Música in english


pronunciation: mjuzɪk part of speech: noun
In gestures

música = music. 

Example: Music can include a variety of forms, such as works about musicians and music, music scores and recordings.


» adaptar a la músicaset to + music .

Example: These include: continuations and sequels; supplements; indexes; concordances; incidental music to dramatic works; cadenzas; scenarios; screenplays, and so on; choreographies; librettos and other texts set to music.

» amante de la músicamusic enthusiast .

Example: I say the above with love and joy because I'm a music enthusiast and there ain't nothin' wrong with that!.

» banda de músicabandmusical bandmarching bandbrass bandmusic band .

Example: A condensed score is the score of an orchestral or band work reduce to two, three, or four staves as required.

Example: Glasgow has produced many famous musical bands, including Simple Minds, Texas, Wet Wet Wet, Del Amitri, Lulu and Primal Scream.

Example: Activities included a procession of floats, marching bands, stalls, displays and cultural activities = Las actividades incluyeron una procesion de carrozas, bandas de música, puestos de venta, exposiciones y actividades culturales.

Example: The film seemed like a cross between theatrics and hippiedom, including the disembowelment of a bull, a unison hooting of brass bands, and the creation of paintings by dripping blood onto white surfaces.

Example: Some people criticize this music band but yet this is a really famous music band with a good number of hits songs.

» banda de música militarmilitary brass band .

Example: Military brass bands were an important part of the urban colonial soundscape in Africa, especially in colonies with large numbers of European settlers.

» biblioteca de músicamusic library .

Example: A music library is a good example of an environment where an array of physical forms is available.

» biblioteca especializada en músicamusic library .

Example: A music library is a good example of an environment where an array of physical forms is available.

» cadena de músicasound systemhi-fi system .

Example: Most of the money meant for repairs eventually went towards redecorating the church and buying a new sound system.

Example: It's tempting to splurge on a new hi-fi system or head out on a shopping spree, but the smart option might be to pay off an existing debt.

» CD de músicamusic CD .

Example: In the video rental section, shoppers can find films next to their respective books and soundtracks, and titles on music and musicians are alongside related music CDs.

» colección de músicamusic collection .

Example: There are 'tool' libraries, which distribute hoes and rakes and things like that, and there are library 'reading hours', and chess clubs, and music and art collections, and of course there is plenty of computer and Internet activity in libraries now.

» colección de música popularpopular music collection .

Example: Performing artist and radio show host Ian Whitcomb expresses his misgivings over donating his popular music collection to libraries.

» comercio de la músicamusic trade .

Example: The article 'Music to our ears?' compares the book and music trades suggesting that music retailing can offer many useful similarities and pointers.

» compañía de música rockrock company .

Example: This article briefly describes the development of rock video since the 1950s and the types of video the rock companies now market.

» concierto de músicamusical concertmusic concert .

Example: This article discusses the role of musical concerts in libraries and gives an account of a number of instances where libraries promote musical events.

Example: The author describes the success of a library in staging a series of music concerts as a public relations exercise.

» concurso de músicamusic competition .

Example: A programme of festivities and events has been organized with music and dance competitions and a party with live bands, discos and other attractions.

» conjunto de músicamusical band .

Example: Glasgow has produced many famous musical bands, including Simple Minds, Texas, Wet Wet Wet, Del Amitri, Lulu and Primal Scream.

» conservatorio de músicamusic academyconservatoiremusic conservatorymusic conservatoire .

Example: Suitable contacts include adult education centres, universities, music academies, the press, schools and local opera houses.

Example: The author discusses membership of the consortium of music conservatoires and outlines management and cataloguing issues.

Example: This paper describes the provision of library services to performing musicians in a music conservatory.

Example: The article is entitled 'Side-by-side: collaboration between professional orchestras and music conservatoires'.

» crítica de músicamusic review .

Example: The data base contains audio listings, music reviews, music samples, images and articles about recordings and the music industry.

» crítico de músicamusic critic .

Example: The writer explains how he earned a poison-pen reputation as dance and music critic at the Los Angeles Times.

» descarga de músicamusic download .

Example: Music Web sites are ubiquitous and music downloads, such as MP3, are a major source of Web traffic.

» desde el punto de vista de la músicamusically .

Example: The author maintains that, aside from increasing computational speed, and thus real-time control, musically no advances have been made.

