Mínimo in english


pronunciation: mɪnəməm part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

mínimo = bare ; low ; minimal ; minimum ; negligible ; reduced ; baseline [base line] ; monadic ; lower bound ; razor-thin ; paltry ; measly . 

Example: Those are just the bare beginnings = Those are just the bare beginnings.Example: Carlton Duncan discussed the difficulties built into the educational processes which led to under-performance at school and the resulting low representation in higher education and low entry into the professions.Example: The intellectual input at the indexing stage is minimal, even in systems where in the interest of enhanced consistency there is some intervention at the indexing stage.Example: When used by skilled abstractors this mixture of styles can achieve the maximum transmission of information, within a minimum length.Example: Microforms are obviously very compact, and the microforms themselves occupy negligible space.Example: The model shows that market concentration rises with inelastic demand, reduced marginal costs and efficient technology.Example: This article describes the development of the first baseline inventory of information resources at the U.S.Example: Modern economic theory, with its bias in favor of atomistic or monadic analysis, fails to take into account ethical questions.Example: The resulting cost and benefit models permit estimating a lower bound on benefits and the calculations of net benefits (benefits less costs).Example: Let's not squabble about the fact that Bush actually eked out a razor-thin victory in the popular vote.Example: And there is no guarantee that any of the paltry sums of extra money available will actually benefit the workers in the recipient countries.Example: Despite the Bank of England's base rate having risen by a full percentage point, the average savings rate is still 'measly'.


» abordar una mínima parte del asuntotouch + the tip of the iceberg .

Example: From the professional point of view a MLS degree is a requirement; but these two statements only touch the tip of the iceberg.

» a la más mínima oportunidadgive + Nombre + half a chance .

Example: Most men are by nature rather perverted, and if given half a chance, would engage in quite a variety of the most revolting practices.

» alcanzar un mínimo históricoreach + an all-time lowhit + an all-time low .

Example: The U.S. birth rate reached an all-time low in 2013, as the number of babies born in the country declined for the sixth straight year since the peak in 2007.

Example: Across the country, pregnancy rates among teens of all ethnicities have hit an amazing all-time low.

» a un coste mínimoat (a) minimum cost .

Example: These are techniques that a public library can use to control on-line services and deliver them at a minimum cost.

» a un mínimo históricoat a historic low .

Example: The Queen's royal household has been told to reduce its costs and increase income after its cash reserves were found to be at a historic low.

» como mínimoat leastconservativelyat a minimum .

Example: At least one reference or added entry is usually deemed to be necessary from each of the 'secondary' concepts in the preferred order.

Example: The audit report commented upon the inadequate storage facilities available to house the national collection, conservatively estimated at a value in excess of $200 million.

Example: At a minimum, programme budgets allow us the options of reviewing and revising priorities, and making room for 'new ideas'.

» como mínimo hasta queminimally until .

Example: Presumably at least some libraries will retain this material -- minimally until it is digitized.

» con sólo una mínima idea dewith only the sketchiest idea of .

Example: It has to be admitted that experienced librarians who should know better do sometimes plunge into what are not simple searches with only the sketchiest idea of a strategy.

» con unos costes mínimoswith minimum costs .

Example: Automation of library catalogues should be done with minimum costs.

» coste mínimominimal costminimum cost .

Example: Communication will be possible at any time and at minimal cost.

Example: Careful planning is essential between all concerned, including the children, to ensure maximum interest and minimum cost.

» dar la más mínima oportunidadgive + Nombre + half a chance .

Example: Most men are by nature rather perverted, and if given half a chance, would engage in quite a variety of the most revolting practices.

» decir sin la más mínima dudasay without + (a shadow of) a doubt .

Example: I've been on many cruises and I can say without a shadow of a doubt the other cruise lines could learn a lot from the staff on this ship.

» depender del automóvil lo mínimo posiblebe car-lite .

Example: I have been car-free (not owning a car) or car-lite (owning a car but using it on a limited basis) for 14 years now.

