Músculo in english


pronunciation: mʌsəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

músculo = muscle. 

Example: In reading crazes a child is exercising at the very least his ability to read; his reading muscles are limbered = In reading crazes a child is exercising at the very least his ability to read; his reading muscles are limbered.


» exhibir músculoflex + Posesivo + muscles .

Example: The article 'Flexing a different set of muscles' is an interview with David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker, who has been, wrongly, portrayed as a low key intellectual with little appetite for the limelight.

» músculo abdominalabdominal muscleab muscle .

Example: Much of the fat in a man's paunch is under the abdominal muscles, exactly at his centre of gravity.

Example: The ab muscles are what really identify someone who is serious about their fitness and diet plan.

» músculo del recto abdominalrectus muscle .

Example: The superior and inferior rectus muscles turn the eye upwards, and downwards, the lateral and medial ones turn it outwards and inwards.

» músculo esqueléticoskeletal musclemuscular-skeletalmusculoeskeletal .

Example: Muscular dystrophy refers to a group of genetic diseases that cause progressive weakness and degeneration of skeletal muscles.

Example: This article discusses some of the muscular-skeletal injuries that can be caused by operating computers in libraries such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI).

Example: The questionnaires are based on previous published research studies of musculoskeletal discomfort among office workers.

» músculo esternocleidomastoideosternocleidomastoid muscle .

Example: The sternocleidomastoid muscle can be responsible for pain throughout the head, face, neck area.

» músculo esternomastoideosternomastoid muscle .

Example: The most common cause of torticollis is tightness and shortening of one sternomastoid muscle, a condition that occurs in about 0.4% of all births.

» músculosbrawn .

Example: News of boundless timber reserves spread, and before long lumberjacks from the thinning hardwood forests of New England swarmed into the uncharted area with no other possessions than their axes and brawn and the clothing they wore.

» músculos escalenosscalene muscles .

Example: The scalene muscles are three paired muscles of differing lengths.

» músculos pectoralespecspectoral muscles .

Example: When Bruce Lee started whooping ass with his shirt off, it wasn't so you could admire his pecs.

Example: Well-built and lean pectoral muscles are regarded as a sign of strength and a symbol of virility in men.

» que fuerza los músculosmuscle-straining .

Example: Principal ergonomic issues identified were screen glare, furniture promoting muscle-straining work postures, and insufficient work surfaces.

» sistema músculo esqueléticomusculoeskeletal system .

Example: Your body's musculoskeletal system is made up of your bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves.

» trastorno músculo esqueléticomusculoeskeletal disorder .

Example: Pain is the most common symptom of most musculoskeletal disorders.

Músculo synonyms

sinew in spanish: tendón, pronunciation: sɪnu part of speech: noun brawn in spanish: queso de cerdo, pronunciation: brɔn part of speech: noun musculus in spanish: musculo, pronunciation: mʌskjələs part of speech: noun muscular tissue in spanish: Tejido muscular, pronunciation: mʌskjəlɜrtɪsju part of speech: noun
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