Mutua in english


pronunciation: mjutʃuəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

mutua = friendly society ; provident society ; mutual benefit society ; mutual insurance company ; mutual insurance society. 

Example: The origins of this institution -- part trade union, part friendly society, and part social club -- are obscure, but chapels were well established by the mid sixteenth century in the larger continental shops.Example: Wilson thought that most of these objectives were unattainable by provident societies, since they were governed by people of various religious denominations.Example: Most mutual benefit societies formed to provide financial assistance for members who were unable to work because of illness, funeral and burial expenses, pensions for widows and orphans, and low-interest loans.Example: Their mutual insurance company did not have enough equity to cover the losses.Example: Reference was made also to the fact that most mutual insurance societies systematically visited their members who were ill in hospitals.


» mutua de accidentesinsurance companymutual insurance companymutual insurance societyinsurance firm .

Example: The author describes the achievements of one of the top eight US insurance companies drawn from adopting an imaging system.

Example: Their mutual insurance company did not have enough equity to cover the losses.

Example: Reference was made also to the fact that most mutual insurance societies systematically visited their members who were ill in hospitals.

Example: Hit by the current economic recession, most insurance firms have slashed their workers' salaries by between 20 and 50 per cent.

» mutua de segurosmutual insurance companymutual insurance society .

Example: Their mutual insurance company did not have enough equity to cover the losses.

Example: Reference was made also to the fact that most mutual insurance societies systematically visited their members who were ill in hospitals.

mutuo = mutual ; reciprocal. 

Example: In co-operative cataloguing a number of otherwise independent libraries share the work of producing a catalogue for their mutual benefit.Example: Care should be taken to ensure that the combined punctuation is used only when the relationship between the headings is reciprocal.


» acuerdo mutuosettlement agreement .

Example: Even though child support and alimony payments are spelled out in explicit detail as part of divorce settlement agreements, most divorced women and children don't receive the money they are owed.

» apoyo mutuomutual support .

Example: Better conditions are created by the elimination of competition by means of mutual aid and mutual support.

» ayuda mutuamutual helpmutual aid .

Example: Justice, Liberty, and Equality are the pillars of society; co-operation and mutual help are the firmest bonds between citizens.

Example: Better conditions are created by the elimination of competition by means of mutual aid and mutual support.

» banco de ahorros mutuosmutual savings bank .

Example: Few mutual savings banks exist in the modern economy due to changes in the banking industry that have blurred the lines among depository institutions.

» beneficio mutuomutual benefitreciprocal benefit .

Example: China will adhere to a new security concept of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination to maintain regional peace and stability.

Example: In this case, the interaction between humans and their natural habitat is a mutual relationship, i.e., one of reciprocal benefits = En este caso, la interacción que existe entre el hombre y su medio natural es una relación de tipo mutua, es decir, de beneficios recíprocos.

» con consentimiento mutuoconsensually .

Example: First, beliefs are established and maintained to the extent that they are consensually validated in interpersonal relationships.

» confianza mutuamutual trust .

Example: China will adhere to a new security concept of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination to maintain regional peace and stability.

» conocimiento mutuomutual knowledge .

Example: The purpose of those stories is to create mutual knowledge of fundamental matters that are otherwise difficult to talk about.

» entendimiento mutuomutual understanding .

Example: Reciprocity and mutual understanding are necessary conditions for states who want establish firm relationships and this should be set in stone.

» respeto mutuomutual respect .

Example: Every member of this university community is expected to uphold this policy as a matter of mutual respect and fundamental fairness in human relations.

» seguro mutuomutual insurance .

Example: Mutual insurance is one of the most common types of insurance available in the market today.

» sociedad de seguros mutuosprovident societymutual benefit society .

Example: Wilson thought that most of these objectives were unattainable by provident societies, since they were governed by people of various religious denominations.

Example: Most mutual benefit societies formed to provide financial assistance for members who were unable to work because of illness, funeral and burial expenses, pensions for widows and orphans, and low-interest loans.

» sociedad de socorros mutuosfriendly societyprovident societymutual benefit society .

Example: The origins of this institution -- part trade union, part friendly society, and part social club -- are obscure, but chapels were well established by the mid sixteenth century in the larger continental shops.

Example: Wilson thought that most of these objectives were unattainable by provident societies, since they were governed by people of various religious denominations.

Example: Most mutual benefit societies formed to provide financial assistance for members who were unable to work because of illness, funeral and burial expenses, pensions for widows and orphans, and low-interest loans.

Mutua synonyms

common in spanish: común, pronunciation: kɑmən part of speech: adjective reciprocal in spanish: recíproco, pronunciation: rɪsɪprəkəl part of speech: adjective shared in spanish: compartido, pronunciation: ʃerd part of speech: adjective
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