Narizotas in english


pronunciation: noʊz part of speech: noun
In gestures

narizota = schnozzle ; conk. 

Example: Really, the worst that can be said about him as a pianist is that he's got a big schnozzle.Example: I really like big conks on women, not too big of course.

Narizotas synonyms

wind in spanish: viento, pronunciation: waɪnd part of speech: noun poke in spanish: meter, pronunciation: poʊk part of speech: verb, noun pry in spanish: palanca, pronunciation: praɪ part of speech: verb scent in spanish: olor, pronunciation: sent part of speech: noun nozzle in spanish: boquilla, pronunciation: nɑzəl part of speech: noun nuzzle in spanish: hocicar, pronunciation: nʌzəl part of speech: verb olfactory organ in spanish: órgano olfativo, pronunciation: oʊlfæktɜriɔrgən part of speech: noun
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