Móvil in english


pronunciation: moʊbəl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

móvil1 = cellular phone ; cell phone ; mobile. 

Example: By the end of 1992 there were more than 10 million cellular phone users in the US.Example: The particular issue has to do with pagers and cell phones going off in a public library and the need for a policy to control the situation.Example: Almost half of drivers are illegally using their mobiles behind the wheel, research has shown.


» adaptado a móvilesmobile responsivemobile adaptive .

Example: Mobile responsive websites are the latest web technology that creates a seamless users experience across all platforms in one website.

Example: Every website needs to be mobile adaptive, these days the amount of people using mobile or tablets to seek information on the web has reached an almost 50:50 balance.

» antena de telefonía móvilcellular antenna .

Example: Telephone companies put hundreds of cellular antennas in metropolitan areas so you are theoretically never out of range of a receiver.

» mercado de telefonía móvilmobile telephone market .

Example: The author attempts to identify the determinants of subscriber churn and customer loyalty in the mobile telephony market.

» móvil con cámaracameraphone .

Example: Picture quality is utterly shite due to use of a cameraphone.

» red de telefonía móvilmobile network .

Example: 77% of the world's population lives within range of a mobile network.

» servicio de telefonía móvilmobile telephone servicemobile phone service .

Example: Mobile telephone service is the fastest-growing technology in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Example: The EU has started to clamp down on websites offering mobile phone services after more than half were found to be in breach of EU consumer laws.

» tecnología móvilcellular technologymobile technology .

Example: The article is entitled 'Online without the line: cellular technology for searching on the go'.

Example: She is not exactly sold on the idea that mobile technology will make online music a profitable business, when so many people have become used to getting their music free.

» teléfono móvilmobile phonemobile telephonecellular telephone .

Example: An Australian respondent earned AUD 105,000 but pointed out this was part of a package which came with a car, free petrol, mobile phone, part home phone bill paid, business class travel, etc..

Example: This article considers the extent and cost of mobile telephone crime and fraud, how it is perpetrated, and the potential measures to stop it.

Example: This article describes Bloomington (Illinois) Public Library's (BPL) experience with bookmobile on-line circulation via cellular telephone.

» zombie del (teléfono) móvilsmombie [Palabra compuesta de la fusión de smartphone y zombie y que se utiliza para referirse a las personas que están tan concentradas en el uso del teléfono móvil que no le prestan atención a lo que está ocurriendo alrededor, especialmente al caminar]smartphone zombie [Palabra que da lugar al compuesto smombie (fusión de smartphone y zombie) y que se utiliza para referirse a las personas que están tan concentradas en el uso del teléfono móvil que no le prestan atención a lo que está ocurriendo alrededor, especialmente al caminar] .

Example: Recent research estimates that 10% of emergency cases that reach hospitals is smombies.

Example: Beware of the 'Smombies' -- the rude and careless smartphone zombies who are destroying human interaction.

móvil2 = mobile. 

Example: The aim of the scheme is to organise a central pool of library displays (posters, polystyrene cutouts, mobiles, letter sets etc.) = The aim of the scheme is to organise a central pool of library displays (posters, polystyrene cutouts, mobiles, letter sets etc.).


» estantería móvilmovable shelving [Estantería sobre ruedas que se desplaza por raíles y que se utiliza para conservar espacio] .

Example: Until recently movable shelving was used mainly in closed access stacks, but since some systems can be operated safely by anyone, it is being used increasingly in open access stacks.

» expositores móvilesmobile racking .

Example: This article describes the main options available (filing cabinets, open shelving, cabinets, carousels, mobile racking, rotary storage) and assesses how these can be applied.

» teléfono móvilmobile phonemobile telephonecellular telephone .

Example: An Australian respondent earned AUD 105,000 but pointed out this was part of a package which came with a car, free petrol, mobile phone, part home phone bill paid, business class travel, etc..