» depender del coche lo mínimo posiblebe car-lite .

Example: I have been car-free (not owning a car) or car-lite (owning a car but using it on a limited basis) for 14 years now.

» dependiente del automóvil lo mínimo posiblecar-lite .

Example: I've recently started to live a car-lite lifestyle after buying a bike.

» dependiente del coche lo mínimo posiblecar-lite .

Example: I've recently started to live a car-lite lifestyle after buying a bike.

» derrotar por la mínimaedge + Nombre + out .

Example: In the final 30k run, Bayliss was strong enough to edge out the contenders with Alfaro San Ildefonso finishing in 2nd by 2 minutes and 37 seconds = En última prueba, la carrera de 30 kilómetros, Bayliss fue lo suficientemente fuerte para desbancar a los rivales, quedando Alfaro San Ildefonso en segundo puesto a 2 minutos y 37 segundos.

» de uso del automóvil lo mínimo posiblecar-lite .

Example: I've recently started to live a car-lite lifestyle after buying a bike.

» de uso del coche lo mínimo posiblecar-lite .

Example: I've recently started to live a car-lite lifestyle after buying a bike.

» en el más mínimo sentidoin the least respect .

Example: Freud was a despot ill-naturedly driving away anyone who in the least respect disagreed with him.

» en lo más mínimonot in the least + Nombre Negativoin the leastthe least bitin the least respect .

Example: There was nothing malevolent in her response or in her look; she simply stated it as if it was the most natural thing in the world, not in the least abnormal.

Example: I must say that their results did not surprise me in the least.

Example: He was walking jauntily, his legs just the least bit unsteady, and he began to whistle.

Example: Freud was a despot ill-naturedly driving away anyone who in the least respect disagreed with him.

» estar a bajos mínimosbe at rock bottom .

Example: I was at rock bottom, being abused by different men, drinking heavily and taking more and more drugs.

» grupo mínimo relacionadominimum zone cohort .

Example: A clustering index was introduced that relates the minimum zone cohort to the total recurring cases of a literature.

» hacer lo mínimodo + enough to get by .

Example: Some employees just put in time, doing enough to get by, but never really trying to take on responsibility or learn anything new.

» hasta el más mínimo detalle(down) to a T/tee .

Example: You may plan everything for your wedding day down to a tee, but unexpected incidents tend to always arise.

» la diferencia entre... y... es mínimathe line between ... and ... is thin .

Example: An examination of the ethics of subsidies shows how thin the line is between the practices of vanity publishers and those of some scholarly presses when it comes to financing.

» ley del mínimo esfuerzo, lapath of least resistance, theline of least resistance, the .

Example: The path of least resistance is always downhill.

Example: Too often the shortcut, the line of least resistance, is responsible for evanescent and unsatisfactory success.

» lo más mínimoso much asin the least .

Example: For instance, if children are doing a project work on dogs, they will hunt out anything and everything that so much as mentions them and the bits thus mined are assiduously transcribed into project folders.

Example: I must say that their results did not surprise me in the least.

» lo mínimobare necessities, the .

Example: The captain's living quarters in a warship were furnished according to his pocket, the bare necessities in the case of an officer without private means, and luxury for a noble or wealthy man.

» mantener Algo al mínimokeep + Nombre + at a minimum .

Example: The proposed new protocol will keep bandwidth consumption at a minimum.

» mínima partefraction .

Example: Nowadays, the quantity of new information being generated is such that no individual can hope to keep pace with even a small fraction of it.

» mínimo históricorecord lowall-time low .

Example: His popularity ratings have halved since he was elected to a new record low of 31 per cent in the wake of multiple legal and sex scandals.

Example: The more I think about the events of the last two weeks, the more I think that we're simply at an all-time low.

» nivel mínimo del agualow-water mark .

Example: The report was primarily concerned with archaeological remains situated above low-water mark.

» no acercarse lo más mínimo abe nowhere near .

