Musical in english


pronunciation: mjuzɪkəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

musical1 = musical theatre ; musical. 

Example: American composer, Jerome Kern, was a colossus of twentieth century musical theater with a career spanning over forty years.Example: Many more musicals, however, annually fall by the wayside after a relative handful of performances; most are never heard from again.

musical2 = musical. 

Example: By way of illustration: it is the machine's habit to perform remarkable feats, such as augmenting western musical heritage with the discovery that the eighteenth century gave birth to two contemporary composers.


» acompañante musicalsideman [Generalmente, músico contratado temporalmente para acompañar a otro u otros músicos. También se puede usar sidewoman/sidewomen y sideperson/sidepersons] .

Example: Bassist Nathan East is one of the most acclaimed sidemen of all time.

» actuación musicalmusical performancemusic performancemusical eventgig .

Example: For them musical performance emplaces and embodies community identities in very specific ways.

Example: Plays and music performances put on by staff and children at set times are always popular.

Example: This article discusses the role of musical concerts in libraries and gives an account of a number of instances where libraries promote musical events.

Example: After only two days rehearsal we did a stormer of a gig from my point of view which went down a treat to a packed house.

» adaptación musicaladaptation [Obra musical que representa una alteración de otra obra (por ejemplo, una transcripción libre), que parafrasea partes de varias obras o el estilo general de otro compositor, o que se basa simplemente en otra obra musical (por ejemplo, variaciones sobre un tema)]musical adaptation [Obra musical que representa una alteración de otra obra (por ejemplo, una transcripción libre), que parafrasea partes de varias obras o el estilo general de otro compositor, o que se basa simplemente en otra obra musical (por ejemplo, variaciones sobre un tema)] .

Example: An adaptation is a musical work that represents a distinct alteration of another work or a work that paraphrases parts of various works or the general style of another composer.

Example: A musical adaptation is a musical work that represents a distinct alteration of another work (e.g. a free transcription), a work that paraphrases parts of various works or the general style of another composer, or a work that is merely based on other music (e.g. variations on a them).

» analfabeto musicalmusically-illiterate .

Example: The aim of the tunebooks was to improve the congregational singing of musically-illiterate churchgoers.

» arreglo musicalarrangement [Obra musical o parte de ella, prescrita para un medio de interpretación distinto de aquél para el que originalmente se escribió o versión simplificada de una obra para el mismo medio de interpretación]musical arrangement [Obra musical o parte de ella, prescrita para un medio de interpretación distinto de aquél para el que originalmente se escribió o versión simplificada de una obra para el mismo medio de interpretación] .

Example: Type of executant, size or complexity of executant body, accompanying executant, original executant (for arrangements).

Example: A music arrangement is a musical work, or a portion thereof, rewritten for a medium of performance different form that for which the work was originally intended; also, a simplified version of a work for the same medium of performance.

» audición musicalmusic audition .

Example: In addition to their music audition, they will be given a diagnostic test in music theory.

» banda musicalmusic band .

Example: Some people criticize this music band but yet this is a really famous music band with a good number of hits songs.

» cadena musicalsound systemhi-fi system .

Example: Most of the money meant for repairs eventually went towards redecorating the church and buying a new sound system.

Example: It's tempting to splurge on a new hi-fi system or head out on a shopping spree, but the smart option might be to pay off an existing debt.

» clave musicalclef .

Example: There are three types of clefs now in general use: the G-clef, the C-clef (of which there are several shapes), and the F-clef.

» comedia musicalmusical .

Example: Many more musicals, however, annually fall by the wayside after a relative handful of performances; most are never heard from again.

» composición musicalmusical composition .

Example: The simultaneous interweaving of several melodic lines (usually four: soprano, alto, tenor, bass) in a musical composition is known as polyphony.

» composición musical manidawar horse .

Example: Why is it that so many musical masterpieces are patronized as war horses whereas no serious art critic would ever protest another visit to the Sistine Chapel?.

» cuarteto musicalmusical quartet .

Example: Entertainment will be provided by a musical quartet and soprano.

» desfase musicalmusical lag .

Example: There is now an even better (or worse) example that supplants rock music as the classical example of, not cultural lag, but musical lag, and that's GOSPEL MUSIC or GOSPEL SONGS, which has just now been established.

» director musicalmusic director .

Example: Our Choral Society was created when a group of singers persuaded a gifted choirmaster and music director to lead them on an adventure in music and voice.

» dirigir interpretación musicalconduct .

Example: A piano/violin, etc. conductor part is the part of an ensemble work intended for the use of the person who plays the instrument and also conducts the performance of the work.

» entretenimiento musicalaudio entertainment .

Example: The compact disc, which has already revolutionised domestic audio entertainment, is poised to exert quite as big an influence on the world of the business user.

» género musicalmusic genre .

Example: In future, this publishing house will explore other subjects within the popular culture sphere, including the UFO phenomenon and widely derided music genres like heavy metal, disco and rap.

» grupo musicalmusic group .

Example: Over the years, we've seen several big music groups break up for reasons which they don't normally make known to the public.

» grupo musical en directolive band .

Example: A programme of festivities and events has been organized with music and dance competitions and a party with live bands, discos and other attractions.

» inspiración musicalmusical inspiration .

Example: He first began performing publicly whilst living in Japan, then afterwards lived and traveled throughout various places in Asia which helped to kindle his musical inspiration.

