Múltiple in english


pronunciation: mʌltəpəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

múltiple = manifold ; multifarious ; multiple ; multi-fold ; multipronged [multi-pronged] ; several. 

Example: Title indexes, despite their manifold weaknesses, have two important points in their favour which make them attractive for some library and information applications.Example: In the case of the book, it is the interplay of such multifarious trends that will determine its destiny.Example: A dual dictionary, as distinct from card-based indexes, can be produced in multiple copies.Example: The novelty of this service is multi-fold.Example: This quarterly theme-based publication was launched as part of a multipronged effort connect research and practice in the field of adult education.Example: There may be several entries per document, or merely one.


» acceso múltiplemultiple access [Expresión utilizada para referirse a la posibilidad de acceder a un registro biblográfico por varios de sus elementos, como pueden ser el autor, título, materia, etc] .

Example: Because the catalogue can contain more than one substitute for each document it is said to allow for multiple access to documents -- ie access via all the different characteristics by which a document is liable to be sought and which define its class membership.

» análisis de regresión múltiplemultiple regression analysis .

Example: This study uses multiple regression analysis to investigate the determinants of the variations in prices for a random sample of 439 periodicals.

» búsqueda en múltiples bases de datoscross database searching .

Example: There is a need for cross data base searching by software modification, standardisation of field names and search qualifiers.

» búsqueda en múltiples ficheroscross-file searching .

Example: The useful feature of Dialog's OneSearch cross-file searching capability are described in the light of experience gained in its use at Portland State University.

» causar heridas múltiplescause + multiple injuries .

Example: This is because car accidents often occur at high velocities causing multiple injuries.

» causar lesiones múltiplescause + multiple injuries .

Example: This is because car accidents often occur at high velocities causing multiple injuries.

» colisión múltiplepile-up .

Example: Some vehicle occupants choose to get out of their vehicles during a pile-up, making them vulnerable to oncoming vehicles.

» colisión múltiple de tráficotraffic pile-up .

Example: A naked sunbather caused a traffic pile-up after her bare bum distracted ogling drivers.

» concepto de múltiples palabrasmultiple-word concept .

Example: Tagging also caters well for multiple-word concepts.

» conversación telefónica múltipletelephone conferencing [Conversación telefónica en la que pueden participar varios abonados hablando cada uno desde su teléfono respectivo] .

Example: One service of particular interest to many organizations with office or branches on distant sites is telephone conferencing.

» de conceptos múltiplesmultiple-concept .

Example: These multiple-concept terms yield greater precision, but are associated with a rather larger indexing language and a higher likelihood of harmful scatter.

» de múltiples palabrasmultiple-word .

Example: Tagging also caters well for multiple-word concepts.

» de uso múltipleall-purpose .

Example: In UDC the colon has to act as an 'all purpose' facet indicator to a very large extent.

» entrada múltiplemultiple entry .

Example: In catalogues there are two possible approaches to the provision of multiple entries for one work.

» esclerosis múltiplemultiple sclerosis (MS) .

Example: This is a study of the nature of information needed by women with multiple sclerosis.

» heridas múltiplesmultiple injuries .

Example: When coding multiple injuries such as fracture of tibia and fibula, assign separate codes for each injury unless a combination code is provided.

» lector múltiple de CD-ROMjukebox [En tecnología de la información, aparato que permite consultar varios discos CD-ROM a la vez] .

Example: The introduction of jukeboxes, daisy chaining, multiple access, multi-media systems and other advances will make CD-ROMs and CD-ROM data bases even more attractive to users.

» lesiones múltiplesmultiple injuries .

Example: When coding multiple injuries such as fracture of tibia and fibula, assign separate codes for each injury unless a combination code is provided.

» ocasionar heridas múltiplescause + multiple injuries .

Example: This is because car accidents often occur at high velocities causing multiple injuries.

» ocasionar lesiones múltiplescause + multiple injuries .

Example: This is because car accidents often occur at high velocities causing multiple injuries.

» paginación múltiplecomplex pagination [Utilización de más de tres secuencias de numeración de páginas, hojas o columnas en un documento] .

Example: The use of more than three sequences of pagination, leaves or columns in a document is known as complex pagination.

» personalidad múltiplesplit personalitymultiple personality .

Example: The term 'split personality,' denoting schizophrenia, refers to an disorder in which the split (separation) is between thought and feeling.

Example: In the 1950s, the phenomenon of multiple personalities came to the attention of the general public in the form of a motion picture called 'The Three Faces of Eve'.