» director de músicamusic director .

Example: Our Choral Society was created when a group of singers persuaded a gifted choirmaster and music director to lead them on an adventure in music and voice.

» enamorado de la músicamusic enthusiast .

Example: I say the above with love and joy because I'm a music enthusiast and there ain't nothin' wrong with that!.

» entusiasta de la músicamusic enthusiast .

Example: I say the above with love and joy because I'm a music enthusiast and there ain't nothin' wrong with that!.

» equipo de músicahome stereo systemstereo system .

Example: The signals that can be viewed with an oscilloscope or be made audible with a home stereo system.

Example: DVD players, CD players, speakers and cassette decks that have provisions for expanding a stereo system into a complete home theater are the recommended best buys.

» estrella de la música poppop star .

Example: The pop star who perhaps cannot write at all can still be the 'author' of a ghosted autobiography.

» estudio de músicamusic studio .

Example: The building has two levels, the first being a café where people can sit and hang out with some finger food whereas the upper storey is a music studio.

» festival de músicamusic festival .

Example: Despite its low international profile, Danish music is always in evidence in music catalogues and at music festivals.

» festival de música poppop festival .

Example: The librarian searching for material on pop festivals who finds three substantial reports listed in the annual Government publications may be hard put to explain why he looked in such an apparently unlikely source.

» grabación de banda de músicaband recording .

Example: This article describes the transfer of the Frank E. McGrann collection of early 20th century band recordings from the Shadek-Fackenthal Library to the University of Maryland.

» grabaciones de músicamusic recordings .

Example: One of the most daunting aspect of music cataloguing arises from the fact that music and music recordings have international value.

» grupo de músicamusic group .

Example: Over the years, we've seen several big music groups break up for reasons which they don't normally make known to the public.

» hacer músicamake + music .

Example: She was one of a kind and we were fortunate to have had the chance to make music with her.

» instrumento o intérprete de la músicaexecutant .

Example: Type of executant, size or complexity of executant body, accompanying executant, original executant (for arrangements).

» interpretar músicaperform + music .

Example: ASCAP has suggested that the libraries in question may have violated the copyright laws because they neglected to obtain permission from copyright owners to perform the music included in their events.

» leer músicaread + music .

Example: None of them read music so they have had to learn it parrot-fashion but they sound really good.

» letra de la músicamusic lyrics .

Example: This article discusses the pressure for record companies and libraries to label pop music lyrics as 'explicit' and the range of content covered by this term.

» leyenda de la músicamusic legend .

Example: From suicide to auto accidents and airplane crashes, these music legends died before their time.

» mención específica del formato de música impresamusical presentation statement [Término o frase que se encuentra en la fuente principal de información de la música impresa indicando la presentación física de la música (por ej., partitura, partitura abreviada, partitura y partes)] .

Example: The musical presentation statement is a term or phrase found in the chief source of information of a publication of printed music or a music manuscript that indicates the physical presentation of the music.

» mundo de la música, elmusic world, the .

Example: This index facilitates access to information about musicians and other members of the music world.

» mundo de la música popular, elTin Pan Alley .

Example: The 1920s and 1930s have come to stand out as the golden age of the Tin Pan Alley song.

» mundo de la música rock, elrock world, the .

Example: I can hardly believe you've got a brother who's such a big cheese in the rock world.

» música ambientalambient music .

Example: In ambient music, sound becomes an extension of a neurolinguistic relationship between humans and the environment.

» música blueblues music .

Example: The author provides a thumbnail sketch of the popularity of blues music, followed by a description of scholarly and critical literature devoted to the music.

» música boogieboogie .

Example: He had a boogie style that no one else could play.

» música celestialmusic to + Posesivo + ears [Generalmente usado en la expresión "It sounds like music to + Posesivo + ears" (ser algo muy agradable de oír)] .

Example: The article 'Music to our ears?' compares the book and music trades suggesting that music retailing can offer many useful similarities and pointers.

» música contemporáneacontemporary music .

Example: Contemporary music is most bearable when it is soft and short = La música contemporánea es más llevadera cuando es suave y no dura mucho.

» música coralchoral music .

Example: This article describes the collection of published and manuscript, choral and instrumental music held at Lichfield Cathedral, UK.

» música countrycountry musichillbilly musiccountry and western music .