» instrumento musicalinstrumentmusical instrument .

Example: A piano/violin, etc. conductor part is the part of an ensemble work for a particular instrument with cues for the other instruments.

Example: The article 'Encore! Integrating children's literature as a prelude or finale to music experiences with young children' shows how teachers and library specialists can integrate children's literature about song, dance, or musical instruments in music classes.

» instrumento musical con tecladokeyboard instrument .

Example: A chorus score is a score of a vocal work showing only the chorus parts, with accompaniment, if any, arranged for keyboard instrument.

» interpretación musicalmusical performance .

Example: For them musical performance emplaces and embodies community identities in very specific ways.

» lista musicalaudio listing .

Example: The data base contains audio listings, music reviews, music samples, images and articles about recordings and the music industry.

» no musicalnon-musical .

Example: Non-musical sound recordings are to be found in abundance covering such items as poetry readings, plays, children's stories and 'talking books' for the blind.

» nota musicalnote .

Example: You touch the illustration and the book begins to softly play the music, the score on the page moving to keep up with the notes.

» obra de arte musicalmusical masterpiece .

Example: Why is it that so many musical masterpieces are patronized as war horses whereas no serious art critic would ever protest another visit to the Sistine Chapel?.

» obra musicalmusical work [Resultado en forma impresa o grabada del trabajo de un compositor musical] .

Example: A score is a series of staves on which all the different instrumental and/or vocal parts of a musical work are written.

» panorama musicalsoundscape  .

Example: Military brass bands were an important part of the urban colonial soundscape in Africa, especially in colonies with large numbers of European settlers.

» partitura musicalmusic score [Documento musical en el que aparecen superpuestas en una misma página todas las partes vocales y/o instrumentales de una obra]musical scoresheet musicsheet music piece .

Example: The schedules are divided into two parts, one covering music scores and parts and the other concerned with music literature.

Example: A close score is a musical score giving all the parts on a minimum number of staves, normally two, as with hymns.

Example: Using this as a starting point, reviews the history of sheet music printing and publishing in America over the last 50 years.

Example: Another collection that has gradually accumulated over the years from donations is a collection of popular sheet music pieces going back as far as the mid-1850s = Otra colección que se ha ido acumulando a lo largo de los años mediante donaciones es la de partituras musicales populares que se remonta hasta mediados de los 50 del siglo XIX.

» pentagrama musicalstave .

Example: A close score is a score of vocal music in which the separate parts are written on two staves, as with hymns.

» pieza musicalpiece of musicmusical pieceitem .

Example: When the cataloguer turns to the description of a piece of music a common problem will be the absence of a title page to be used as the chief source of information.

Example: The introduction of this musical piece is so famous that it has almost become a cliché in popular culture.

Example: The plate number is a numbering designation assigned to an item by a music publisher, usually printed at the bottom of each page, and sometimes appearing also on the title page.

» recital musicalmusical recitalmusic recital .

Example: In the early days broadcasts were mostly musical recitals.

Example: Libraries can also be used for music recitals, poetry recitals, book sales, slide shows, talks and as venues for cultural activities.

» tema musicalmusical theme .

Example: The dances were symphonic in nature with different groups of dancers carrying the different musical themes.

» teoría musicalmusic theory .

Example: In addition to their music audition, they will be given a diagnostic test in music theory.

» tocar un instrumento musicalplay + an instrument .

Example: A piano/violin, etc. conductor part is the part of an ensemble work intended for the use of the person who plays the instrument and also conducts the performance of the work.

» vídeo musicalmusic video .

Example: Music videos are promotions for pop music; many contain several video clips.

Musical synonyms

sweet in spanish: dulce, pronunciation: swit part of speech: adjective mellifluous in spanish: melifluo, pronunciation: məlɪfluəs part of speech: adjective liquid in spanish: líquido, pronunciation: lɪkwəd part of speech: adjective, noun dulcet in spanish: dulce, pronunciation: dʌlsət part of speech: adjective lyrical in spanish: lírico, pronunciation: lɪrɪkəl part of speech: adjective singing in spanish: canto, pronunciation: sɪŋɪŋ part of speech: noun ariose in spanish: ariose, pronunciation: ɑrioʊsi part of speech: adjective melodious in spanish: melodioso, pronunciation: məloʊdiəs part of speech: adjective philharmonic in spanish: filarmónico, pronunciation: fɪlhɑrmɑnɪk part of speech: adjective cantabile in spanish: cantabile, pronunciation: kæntəbaɪl part of speech: adjective melodic in spanish: melódico, pronunciation: məlɑdɪk part of speech: adjective honeyed in spanish: meloso, pronunciation: hʌnid part of speech: adjective canorous in spanish: canoro, pronunciation: kænɜrəs part of speech: adjective chanted in spanish: cantado, pronunciation: tʃæntɪd part of speech: adjective mellisonant in spanish: mellisonant, pronunciation: meləsənənt part of speech: adjective songlike in spanish: como una canción, pronunciation: sɔŋlaɪk part of speech: adjective singable in spanish: cantable, pronunciation: sɪŋgəbəl part of speech: adjective songful in spanish: melódico, pronunciation: sɔŋfəl part of speech: adjective musical comedy in spanish: comedia musical, pronunciation: mjuzɪkəlkɑmədi part of speech: noun musical theater in spanish: teatro musical, pronunciation: mjuzɪkəlθiətɜr part of speech: noun
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