Naftalina in english


pronunciation: næfθəlin part of speech: noun
In gestures

naftalina = camphor ; napthalene. 

Example: Some health products that contain camphor and/or eucalyptus oils can cause serious health problems including seizures.Example: Poisoning from naphthalene destroys or changes red blood cells so they cannot carry oxygen.


» bola de naftalinamothballmoth crystalcamphor ball .

Example: Exposures to high concentrations of vapours of mothballs by humans, especially young children, can also result in toxicity.

Example: Materials covered in this booklet include: aerosols; deodorizers; cleaners; drain cleaners; fingernail polish/remover; handcleaners; moth crystals; oven cleaners; and wood preservatives.

Example: Instead of forking out lots of money on specialist products she has now started to use camphor balls, or mothballs as they are also better known.
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