Example: Alimony and child support is entirely up to the discretion of the judge and is nowhere near an equitable 50-50 split as mandated by community property laws.

» no afectar en lo más mínimobe like water off a duck's back .

Example: You may threaten your children, tell them they'll be grounded for life (or worse), and it's all like water off a duck's back.

» no ceder en lo más mínimonot budge + (an/one/single) inch [Las combinaciones normales son not budge an inch, not budge one inch, not budge a single inch y not budge one single inch]not budge + (an/one/single) iota [Las combinaciones normales son not budge an iota, not budge one iota, not budge a single iota y not budge one single iota]not give in (an/one/single) iota [Las combinaciones normales son not give in an iota, not give in one iota, not give in a single iota y not give in on single iota]not give in (an/one/single) inch [Las combinaciones normales son not give in an inch, not give in one inch, not give in a single inch y not give in on single inch] .

Example: Iran shows no interest in budging a single inch, and continues to assert its role in the region.

Example: Life is a compromise, and people who refuse to budge a single iota usually end up depressed.

Example: They have pledged not to give in one iota to those who want to tax the richest one percent of Americans and the corporations and banks they represent.

Example: We will not give in one inch to people who use threats and intimidation against those they see as weaker.

» no fiarse lo más mínimowould not touch/trust + Nombre + with a barge pole [El uso de trust por touch es mucho menos común] .

Example: The Education Secretary says there are some secondary schools in England she 'would not touch with a barge pole'.

» no importar lo más mínimocould not care less .

Example: It can certainly be status-conferring to let it be known in social conversation that one has read the latest Fay Weldon book, but if the group one is in never reads Fay Weldon anyway and could not care less what she has written then the victory is a somewhat hollow one.

» no tener la más mínima consideraciónwalk all over + Alguienrun + roughshod override + roughshod over .

Example: By always looking at people in the eye and keeping your head held high you'll start giving them the vibe that you are not to be walked all over .

Example: Most troublingly, the Court has run roughshod over important legal precedents, not just in its ruling in January but in many other decisions.

Example: A good life for you maybe but not for the people you rode roughshot over.

» no tener la más mínima idea sobre Algonot have the foggiest idea [Con frecuencia se omite la palabra idea al final]not have the slightest ideanot have the vaguest idea .

Example: I don't have the foggiest idea how one would go about it.

Example: Most of our friends don't know the bow from the stem, or have the slightest idea what starboard means, which does present a problem or two.

Example: The worst thing about it was that she didn't have the vaguest idea why she wanted to do that in the first place.

» no tener ni la más mínima posibilidadnot to have a prayer .

Example: As the bills piled up and the little money she had dried up, friends and neighbors began to worry that she didn't have a prayer.

» precio mínimothreshold price .

Example: An 'import levy' is then charged on the importer's price in order to bring it up to the threshold price.

» prestar servicios mínimosrun + skeleton services .

Example: This shows that there is no corner that London Underground won't cut to try and run skeleton services regardless of the risks to the public.

» reducción al mínimominimisation [minimization, -USA] .

Example: A strategy for deciding the optimal volume of a library's periodical holdings is formulated, based on minimisation of the total costs incurred by the use of periodical articles.

» reducido al mínimostripped down .

Example: Thus, libraries will either use the MARC format for their catalogue records, or use 'stripped down' versions of MARC or other modifications of the MARC record format.

» reducir al mínimominimise [minimize, -USA]reduce to + a minimumcut down to + a minimumkeep to + a (bare) minimumcut to + the bone .

Example: Many of these problems can be minimised by restricting indexing to titles and abstracts.

Example: Because not all files need to be reorganized at once, but only those which are very full, the time required for this procedure is reduced to a minimum.

Example: Often the material will be collected on cards or loose-leaf paper so that internal reorganization is quite an easy matter and re-writing is thereby cut down to a minimum.

Example: Length is also a function of style and most abstracts, though avoiding clipped telegraphese, have certain stylistic features which help to keep wordage to a minimum.