» provocar heridas múltiplescause + multiple injuries .

Example: This is because car accidents often occur at high velocities causing multiple injuries.

» provocar lesiones múltiplescause + multiple injuries .

Example: This is because car accidents often occur at high velocities causing multiple injuries.

» regresión múltiplemultiple regression .

Example: In order to test the robustness of their univariate and multivariate tests, multiple regressions were performed on 3 criteria: scientific productivity, citation impact, and individual performance index.

» sistema de entrada múltiplemultiple entry system .

Example: The best remedy for distributed relatives in catalogues is to be found in multiple entry systems.

» sufrir heridas múltiplessustain + multiple injuries .

Example: A maintenance worker is in stable condition after becoming trapped under a luggage carousel and sustaining multiple injuries.

» sufrir lesiones múltiplessustain + multiple injuries .

Example: A maintenance worker is in stable condition after becoming trapped under a luggage carousel and sustaining multiple injuries.

» término compuesto de conceptos múltiplesmultiple-concept term .

Example: These multiple-concept terms yield greater precision, but are associated with a rather larger indexing language and a higher likelihood of harmful scatter.

» unidad de archivos de ordenador múltiplesmulti-file item [Unidad bibliográfica que contiene más de un archivo de ordenador] .

Example: A multifile item is a bibliographic entity that consists of more than one machine-readable data file.

Múltiple synonyms

aggregate in spanish: agregar, pronunciation: ægrəgət part of speech: noun, adjective fold in spanish: doblez, pronunciation: foʊld part of speech: noun, verb double in spanish: doble, pronunciation: dʌbəl part of speech: adjective manifold in spanish: colector, pronunciation: mænəfoʊld part of speech: adjective, noun binary in spanish: binario, pronunciation: baɪnɜri part of speech: noun, adjective dual in spanish: doble, pronunciation: duəl part of speech: adjective triple in spanish: triple, pronunciation: trɪpəl part of speech: adjective, noun multi in spanish: multi, pronunciation: mʌlti part of speech: adjective treble in spanish: triplicar, pronunciation: trebəl part of speech: adjective, noun twofold in spanish: doble, pronunciation: tufoʊld part of speech: adjective duplex in spanish: dúplex, pronunciation: dupleks part of speech: noun multiplex in spanish: multicine, pronunciation: mʌltipleks part of speech: noun quadruple in spanish: cuadruplicar, pronunciation: kwɑdrupəl part of speech: adjective, noun, verb quintuple in spanish: quintuplicar, pronunciation: kwɪntupəl part of speech: adjective duple in spanish: duple, pronunciation: dʌpəl part of speech: adjective quaternary in spanish: cuaternario, pronunciation: kwɑtɜrneri part of speech: adjective, noun triune in spanish: trino, pronunciation: traɪən part of speech: adjective ternary in spanish: ternario, pronunciation: tɜrneri part of speech: adjective threefold in spanish: triple, pronunciation: θrifoʊld part of speech: adjective triplex in spanish: triple, pronunciation: trɪpleks part of speech: adjective tenfold in spanish: décuplo, pronunciation: tenfoʊld part of speech: adverb doubled in spanish: doblado, pronunciation: dʌbəld part of speech: adjective octuple in spanish: óctuple, pronunciation: ɑktupəl part of speech: adjective sextuple in spanish: séxtuplo, pronunciation: sekstəpəl part of speech: adjective fourfold in spanish: cuádruple, pronunciation: fɔrfoʊld part of speech: adjective nonuple in spanish: nonuple, pronunciation: nɑnjəpəl part of speech: adjective sevenfold in spanish: siete veces, pronunciation: sevənfoʊld part of speech: adjective fivefold in spanish: cinco veces, pronunciation: faɪvfoʊld part of speech: adjective denary in spanish: denario, pronunciation: dɪneri part of speech: adjective ninefold in spanish: nueve veces, pronunciation: nɪnfoʊld part of speech: adjective, adverb septuple in spanish: séptuplo, pronunciation: septupəl part of speech: adjective quadruplicate in spanish: cuadruplicado, pronunciation: kwɑdrʌpləkət part of speech: noun, adjective sixfold in spanish: seis veces, pronunciation: sɪksfoʊld part of speech: adjective eightfold in spanish: ocho veces, pronunciation: eɪtfoʊld part of speech: adjective bigeminal in spanish: bigeminal, pronunciation: bɪdʒəmaɪnəl part of speech: adjective quaternate in spanish: cuaternario, pronunciation: kwɔtɜrneɪt part of speech: adjective
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