Módem in english


pronunciation: moʊdəm part of speech: noun
In gestures

módem [MOdulador-DEModulador] = modem [MOdulator-DEModulator]. 

Example: A modem is an electronic device which converts or modulates data coming from a computer into audio tunes which can be carried over normal phone lines and demodulates incoming tones from the phone line into data that can be used by the computer.


» módem de faxfax modem .

Example: There are blood pressure meters that can transfer data to physicians by fax modem.

» módem de telecomunicacionestelecommunication modem .

Example: There is, however, an increasing range of other devices to convert data to digital form: optical and magnetic document (character) readers, laser scanners, graphic tablets and digitizers, voice input devices, analogue-to-digital converters, telecommunication modems, etc.
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