Mundo in english


pronunciation: wɜrld part of speech: noun
In gestures

mundo = scene ; world. 

Example: A recent inexpensive introduction to the microcomputer scene, the Sinclair QL, uses a 32 bit processor (the Motorola 680008) and offers 128K RAM expandable to 640K.Example: Together they constitute the world's largest data base.


» abarcar el mundospan + the globe .

Example: The threat from car bombs now spans the globe -- anywhere and anyone, a government building, an airport, could be a target.

» a beber y a tragar que el mundo se va a acabareat, drink and be merry (for tomorrow we die) .

Example: Before we get down to business, let's eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die," the CEO said after everyone had arrived.

» abrirse camino en el mundomake + Posesivo + way in the world .

Example: He had already made his way in the world as a soloist before becoming a stage star.

» abrirse paso en el mundomake + Posesivo + way in the world .

Example: He had already made his way in the world as a soloist before becoming a stage star.

» acontecer en el mundogo down in + the world .

Example: Nearly everyone has a smartphone with a camera these days, so when something big goes down in the world you can expect more on-the-scene footage than a news crew could ever hope to gather on their own.

» afectar al mundospan + the globe .

Example: The threat from car bombs now spans the globe -- anywhere and anyone, a government building, an airport, could be a target.

» ajeno al mundounwordly .

Example: There exist sets of duality in this philosophy; body versus soul, worldly versus unworldly and life versus salvation.

» al fin del mundoto the ends of the earth .

Example: Having journeyed to the ends of the earth and the land of the dead, Heracles could therefore suggest closing down the Eleusian mysteries.

» al otro lado del mundohalf way (a)round the world .

Example: It is unreasonable to expect a library without enough money to open at regular hours to serve its citizens to commit resources that will enable a user half way around the world to borrow from its collection.

» apartarse del mundoclose out + the worldshut out + the world .

Example: Some of the children had been unruly today, and she could hardly wait to dismiss them so she could retreat to her house and close out the world.

Example: Sometimes you need to shut out the world and allow yourself some time to kick back and give yourself time.

» buscar por todo el mundosearch + the world (over) .

Example: Unless beauty is in your heart, you can search the world over and find it not.

» campeonato del mundoworld cup .

Example: Since the world cup, we are now allowed to enjoy football, and Alf Ramsay's elevation signifies the establishment's acceptance of the sport of the masses.

» cansado del mundoworld-weary [world-wearier -comp., world-weariest -sup.]  .

Example: My plants that until only recently were bursting with verdant vitality stretching up to the spring sunshine are now looking a bit dog eared and world weary as they begin to bake in the summer sun.

» causar sensación en el mundomake + a big noise in the world .

Example: Mozart commented to Beethoven after hearing him perform, 'You will some day make a big noise in the world'.

» cautivar al mundomake + a big noise in the world .

Example: Mozart commented to Beethoven after hearing him perform, 'You will some day make a big noise in the world'.

» como Dios + Pronombre + trajo al mundoin + Posesivo + birthday suit .

Example: The police thought he was mental and arrested him when he was going about in his birthday suit.

» como si se acabara el mundolike there's no tomorrowlike nobody's business .

Example: The way to live like there's no tomorrow is to basically love life and be as crazy as possible and take risks and chances.

Example: Us blacks come from poverty, so when we get money, we spend it like nobody's business.

» como si se estuviera/estuviese acabando el mundoas though it/they is/are/was/were going out of fashion .

Example: Not only was his wife as ugly as sin, and twice as evil, but had a voracious appetite for spending cash as though it was going out of fashion.

» como si se fuese a acabar el mundolike there's no tomorrowlike nobody's business .

Example: The way to live like there's no tomorrow is to basically love life and be as crazy as possible and take risks and chances.

Example: Us blacks come from poverty, so when we get money, we spend it like nobody's business.

» como todo el mundo conoceas everybody knows .

Example: As everyone knows, I love grey skinny jeans in all shades.

» como todo el mundo sabeas everybody knowsas everyone knows .