Example: Sometimes described as a 'bootleg' preacher, Will Campbell professes a great love and affection for country music.

Example: The term hillbilly music was at one time considered an acceptable name for what is now known as country and western music.

Example: The term hillbilly music was at one time considered an acceptable name for what is now known as country and western music.

» música de acompañamientobacking track .

Example: The audio includes demos and backing tracks so you can play along with every example.

» música de alta fidelidadhi-fi music .

Example: This rate is well in excess of the theoretically necessary rate of 320 kbit/s necessary to reproduce hi-fi music.

» música de bailedance music .

Example: Scores include motets, passion music, settings of Latin odes, dance music, lieder and madrigals.

» música de cámarachamber music .

Example: Completed bibliographies covering Australian compositions have appeared on: instrumental and chamber music; orchestral music; keyboard music; vocal and choral music; dramatic music.

» música de circocircus music .

Example: The author outline of the history of circus music and drinking songs in the US, accompanied by a bibliography.

» música de cowboyswestern dance .

Example: Small wonder then that western dance classes in the city are brimming with corporates learning to shake a leg and get rid of accumulated stress.

» música de discotecadisco .

Example: In future, this publishing house will explore other subjects within the popular culture sphere, including the UFO phenomenon and widely derided music genres like heavy metal, disco and rap.

» música de fondobackground music .

Example: The background music is sung by the stars of the show, with each singing a different verse.

» música del oestewestern dance .

Example: Small wonder then that western dance classes in the city are brimming with corporates learning to shake a leg and get rid of accumulated stress.

» música de los BeatlesBeatlemusik .

Example: The legitimate yardstick against which to evaluate 'Beatlemusik' is not, pace Paul Johnson, Beethoven's last quartets, but other contemporary popular music.

» música de marchamarch music .

Example: The true 'march music era' existed from 1850 to 1940s as it slowly became shadowed by the coming of jazz.

» música de obra de teatrostage music .

Example: Certain areas of music geography have been almost ignored: geographic mapping of music styles, the geography of ethnic music, religious and martial music, and stage and film music.

» música de orquestaorchestral music [Música compuesta para ser interpretada por una orquesta musical] .

Example: If you are looking for books about humor in orchestral music, you can combine these two lists.

» música de rhythm and bluesrhythm and blues music .

Example: Incredibly, for instance, there are still no direct and specific LC headings for FAMILY PLANNING (which is not synonymous with Birth control), COUNTER-CULTURE, ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES, rhythm and blues music, REGGAE MUSIC, FOOD CO-OPS, or MEN'S LIBERATION.

» música de tecladokeyboard music .

Example: Completed bibliographies covering Australian compositions have appeared on: instrumental and chamber music; orchestral music; keyboard music; vocal and choral music; dramatic music.

» música digitaldigital music .

Example: The article is entitled 'The big bumpy shift: digital music via the Internet'.

» música discodisco .

Example: In future, this publishing house will explore other subjects within the popular culture sphere, including the UFO phenomenon and widely derided music genres like heavy metal, disco and rap.

» música dramáticadramatic music .

Example: Completed bibliographies covering Australian compositions have appeared on: instrumental and chamber music; orchestral music; keyboard music; vocal and choral music; dramatic music.

» música eclesiásticachurch music .

Example: The decline of the pipe organ was particularly surprising given Italy's history as the epicentre of church music.

» música en directolive bandlive music .

Example: A programme of festivities and events has been organized with music and dance competitions and a party with live bands, discos and other attractions.

Example: There are plenty of places where one can find a comfortable place to sit, have a drink and listen to live music.

» música en vivolive musiclive band .

Example: There are plenty of places where one can find a comfortable place to sit, have a drink and listen to live music.

Example: A programme of festivities and events has been organized with music and dance competitions and a party with live bands, discos and other attractions.

» música espiritual negragospel music .

Example: There is now an even better (or worse) example that supplants rock music as the classical example of, not cultural lag, but musical lag, and that's gospel music or GOSPEL SONGS, which has just now been established.

» música étnicaethnic music .

Example: Certain areas of music geography have been almost ignored: geographic mapping of music styles, the geography of ethnic music, religious and martial music, and stage and film music.

» música funkfunk .

Example: She brought the house down with her special blend of reggae, funk and R&B.

» música grabadarecorded music .

