Mutilado in english


pronunciation: mjutəleɪtəd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

mutilado = defaced ; cripple ; amputee ; mangled. 

Example: He inherited a deplorable 'library' with a randomly-chosen collection of tattered, torn, defaced books.Example: The author examines how the physically disabled have been depicted over the years, from the association of disability with moral culpability to the more recent portrayal of the cripple as survivor and hero.Example: Amputees are those persons who have one or more missing limbs as a result of accidents caused by vehicles or machinery.Example: At the intersection where authorities said the three storm chaser were killed, crews hauled away a mangled white truck.

mutilar = mutilate ; maim. 

Example: Prompt responses are required to bomb threats and reports of such dangerous or criminal conduct as sprinkling acid on chairs or clothing, mutilating books, tampering with the card catalog, or obscene behavior.Example: There is nothing 'fair' about the arms trade and is is an insult to the children who are killed and maimed every day by land-mines deliberately designed to look like toys and butterflies.

Mutilado synonyms

maimed in spanish: mutilado, pronunciation: meɪmd part of speech: adjective injured in spanish: lesionado, pronunciation: ɪndʒɜrd part of speech: adjective damaged in spanish: dañado, pronunciation: dæmədʒd part of speech: adjective unfit in spanish: impropio, pronunciation: ənfɪt part of speech: adjective mangled in spanish: destrozado, pronunciation: mæŋgəld part of speech: adjective
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