Example: As everyone knows, I love grey skinny jeans in all shades.

Example: As everyone knows, the US is backing one side in the Syrian civil war.

» con ansias de conquistar el mundoworld-conquering .

Example: Superman, Batman, Spider-Man and the rest continue to fight the good fight against world-conquering super-powered villains, offering their readers excitement, escape, and hopefully a bit more = Superman, Batman, Spideman y otros continúan luchando por una buena causa contra villanos superpoderosos con ansias de conquistar el mundo, ofreciendo a sus lectores emoción, evasión de la realidad y, es de esperar, un poco más.

» con contribución abierta a todo el mundocrowd-sourced [Referido a cualquier tipo de proyecto en Internet al que cualquier persona puede contribuir como, por ejemplo, la Wikipedia]crowd-sourced [Referido a cualquier tipo de proyecto en Internet al que cualquier persona puede contribuir como, por ejemplo, la Wikipedia] .

Example: There is a new crowd-sourced project called Treezilla that seeks to catalog all the trees on the British Isles, and it already indexes tens of thousands.

Example: There is a new crowd-sourced project called Treezilla that seeks to catalog all the trees on the British Isles, and it already indexes tens of thousands.

» con contribuciones de todo el mundocrowd-sourced [Referido a cualquier tipo de proyecto en Internet al que cualquier persona puede contribuir como, por ejemplo, la Wikipedia] .

Example: There is a new crowd-sourced project called Treezilla that seeks to catalog all the trees on the British Isles, and it already indexes tens of thousands.

» con la mejor voluntad del mundoin good faith .

Example: If one side gives in on something, take it in good faith, don't take advantage of it, and be willing to yield something in return.

» conmocionar el mundorock + the world .

Example: Foul-smelling and ill-tempered, camels might have gained a few admirers among atheists this month after helping science further rock the world of religion.

» conocer (el) mundotravel around + the world .

Example: Traveling around the world is a dream a lot of people have, and they want to make it come true.

» con todo el horror del mundoto + Posesivo + horrormuch to + Posesivo + horror .

Example: To her horror, Laura gets paired with Steve for a class project in which the participants pretend they are married.

Example: The protagonist suddenly learns, much to his horror, that he has gastric cancer and that his death is imminent.

» correr mundosee + lifesee + the world .

Example: Their initial idea was 'to see life, see the world'.

Example: Their initial idea was 'to see life, see the world'.

» cubrir el mundospan + the globe .

Example: The threat from car bombs now spans the globe -- anywhere and anyone, a government building, an airport, could be a target.

» cultura del mundo impresoprint culture .

Example: This paper outlines some of the opportunities presented by the information age as well as some of the values offered by traditional print culture = Este artículo describe en líneas generales algunas de las oportunidades que presenta la era de la información así como algunos de los valores que ofrece la cultura del mundo impreso tradicional.

» dar todo el oro del mundogive + Posesivo + right arm .

Example: I can't help but feel gutted that people who would give their right arm to be there probably won't get tickets.

» decírselo a todo el mundolet + the world know .

Example: She was on their side and she let the world know.

» dedicar todo el esfuerzo del mundo aput + Posesivo + heart (and soul) into .

Example: Miss Clough's privacy was legendary; she did not wear her heart on her sleeve, but she did put her heart into her painting.

» del mundo realreal-world .

Example: It is unfortunate that there is a dearth of real-world logged data to explore usage and problems.

» demostrar al mundoprove to + the world .

Example: He is out to prove to the world that politics is not a bad word.

» de otro mundounworldly .

Example: It's well documented that meditation and yoga lead to contact with unworldly forces of evil.

» desconectarse del mundobe dead to the world .

Example: He complained about feeling achy and tired, fell asleep in the car on the way home, and was dead to the world for the next 16 or so hours.

» desconectarse del mundo realswitch off from + the real world .

Example: A good novel will engross me and have me switched off from the real world for hours.

» desde que el mundo es mundofrom the beginning of timesince the beginning of timesince time beganfrom time immemorialsince the dawn of time .