Example: Even in small communities each item of recorded music is, on average, used more than each book.

» música incidentalincidental music [Música generalmente para orquesta, escrita para ser interpretada en combinación con una obra escénica] .

Example: These include: continuations and sequels; supplements; indexes; concordances; incidental music to dramatic works; cadenzas; scenarios; screenplays, and so on; choreographies; librettos and other texts set to music.

» música instrumentalinstrumental music .

Example: This article describes the collection of published and manuscript, choral and instrumental music held at Lichfield Cathedral, UK.

» música litúrgicaliturgical music .

Example: The recent success of recordings of Slavic liturgical music pose problems for cataloguers because the majority of them are not familiar with the services and terminology.

» música militarmartial music .

Example: Certain areas of music geography have been almost ignored: geographic mapping of music styles, the geography of ethnic music, religious and martial music, and stage and film music.

» música modernabeat music .

Example: Librarians defend the loan of beat music to young people, but stress the need for availability of all genres.

» música para laúdlute-playing .

Example: The theoretical texts include important works on lute-playing.

» música poppop music .

Example: Music videos are promotions for pop music; many contain several video clips.

» música popularpopular music .

Example: A survey of music librarians was carried out to investigate the role of the Institute of popular music, UK, as a source of information on popular music.

» música raprap music .

Example: Her essay examines works which may be used to develop a core collection of rap music.

» música reggaereggae music .

Example: Incredibly, for instance, there are still no direct and specific LC headings for FAMILY PLANNING (which is not synonymous with Birth control), COUNTER-CULTURE, ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES, RHYTHM AND BLUES MUSIC, reggae music, FOOD CO-OPS, or MEN'S LIBERATION.

» música religiosareligious music .

Example: Certain areas of music geography have been almost ignored: geographic mapping of music styles, the geography of ethnic music, religious and martial music, and stage and film music.

» música rockrock musicrock .

Example: When Ed Blume was asked at a meeting about LC's failure to have established a heading for rock music for so long, he remarked: 'Today's horse may be tomorrow's carrion'.

Example: Craig wants to listen to rock while girlfriend Charlotte likes dance music.

» música sacrapassion music .

Example: Scores include motets, passion music, settings of Latin odes, dance music, lieder and madrigals.

» música sinfónicasymphonic music .

Example: This concert will feature some of the world's best known symphonic music enhanced with video imagery and stunning lighting effects.

» música skiffleskiffle .

Example: Skiffle took off thanks to the growing availability of cheap acoustic guitars and the novelty appeal of home-made instruments.

» música vocalvocal music .

Example: Completed bibliographies covering Australian compositions have appeared on: instrumental and chamber music; orchestral music; keyboard music; vocal and choral music; dramatic music.

» práctica de músicamusic-making .

Example: The municipal library stocks 5,000 scores emphasising domestic music-making.

» relacionado con la músicamusic related [music-related] .

Example: The author outlines music related retail and mail order company sites, and miscellaneous sites of interest to musicians.

» ser como música para + Posesivo + oídosbe like music to + Posesivo + ears .

Example: The way his words roll off the tip of his tongue is like music to her ears.

» sonar como música para + Posesivo + oídossound like + music to + Posesivo + ears .

Example: Make sure that what you say on a first date sounds like music to her ears, not screeching brakes.

» subir el volumen a la músicaturn + the music up .

Example: When I'm completely alone, I just turn the music up and sing my heart out.

» tener (buen) oído para la músicahave + a (good) ear for music .

Example: For such students who have an ear for music, it is equally important that they must visualize the fingering of the piece of music on the keyboard.

» teoría de la músicatheory of music .

Example: Her book will be extremely interesting to all who have studied harmony and the theory of music.

» tienda de músicamusic store .

Example: One thing that is for certain is that the loss affects musicians, sound technicians, recording studios, and music stores.

» tocar músicaplay + music .

Example: You touch the illustration and the book begins to softly play the music, the score on the page moving to keep up with the notes.

» vídeo de música rockrock video .

Example: This article briefly describes the development of rock video since the 1950s and the types of video the rock companies now market.

Música synonyms

medicine in spanish: medicina, pronunciation: medəsən part of speech: noun euphony in spanish: eufonía, pronunciation: jufəni part of speech: noun sheet music in spanish: partitura, pronunciation: ʃitmjuzɪk part of speech: noun
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