Municipio in english


pronunciation: mjunɪsəpæləti part of speech: noun
In gestures

municipio = borough ; municipality ; township ; city council. 

Example: This was a spur to several other London boroughs who set up shop-front consumer advice centres from 1972.Example: The conference debated a library bill which aims to set up public libraries in all municipalities with over 30,000 inhabitants.Example: The library with its advantageous location should be the focal point for information in the township.Example: This is because the chief librarian is personally accountable to the next higher level of authority such as the mayor, the city council, the hospital director, or the university president.


» del municipiomunicipal .

Example: Public library budgets continue to be cut in the USA as they compete with other county and municipal services for shrinking fiscal resources.

» información oficial del municipiomunicipal information .

Example: An experiment was set up in 1977 in which the library is acting as a centre for municipal information.

» municipio segregadotownship  .

Example: The library with its advantageous location should be the focal point for information in the township.
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