Example: From the beginning of time, technology has been a key element in the growth and development of societies.

Example: Since the beginning of time, the buttocks have always been one of the two most important determinants of the beauty of the female torso.

Example: Since time began there has never been a conscientious objector in the war between the sexes.

Example: The spin sold to the world by the Arabs is that they were one nation in their homeland 'from time immemorial'.

Example: Since the dawn of time people have expressed themselves in stories, to wile away the time, warn the next generation or perhaps, point to a brighter future but certainly always, to entertain.

» desear a Algo o Alguien toda la suerte del mundowish + Nombre + every success .

Example: IFLA's involvement in the Global Knowledge Partnership is a major step towards that goal and I wish it every success.

» desear a Alguien toda la suerte del mundowish + Nombre + all the luck in the world .

Example: The worst is over now and I wish you all the luck in the world.

» deseoso de conquistar el mundoworld-conquering .

Example: Superman, Batman, Spider-Man and the rest continue to fight the good fight against world-conquering super-powered villains, offering their readers excitement, escape, and hopefully a bit more = Superman, Batman, Spideman y otros continúan luchando por una buena causa contra villanos superpoderosos con ansias de conquistar el mundo, ofreciendo a sus lectores emoción, evasión de la realidad y, es de esperar, un poco más.

» de todas las partes del mundofrom all over the worldfrom all over the globefrom every part of the worldfrom the world overof every corner of the worldof every corner of the globefrom every corner of the globefrom every corner of the worldfrom around the world .

Example: The newsletter has generated interest from all over the world.

Example: What this has meant is that in the 20th century, ideas are being sourced from all over the globe; and at the speed oflight, so to speak.

Example: Thousands of runners from every part of the world gather every year to run in the footsteps of the legendary Greek soldier-runner-messenger.

Example: This database contains details of 326 studies from the world over exploring the association between obesity with sedentary behaviour.

Example: Our intention is to provide you with free offline maps of every corner of the world.

Example: This proof is contained in a meteorite unearthed in Antarctica in 1984 whose name was soon the talk of every corner of the globe.

Example: I like every kind of music from every corner of the globe.

Example: In late summer, the ideas started pouring in from every corner of the world.

Example: Recent awards given to the company has generated loads of media attention from around the world.

» de todo el mundoworld over, the [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]around the worldacross the globefrom (all) around the worldthroughout the worldaround the globefrom (all) around the globeall over the globefrom across the worldacross the worldaround the planetthe world overfrom the world overfrom all over the worldfrom all over the globefrom around the world .

Example: Despite its faults and inadequacies the public library brings pleasure to, and satisfies some of the needs of, millions the world over.

Example: Today, it is possible to connect a computer terminal to a wide range of online computer-stored data around the world.

Example: It is difficult to make comparisons between library services across the globe = Es difícil establecer comparaciones entre los servicios bibliocarios de todo el mundo.

Example: Through the Internet, school students and teachers have access to information from around the world.

Example: In 1953 UNESCO estimated that 269,000 books were produced throughout the world.

Example: The OCLC bibliographic database has become one of the world's premier library resources, consulted an average of 65 times a second by users around the globe.

Example: The article is entitled 'Information innovations from around the globe'.

Example: The World Wide Web allows users to access computers all over the globe.

Example: The utilization of technology, coupled with skilled librarians, brings information from across the world to the user at the local public library.

Example: Fragmentation, competition and division is giving way to unification and cooperation as knowledge, technology, and capital flows across the world.

Example: It is a shining center of culture and political influence without peer around the planet.

Example: Every scientist, social scientist or humanist draws upon the findings and the thoughts of his predecessors or his current colleagues the world over.

Example: This database contains details of 326 studies from the world over exploring the association between obesity with sedentary behaviour.

Example: The newsletter has generated interest from all over the world.

Example: What this has meant is that in the 20th century, ideas are being sourced from all over the globe; and at the speed oflight, so to speak.

Example: Recent awards given to the company has generated loads of media attention from around the world.

