Muñequera in english


pronunciation: rɪstbænd part of speech: noun
In gestures

muñequera = wrist guard ; wristband. 

Example: Use of other types of protective equipment, such as wrist guards, knee pads, and elbow pads, should be considered for prevention of injuries to the extremities during ice-skating.Example: Perhaps I should have been wearing one of those wristbands that monitor harmful UVA and UVB rays.

Muñequera synonyms

bracelet in spanish: pulsera, pronunciation: breɪslət part of speech: noun watchband in spanish: Correa de reloj, pronunciation: wɑtʃbænd part of speech: noun watchstrap in spanish: correa de reloj, pronunciation: wɑtʃstræp part of speech: noun watch bracelet in spanish: reloj pulsera, pronunciation: wɑtʃbreɪslət part of speech: noun
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