Musaraña in english


pronunciation: ʃru part of speech: noun
In gestures

musaraña = shrew. 

Example: In comparison with mice, shrews have a very short life-span and it is uncommon for a shrew to live for more than 12 months.


» mirar a las musarañasstare into + spacestare + vacantly into spacegaze into + spacegaze + vacantly into spacestare + vacantlygaze + vacantlygaze + blankly .

Example: I find that we are so linked to the computer that when the computer takes a nap we just sit there staring into space.

Example: Other than sleeping, I enjoy wandering around aimlessly, street watching, and staring vacantly into space.

Example: As children many of us spent countless hours gazing into space exploring alternate realities!.

Example: I often appear to be gazing vacantly into space with my mouth open.

Example: Numb from drink, he stared vacantly at nothing in particular.

Example: Her crown sits askew on her golden head and her eyes gaze vacantly down at her feet.

Example: Percy gazed blankly after the retreating car, and then made his way to a boot-blacking stand.

» musaraña comúncommon shrew .

Example: Common shrews are one of Britain's and northern Europe's most abundant small mammals.

» musaraña enanadwarf shrew .

Example: Dwarf shrews are active throughout the year and feed primarily on insects, soft-bodied spiders, and other small invertebrates.

Musaraña synonyms

termagant in spanish: arpía, pronunciation: tɜrməgənt part of speech: noun shrewmouse in spanish: musaraña, pronunciation: ʃrumaʊs part of speech: noun
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