natalhome ground .

Example: For many soldiers, war doesn't end just because your plane has touched down on home ground.

» país natalnative countryfatherlandmotherland .

Example: After the civil war ended, the refugees were able to return to their native country.

Example: Hitler referred to Germany as the fatherland because that's where his father came from -- his mother was Austrian.

Example: When the Second World War broke out, my motherland was arduously fighting against Japanese imperialism.

» tierra natalfatherlandmotherlandnative countrynative soilnative landhome turf .

Example: Hitler referred to Germany as the fatherland because that's where his father came from -- his mother was Austrian.

Example: When the Second World War broke out, my motherland was arduously fighting against Japanese imperialism.

Example: After the civil war ended, the refugees were able to return to their native country.

Example: I think he has captured the echoes of his native soil, but not necessarily its essence.

Example: En route to England after the funeral for her husband, she had plans to scatter his ashes in his native land.

Example: She often sets her fiction in places other than the American South, places she knows just as familiarly as her home turf, though -- namely, Italy and Canada.

Natal synonyms

indigenous in spanish: indígena, pronunciation: ɪndɪdʒənəs part of speech: adjective natural in spanish: natural, pronunciation: nætʃɜrəl part of speech: adjective endemic in spanish: endémico, pronunciation: endemɪk part of speech: adjective pure in spanish: puro, pronunciation: pjʊr part of speech: adjective local in spanish: local, pronunciation: loʊkəl part of speech: adjective domestic in spanish: nacional, pronunciation: dəmestɪk part of speech: adjective aboriginal in spanish: aborigen, pronunciation: æbɜrɪdʒənəl part of speech: adjective, noun autochthonous in spanish: autóctono, pronunciation: ɔtoʊtʃtnəs part of speech: adjective inbred in spanish: innato, pronunciation: ɪnbred part of speech: adjective homegrown in spanish: de cosecha propia, pronunciation: hoʊmgroʊn part of speech: adjective inborn in spanish: innato, pronunciation: ɪnbɔrn part of speech: adjective connatural in spanish: connatural, pronunciation: kənætʃɜrəl part of speech: adjective autochthonic in spanish: autoctona, pronunciation: ɔtoʊtʃɑnɪk part of speech: adjective autochthonal in spanish: autoctonal, pronunciation: ɔtoʊtʃhoʊnəl part of speech: adjective native-born in spanish: nativo, pronunciation: neɪtɪvbɔrn part of speech: adjective
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