Mutualidad in english


pronunciation: mjutʃuælɪti part of speech: noun
In gestures

mutualidad = friendly society ; provident society ; mutual benefit society ; mutual insurance company ; mutual insurance society. 

Example: The origins of this institution -- part trade union, part friendly society, and part social club -- are obscure, but chapels were well established by the mid sixteenth century in the larger continental shops.Example: Wilson thought that most of these objectives were unattainable by provident societies, since they were governed by people of various religious denominations.Example: Most mutual benefit societies formed to provide financial assistance for members who were unable to work because of illness, funeral and burial expenses, pensions for widows and orphans, and low-interest loans.Example: Their mutual insurance company did not have enough equity to cover the losses.Example: Reference was made also to the fact that most mutual insurance societies systematically visited their members who were ill in hospitals.

Mutualidad synonyms

interdependence in spanish: interdependencia, pronunciation: ɪntɜrdəpendəns part of speech: noun interdependency in spanish: interdependencia, pronunciation: ɪntɜrdɪpendənsi part of speech: noun mutualness in spanish: mutualidad, pronunciation: mətʃuəlnəs part of speech: noun
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