Municipal in english


pronunciation: mjunɪsəpəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

municipal1 = civic ; municipal. 

Example: Like many other civic facilities in the town, the public library is used by only a minority of the population.Example: Public library budgets continue to be cut in the USA as they compete with other county and municipal services for shrinking fiscal resources.


» archivo municipalcity archivemunicipal archives .

Example: This article traces the link between the history of Warsaw and the Warsaw city archive from the 14th century.

Example: The holdings of Amsterdam municipal archives not only document the history of Amsterdam, but they also constitute a source for the history of the Dutch colonial experiences in North America.

» autoridades municipalescity fathers .

Example: The city fathers endorsed this project with the stipulation that a librarian or 'book-lover' should be available to assist patrons.

» autoridad municipalmunicipal official .

Example: This article urges librarians to fight to eradicate the negative image they have in the eyes of the public, municipal officials and political leaders.

» biblioteca municipaltown librarycity librarycommunity libraryurban librarymunicipal library .

Example: The authors visited the town library in Comitan and the library in the frontier municipality Las Margeritas.

Example: However, the need to cut local authority spending and rivalry between the city libraries and provincial library centres prevented these networks from achieving their full potential.

Example: This article reviews the development of community libraries and community information centres in South Africa and their potential role in information provision.

Example: As a consequence of the dualism of the research library and the public library different organisational schemes developed in the urban library system, which are characterised here in detail.

Example: In 1924 the library became affiliated to the Dresden municipal library (founded 1881) as a depository library.

» biblioteca pública municipalmunicipal public library .

Example: In most US cities the 18th Century ideal of the social library has been transplanted by a derivative form: the municipal public library.

» bibliotecario municipalcity librarian .

Example: City librarians need to be notified about student assignments so that materials can be pulled from shelves and reserved for student use.

» centro municipal de informaciónlocal authority information outlet [Centro de información sobre el municipio y los servicios que ofrece] .

Example: Most of the other local authority information outlets involve bulletins or news-sheets distributed free of charge.

» colegio universitario municipalcommunity college [En USA y Canadá institución académica universitaria donde se imparten cursos principalmente técnicos de dos años de duración y que está subvencionada por la ciudad] .

Example: A community college district librarian is assigned the task of developing an in-service training program for five community colleges and answering some questions about learning.

» comisaría de la policía municipallocal police station .

Example: Local communities are outraged as his plans to take more police off the streets and close local police stations.

» concejal municipalcity council-mantown councillorcity councillor .

Example: These descriptors are still alive: boatmen, city council-men, firemen, foremen, longshoremen, stunt men, statesmen, watchmen, man and manpower.

Example: A town councillor has been charged with swindling the tax system out of almost a quarter of a million pounds by illegally selling duty-free alcohol.

Example: Under no circumstances should a city councillor lose their cool like that in a public place in front of other constituents.

» concejo municipalcity counciltown councilmunicipal council .

Example: This is because the chief librarian is personally accountable to the next higher level of authority such as the mayor, the city council, the hospital director, or the university president.

Example: The aim was to reach as many people as possible; more unusual venues included a meeting of the town council, a church, the market square, and a prison.

Example: This article relates some impressions of a librarian elected to the municipal council and agreeing, with some misgivings, to serve on the library committee.

» contribución municipalcouncil taxlocal ratesreal estate taxreal estate property tax .

Example: Perhaps if the council used less money on laying the many many sleeping policeman on our roads, then there would be no need to increase our council and road tax each year.

Example: This act allowed for the establishment of town libraries, which were free and open to all ratepayers and provided by funds from local rates.

Example: In some states, it is permissible to separate the real estate tax into two separate taxes -- one the land value and one on the building value.

Example: Real estate property taxes are generally due in January and July of each calendar year.

» depósito municipalcar pound .

Example: Vehicles are towed to a car pound and a significant fee (up to 160 euro) may be charged for their release.

» devolución de la contribución municipalrates rebate .

Example: The librarians have instituted a series of campaigns, including displays and leaflets on specific issues, eg family income supplement, rent and rates rebates, and school grants.

» elecciones municipalesmunicipal electionslocal electionscouncil elections .

Example: The voting period has been extended in several polling stations in Sunday's municipal elections.

Example: Taiwan's premier has resigned after the opposition party swept local elections that were viewed as a litmus test for the ruling party.

Example: Council elections are held on the second Saturday in September every 4 years.

» impuesto municipalcity tax .

Example: University officials have repeatedly said the campus is exempt from all city taxes.

» impuestos municipalesrateslocal taxes .

Example: From the beginning it has been a local service, originally funded from the rates, but it needed Carnegie grants to really get off the ground.

Example: Local taxes have been raised 10 percent, but library funding has not changed.

» ingeniería municipalmunicipal engineering .

Example: These subjects are more closely related to Applied physics in 621 than to the subjects of Municipal engineering in 628 with which they are in fact collocated.

» oficina municipalcouncil office .

Example: To date seventeen information centres have been set up, mainly in council offices, but three occupy shop-front premises.

» ordenanza municipalcity by-lawmunicipal ordinanceby-law [bye-law, -USA]city ordinancelocal ordinance .

Example: A rooming house is considered illegal if it contravenes city bylaws.

Example: A library's objectives can be accomplished without legalistic study of the statutes, codes, or municipal ordinances that may establish the library or have some bearing on its functions.

Example: By-laws are prohibitive -- ie they tell people what they are not allowed to do -- and they are enforceable at law.

Example: A man was charged with violating a city ordinance after police caught him firing a pellet gun at birds in a city park.

Example: The Senate has approved a bill that will limit cities and towns from passing local ordinances restricting oil and gas drilling and exploration.

» parque municipalcity park .

Example: This city park has been designed as an ecological preserve for local flora and fauna but has recently become home to about 150 feral dogs.

» perrera municipaldog pound .

Example: You can also send monetary donations to the address below, please mark your envelope 'dog pound'.

» policía municipallocal policelocal police officerlocal policeman [Hombre]local policewoman [Mujer]municipal cop .

Example: The system is smart and will identify where you are calling from and connect you with the local police for that area.

Example: Should the federal government provide funds to buy body cameras for local police officers?.

Example: The arrests came a day after one local policeman was killed and three others were wounded in an attack blamed on the rebels.

Example: Fortunately the local policewoman saw the incident and rushed him to the vet's.

Example: Chaos reigned supreme on Monday after violent clashes between municipal cops and vendors resulted in stones being thrown and nearby vehicles being damaged.

» término municipalmunicipal boundary .

Example: As you may know, lots of municipal boundaries will be changing after the elections on 18 May.

» vertedero de basura municipalmunicipal landfill .

Example: More than 4 million poultry died or were culled in a 2002 outbreak in Virginia, and the carcasses were disposed of in municipal landfills.

» vertedero de escombros municipalmunicipal landfill .

Example: More than 4 million poultry died or were culled in a 2002 outbreak in Virginia, and the carcasses were disposed of in municipal landfills.

» vertedero municipalmunicipal landfill .

Example: More than 4 million poultry died or were culled in a 2002 outbreak in Virginia, and the carcasses were disposed of in municipal landfills.

municipal2 = local police officer ; local policeman ; local policewoman. 

Example: Should the federal government provide funds to buy body cameras for local police officers?.Example: The arrests came a day after one local policeman was killed and three others were wounded in an attack blamed on the rebels.Example: Fortunately the local policewoman saw the incident and rushed him to the vet's.

Municipal synonyms

domestic in spanish: nacional, pronunciation: dəmestɪk part of speech: adjective
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