Example: This article considers the extent and cost of mobile telephone crime and fraud, how it is perpetrated, and the potential measures to stop it.

Example: This article describes Bloomington (Illinois) Public Library's (BPL) experience with bookmobile on-line circulation via cellular telephone.

móvil3 = mobile ; movable ; moveable ; moving ; roving. 

Example: One of the most cited shortcomings of mobile advice centres, that their conspicuousness deters people from using them, does not seem to have been a problem.Example: A mock-up is a representation of a device or process that usually has movable parts that can be manipulated.Example: Furniture which traditionally has been conceived as 'fixed' or 'built in' is demountable and moveable.Example: For one, the record is made by a moving beam of electrons rather than a moving pointer, for the reason that an electron beam can sweep across the picture very rapidly indeed.Example: He conducted the morning sessions as if he were a roving talk show host.


» biblioteca móvilbookmobile [Biblioteca, a veces dependiente de una biblioteca pública, que se sirve de un vehículo equipado especialmente para facilitar el acceso a lectores que normalmente por razón de distancia no tienen acceso a una biblioteca]mobile library [Biblioteca, a veces dependiente de una biblioteca pública, que se sirve de un vehículo equipado especialmente para facilitar el acceso a lectores que normalmente por razón de distancia no tienen acceso a una biblioteca]mobile .

Example: A bookmobile is a library, sometimes a division of a public library, using a vehicle specially equipped and furnished to provide documents direct to the users who usually, by reason of distance, do not have easy access to library premises.

Example: A mobile library is a library, sometimes a division of a public library, using a vehicle specially equipped and furnished to provide documents direct to the users who usually, by reason of distance, do not have easy access to library premises.

Example: Many of the surviving mobiles are becoming obsolete or are no longer roadworthy.

» biblioteca móvil en tráilertrailer library .

Example: With the exception of trailer libraries, mobile library stops are usually of too short a duration to allow for anything other than book lending transaction.

» blanco móvilmoving target .

Example: Pandemic preparedness is a moving target -- you need to keep adjusting your expectations and preparations as the situation changes around you.

» casa móvilmobile home .

Example: The cost of buying the home itself, combined with the cost of renting the site, most often makes even mobile homes less than affordable without a subsidy.

» encuentro de bibliotecas móvilesmobile meet .

Example: This article describes the 1st Mobile Meet in New Zealand which was held in Palmerston.

» escala móvilsliding scale .

Example: For insulin dosing, use a sliding scale based on patient weight as well as on blood sugar values.

» inmóvilimmobile .

Example: 'This man won't open his briefcase for me,' the checker answered resentfully jerking his head in the direction of Dexter Rundle, who was standing off to the side as immobile as a statue = "Este hombre se niega a abrir su cartera", repondió con resentimiento el inspector moviendo la cabeza de forma brusca hacia delante y hacia atrás en la dirección de Dexter Rundle, quien se mantenía a distancia en un lado tan inmóvil como una estatua.

» parque móvilcar fleetfleet .

Example: Many organizations struggle with an inefficient car fleet; service vehicles that either stand still or make too many miles.

Example: Much of the rural area is serviced by a fleet of mobile libraries.

» pasillo móviltravelator  ; moving walkwaymoving sidewalkmoving pavementwalkalator  .

Example: People on travelators actually tend to slow their pace, making time-savings minimal, and a new study helps to explain why.

Example: As airports and shopping malls grow ever larger, the need for moving walkways has grown.

Example: Now first of all, this was 1968; moving sidewalks hadn't even been invented yet.

Example: The only thing that is left to be decided is the type of moving pavement to be used.

Example: This is the same airport which hit the headlines earlier this month when the country's first walkalator opened for passenger use.

» rampa móvilmoving ramp .

Example: Access to the mall from the car park should have moving ramps instead of stairs as a large number of the public will not use lifts = El acceso al centro comercial desde el aparcamiento debería tener rampas mecánicas en vez de escaleras ya que un elevado número de personas prefieren no utilizar los ascensores.