Example: Vulture numbers are cut to the bone.

» reducir a lo mínimocut to + the bone .

Example: Vulture numbers are cut to the bone.

» requisitos mínimosminimum systems specification .

Example: The aim of the project was to produce a minimum systems specification for the National Health Service activities of prescribing and dispensing medicines.

» salario mínimoliving wageminimum salarypoverty level .

Example: The article 'Highway robbery or a living wage' suggests that the solution to the problems faced by serious writers might be a living wage.

Example: This article focuses especially on the issue of salaries and minimum salary levels for librarians.

Example: 42% of the 11.3m Spanish-speakers in American are under the age of 18, and 23% live below the poverty level.

» salario mínimo, elminimum wage, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Some abstractors reject honoraria since they find that abstracting yields much less than the minimum wage.

» seguir la ley del mínimo esfuerzofollow + the line of least resistancefollow + the path of least resistance .

Example: The tendency of human nature is to follow the line of least resistance -- like water.

Example: The tendency to follow the path of least resistance guarantees failure in life.

» ser mínimobe at a minimum .

Example: 2,000 volumes had recently been weeded, so the number of books to be moved was at a minimum.

» servicios mínimosskeleton staffskeleton services .

Example: There will be a skeleton staff to ensure that services like power and refuse removal are maintained throughout the festive season holidays.

Example: Vacation arrangements for skeleton services will remain in place for one further day.

» sin la más mínima dudawithout the shadow of a doubtwithout a shadow of a doubtbeyond a shadow of a doubt .

Example: She was, without the shadow of a doubt, an exceptionally lovely woman and her pallor made her expression truly supernatural.

Example: This is without a shadow of a doubt one of the weirdest and probably disturbing postings I have ever had the pleasure to read.

Example: The film proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the official story is hogwash and that all the evidence points towards an inside job.

» sin preocuparse lo más mínimoblithely .

Example: The people who blithely assert that we could do this job instead of immigrants are wildly underestimating what's involved in becoming a skilled picker.

» temperatura mínimaminimum temperature .

Example: The meteorological variables were: minimum temperature, maximum temperature, dew point temperature and relative humidity.

» tener servicios mínimosrun + skeleton services .

Example: This shows that there is no corner that London Underground won't cut to try and run skeleton services regardless of the risks to the public.

» usar el automóvil lo mínimo posiblebe car-lite .

Example: I have been car-free (not owning a car) or car-lite (owning a car but using it on a limited basis) for 14 years now.

» usar el coche lo mínimo posiblebe car-lite .

Example: I have been car-free (not owning a car) or car-lite (owning a car but using it on a limited basis) for 14 years now.

» vivir con lo mínimolive on + a shoestring (budget) .

Example: If you consider eating out a couple times a week a necessity rather than a lark, you aren't cut out for living on a shoestring.

Mínimo synonyms

nominal in spanish: nominal, pronunciation: nɑmənəl part of speech: adjective bottom in spanish: fondo, pronunciation: bɑtəm part of speech: noun, adjective least in spanish: menos, pronunciation: list part of speech: adjective negligible in spanish: despreciable, pronunciation: neglədʒəbəl part of speech: adjective marginal in spanish: marginal, pronunciation: mɑrdʒənəl part of speech: adjective minimal in spanish: mínimo, pronunciation: mɪnəməl part of speech: adjective borderline in spanish: límite, pronunciation: bɔrdɜrlaɪn part of speech: adjective, noun stripped in spanish: despojado, pronunciation: strɪpt part of speech: adjective lowest in spanish: más bajo, pronunciation: loʊəst part of speech: adjective smallest in spanish: pequeñísimo, pronunciation: smɔləst part of speech: adjective stripped-down in spanish: despojado, pronunciation: strɪptdaʊn part of speech: adjective tokenish in spanish: tokenish, pronunciation: toʊkənɪʃ part of speech: adjective lower limit in spanish: límite inferior, pronunciation: loʊɜrlɪmət part of speech: noun
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