Murga in english

Street band

pronunciation: stritbænd part of speech: none
In gestures

murga = pest. 

Example: Library users fall into 4 groups: (1) patrons, who are considerate, grateful and undemanding; (2) 'pests' -- the inconsiderate; (3) 'pirates' who steal, deface and mutilate library property and materials; (4) 'vampires' whose enquiries make excessive demands upon the librarian's time.


» dar la murgabe a pestbe a (real) nuisance .

Example: My advice to young scientists: be a pest -- ask questions and don't be satisfied with all answers; have the heart of a lion; have the patience of Job; be multi-culturally competent; and the only correct route to success is your own.

Example: The passenger sitting next to me was a real nuisance.
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