Murmurador in english


pronunciation: gɑsəp part of speech: noun
In gestures

murmurador = gossip ; gossiper ; tattletale. 

Example: If all that good stuff rubs off on her, she will eventually quit being such a gossip over time.Example: In fact, the most dangerous gossipers are ones that are close to you.Example: Usually a tattletale has a self-esteem issue, when they tattle, somebody listens and they are gaining the attention they seek which often makes them feel important.

Murmurador synonyms

comment in spanish: comentario, pronunciation: kɑment part of speech: noun, verb chat in spanish: charla, pronunciation: tʃæt part of speech: noun, verb visit in spanish: visitar, pronunciation: vɪzət part of speech: noun, verb jaw in spanish: mandíbula, pronunciation: dʒɔ part of speech: noun gab in spanish: charla, pronunciation: gæb part of speech: noun chatter in spanish: charla, pronunciation: tʃætɜr part of speech: noun confab in spanish: confab, pronunciation: kɑnfæb part of speech: noun confabulate in spanish: conferenciar, pronunciation: kənfæbjəleɪt part of speech: verb scuttlebutt in spanish: rumor, pronunciation: skʌtəlbət part of speech: noun natter in spanish: charla, pronunciation: nætɜr part of speech: verb causerie in spanish: charla, pronunciation: kɔzɜri part of speech: noun chitchat in spanish: charla, pronunciation: tʃɪttʃæt part of speech: noun chaffer in spanish: chaffer, pronunciation: tʃæfɜr part of speech: verb small talk in spanish: charla, pronunciation: smɔltɔk part of speech: noun claver in spanish: claver, pronunciation: kleɪvɜr part of speech: verb gabfest in spanish: gabiste, pronunciation: gæbfest part of speech: noun tittle-tattle in spanish: chinche, pronunciation: tɪtəltætəl part of speech: noun, verb chin-wag in spanish: chin-wag, pronunciation: tʃɪnwæg part of speech: noun gossiper in spanish: chismoso, pronunciation: gɑsəpɜr part of speech: noun newsmonger in spanish: chismero, pronunciation: nuzmɔŋgɜr part of speech: noun rumormonger in spanish: chismoso, pronunciation: rʌmɜrmɔŋ part of speech: noun chin-wagging in spanish: menear la barbilla, pronunciation: tʃɪnwægɪŋ part of speech: noun rumourmonger in spanish: chismoso, pronunciation: rumɜrmɔŋgɜr part of speech: noun
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