» reunión de bibliotecas móvilesmobilemeet .

Example: Public response was good and the vehicle was voted Best Mobile Library at the 1995 Mobilemeet.

» tipo móvilmoveable type .

Example: Pictures were printed both from relief woodcuts and from intaglio copperplates before moveable type was invented.

» tipos móvilesmovable type .

Example: The human race has produced since the invention of movable type a total record, in the form of magazines, newspapers, advertising blurbs, correspondence.

» unidad móvilmobile unit .

Example: All mobile units should be provided with a dry powder fire extinguisher.

» zona para casas móvilesmobile home parktrailer park .

Example: Mobile home parks originally became popular among laborers flocking to urban areas for war-related employment during World War II.

Example: Tornadoes and hurricanes often inflict their worst damage on trailer parks and caravan sites, usually because the structures are not secured to the ground.

Móvil synonyms

versatile in spanish: versátil, pronunciation: vɜrsətəl part of speech: adjective fluid in spanish: fluido, pronunciation: fluəd part of speech: noun airborne in spanish: aerotransportado, pronunciation: erbɔrn part of speech: adjective ambulatory in spanish: ambulatorio, pronunciation: æmbjələtɔri part of speech: adjective moving in spanish: emocionante, pronunciation: muvɪŋ part of speech: adjective flying in spanish: volador, pronunciation: flaɪɪŋ part of speech: noun nomadic in spanish: nómada, pronunciation: noʊmædɪk part of speech: adjective floating in spanish: flotante, pronunciation: floʊtɪŋ part of speech: noun rangy in spanish: alto y delgado, pronunciation: reɪndʒi part of speech: adjective wandering in spanish: errante, pronunciation: wɑndɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective roving in spanish: errabundo, pronunciation: roʊvɪŋ part of speech: adjective peregrine in spanish: halcón peregrino, pronunciation: perəgrin part of speech: noun, adjective ambulant in spanish: flotante, pronunciation: æmbjələnt part of speech: adjective unsettled in spanish: inestable, pronunciation: ənsetəld part of speech: adjective motile in spanish: móvil, pronunciation: moʊtəl part of speech: noun, adjective changeable in spanish: cambiable, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒəbəl part of speech: adjective movable in spanish: móvil, pronunciation: muvəbəl part of speech: adjective transferable in spanish: transferible, pronunciation: trænsfɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective moveable in spanish: movible, pronunciation: muvibəl part of speech: adjective transportable in spanish: transportable, pronunciation: trænspɔrtəbəl part of speech: adjective transferrable in spanish: transferible, pronunciation: trænsfɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective waterborne in spanish: llevado por barco, pronunciation: wɔtɜrbɔrn part of speech: adjective motorized in spanish: motorizado, pronunciation: moʊtɜraɪzd part of speech: adjective mechanized in spanish: motorizado, pronunciation: mekənaɪzd part of speech: adjective seaborne in spanish: marítimo, pronunciation: sibɔrn part of speech: adjective changeful in spanish: variable, pronunciation: heɪndʒfəl part of speech: adjective maneuverable in spanish: maniobrable, pronunciation: mənuvɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective rotatable in spanish: giratorio, pronunciation: roʊtətəbəl part of speech: adjective raisable in spanish: elevable, pronunciation: reɪzəbəl part of speech: adjective perambulating in spanish: deambulando, pronunciation: pɜræmbjəleɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective transplantable in spanish: transplantable, pronunciation: trænsplæntəbəl part of speech: adjective manoeuvrable in spanish: maniobrable, pronunciation: mənoʊvrəbəl part of speech: adjective raiseable in spanish: criable, pronunciation: reɪzibəl part of speech: adjective mobile river in spanish: río móvil, pronunciation: moʊbəlrɪvɜr part of speech: noun
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