Munición in english


pronunciation: æmjənɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

munición = munition ; ammunition ; ammo. 

Example: Although national parks are perceived as pristine areas, many are dumping grounds for hazardous materials - everything from industrial toxins to unexploded munitions.Example: In pre-World War II days, shrapnel was regarded as the most efficient type of ammunition against troops in the open.Example: Officers noted that the slain man's gun and ammo were missing.


» armarse de municiónarm + Reflexivo + with ammunition .

Example: We can pick up this discussion some other time, after you've armed yourself with ammunition!.

» disparar munición de fogueofire + blanksshoot + blanks .

Example: Firing blanks during the celebrations is traditional.

Example: They were using a pistol (don't remember the type) and shooting blanks made of toilet paper.

» munición cargadalive ammunitionlive munition .

Example: Soldiers are being told they cannot train with live ammunition unless they are due to go to Afghanistan, according to reports.

Example: 'The use of live munitions must also not cause collateral damage to property or lives of innocent members of the public,' Anupong said = "El uso de la munición de verdad tampoco debe causar daños colaterales a la propiedad o a la vida de los miembros inocentes del público", dijo Anupong .

» munición de fogueoblankblank shell .

Example: The militia claimed that it was using blanks to disperse the protest.

Example: In this manner, the blank shells fire, thereby creating the desired shotgun sound.

» munición de verdadlive ammunitionlive munition .

Example: Soldiers are being told they cannot train with live ammunition unless they are due to go to Afghanistan, according to reports.

Example: 'The use of live munitions must also not cause collateral damage to property or lives of innocent members of the public,' Anupong said = "El uso de la munición de verdad tampoco debe causar daños colaterales a la propiedad o a la vida de los miembros inocentes del público", dijo Anupong .

Munición synonyms

ammo in spanish: municiones, pronunciation: æmoʊ part of speech: noun
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