Muro in english


pronunciation: wɔl part of speech: noun
In gestures

muro = wall. 

Example: The planning arrangements can also be seen to be much more flexible if the number of walls in the building are reduced to a minimum.


» biblioteca sin muroslibrary without walls .

Example: The library without walls is not developing as fast as the technology.

» chocar con(tra) un murocome up against + a brick wallbe up against a brick wallhit + a (brick) wall .

Example: There are moments when someone feels that they have come up against a brick wall and they don't quite know where to turn next.

Example: Have you ever been in a situation in which you were up against a brick wall and felt there was absolutely no where to turn?.

Example: You ever have those moments when you are making great progress, and things seem to be coming together, and then suddenly you hit a wall and can't get anything else done?.

» construcción de muroswalling .

Example: This was the period when brick became the predominant material for walling in most parts of the country.

» estrellarse contra un murobang + Posesivo + head against a/the (brick) wallbeat + Posesivo + head against the/a (brick) wall .

Example: Hi all, I've been banging my head against a brick wall trying to get this done, so hopefully somebody can help.

Example: Maybe, as he'd watched her sob, he'd seen her tendency to beat her head against a wall trying the impossible.

» muro cortinacurtain wall .

Example: An undisputed advantage of a ventilated curtain wall is acoustic isolation.

» muro de Berlín, elBerlin wall, the .

Example: The dismantling of the Berlin wall and the unification of Germany will make the new Germany a much stronger economic force in the comity of nations.

» muro de contenciónembankmentretaining wallbreast wallcontainment wall .

Example: Side-effects on the environment include beaches losing sand because of seafront embankments, littoral dunes deteriorating and marinas becoming silted.

Example: Experts feel that unless a retaining wall is built the structure of the newly-built assembly hall may collapse.

Example: To prevent falling of the debris onto the road, a breast wall has been erected as a precautionary measure.

Example: The initial walk was easy along the track to the breached concrete containment walls of the reservoir.

» muro de hormigónconcrete wall .

Example: However, the concrete walls erected before 1975 often lack enough reinforcing steel to keep them from being damaged beyond repair.

» muro de ladrillobrick wall .

Example: Salt efflorescence on the brick wall there shows seasonal changes with an annual cycle.

» Muro de las Lamentaciones, elWailing Wall, the .

Example: In this study, tourists' visitation patterns to four heritage sites of religious significance (the Wailing Wall, the Temple Mount, the Dome of the Rock, and the Holy Sepulchre) are explored.

» muro de la vergüenza, elwall of shame, the .

Example: Few have heard of this wall of shame that divides the people of Western Sahara -- half of the Saharawis have been waiting in the refugee camps of Algeria to go back to their homeland for 40 years now.

» muro de piedrastone wallmasonry walldry-stone wallmasonry stone wall .

Example: There may be millions of fine thoughts, all encased within stone walls of acceptable architectural form.

Example: The perfect sealing of a masonry wall surface is almost impossible since fine cracks and joints will allow the passage of water into the wall.

Example: The most numerous and impressive networks of dry-stone walls in Australia are found on the western volcanic plains of Victoria.

Example: This photographic still features a masonry stone wall with rocks in a very wide range of colors and textures.

» muro de silleríadry-stone wallstone wallmasonry wallmasonry stone wall .

Example: The most numerous and impressive networks of dry-stone walls in Australia are found on the western volcanic plains of Victoria.

Example: There may be millions of fine thoughts, all encased within stone walls of acceptable architectural form.

Example: The perfect sealing of a masonry wall surface is almost impossible since fine cracks and joints will allow the passage of water into the wall.

Example: This photographic still features a masonry stone wall with rocks in a very wide range of colors and textures.

» muro energéticoenergy wall .

Example: Outside the walls of the room, outside the walls of his skull, outside the impalpable energy walls of his mind, he felt those forces gathering, swelling up.

» remate de murocopingcopestonecoping stonecapstone .

Example: According to their tradition, a crow on the coping of the house wall denotes that a relation is coming on a visit = De acuerdo con su tradición, un cuervo en el remate del muro de la casa indica que un familiar se presentará de visita.

Example: The exterior of the armory will be chiefly of brick with copestones topping the walls.

Example: Many parapet walls are finished with a coping stone.

Example: The joints between the capstones must be waterproof or must be equipped with a system which will prevent the water from penetrating the joints.

» topar con(tra) un murocome up against + a brick wallbe up against a brick wallhit + a (brick) wall .

Example: There are moments when someone feels that they have come up against a brick wall and they don't quite know where to turn next.

Example: Have you ever been in a situation in which you were up against a brick wall and felt there was absolutely no where to turn?.

Example: You ever have those moments when you are making great progress, and things seem to be coming together, and then suddenly you hit a wall and can't get anything else done?.

» trepar un muroclimb over + a wall .

Example: Thousands of people are crossing from Libya into Tunisia at border crossings by climbing over walls.

Muro synonyms

fence in spanish: cerca, pronunciation: fens part of speech: noun bulwark in spanish: baluarte, pronunciation: bʊlwɜrk part of speech: noun surround in spanish: rodear, pronunciation: sɜraʊnd part of speech: verb rampart in spanish: muralla, pronunciation: ræmpɑrt part of speech: noun palisade in spanish: empalizada, pronunciation: pælɪseɪd part of speech: noun paries in spanish: paries, pronunciation: periz part of speech: noun fence in in spanish: valla en, pronunciation: fensɪn part of speech: verb
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