» de todos los rincones del mundoof every corner of the worldof every corner of the globefrom every corner of the globefrom every corner of the world .

Example: Our intention is to provide you with free offline maps of every corner of the world.

Example: This proof is contained in a meteorite unearthed in Antarctica in 1984 whose name was soon the talk of every corner of the globe.

Example: I like every kind of music from every corner of the globe.

Example: In late summer, the ideas started pouring in from every corner of the world.

» dueño del mundo, elcock-of-the-walk .

Example: As far as he could see, he was cock of the walk: many of the men in Sunset suffered from diseases that Horace had so far escaped.

» echarse al mundogo out into + the world .

Example: Going out into the world busking as a street performer can be a very rewarding experience.

» el dinero mueve al mundomoney makes the world go (a)round .

Example: The article 'Money makes the world go round' analyses the problems facing data base producers when attempting to balance online and print subscription income = El artículo "El dinero mueve al mundo" analiza los problemas a los que enfrentan los productores de las bases de datos al intentar equilibrar sus ingresos de las suscripciones en línea con los de las suscripciones impresas.

» el fin del mundothe end of the world .

Example: If you are reading these words, then we survived the end of the world that was supposedly foretold by the ancient Maya.

» el más antiguo del mundothe oldest in the bookthe oldest in the world .

Example: As sleep aids go, counting sheep is probably the oldest in the book.

Example: A family has discovered their cat is the oldest in the world after reaching its 39th birthday.

» el mundo da muchas vueltaswhat goes around comes aroundthe chickens come home to roost [Derivado de la expresión original "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost"]you (shall) reap what you sowif you dance, you must pay the piperas you sow, so shall you reap .

Example: If there's one place where what goes around comes around, it's the United States Senate.

Example: These particular chickens do come home to roost = Derivado de la expresión original "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost".

Example: A popular teaching of the New Testament is the principle that 'you reap what you sow'.

Example: And as the old saying goes: 'If you dance, you must pay the piper' .

Example: The article 'as you sow, so shall you reap: understanding the value of information' addresses the common problem of how to establish the value of the library and the information it provides in the eyes of the parent organisation.

» el mundo de las noticiasnewsmaking .

Example: This article studies how news library staff and editorial staff in a large metropolitan daily newspaper perceive the contribution of the news library to newsmaking.

» el mundo en la palma de la manothe world in the palm of + Posesivo + hand .

Example: The article is entitled 'Reference applications of color microfiche: the world in the palm of your hand'.

» el mundo está a sus piesthe world is + Posesivo + oyster .

Example: The world is her oyster and she plans on taking the opportunities that she is given.

» el mundo es un pañueloit's a small world .

Example: There is just one moon, one golden sun and though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide, it's a small world.

» el mundo no gira alrededor + Pronombrethe world doesn't revolve around + Pronombre .

Example: Contrary to what you believe, the world doesn't revolve around you and that little universe you call a head.

» el mundo no + Pronombre + debe nadathe world doesn't owe + Pronombre + anythingthe world doesn't owe + Pronombre + a living .

Example: The world doesn't owe you anything and the sooner you get that through your thick skull, the less it'll hurt.

Example: Once you realise that the world doesn't owe you a living and adopt an attitude of looking out for yourself, things will begin to improve.

» el mundo + rendirse + a + Posesivo + piesthe world + fall + at + Posesivo + feet .

Example: All she had to do was bat those golden eyelashes, toss those golden curls, and the world fell at her feet.

» el techo del mundothe roof of the world .

Example: Tibet, a land veiled in secrecy for centuries, 'the roof of the world' full of mystery, grandeur and overwhelming sights.

» el truco más antiguo del mundothe oldest trick in the worldthe oldest trick in the book .

Example: Even the oldest trick in the world still has new life in it if you give it some thought.

Example: This is the oldest trick in the book, but it's fun to see people still baffled by it.

» empezar a disparar a todo el mundogo on + a shooting spree .

Example: A plumber who went on a shooting spree that left five people dead at a bar shot and killed himself when police surrounded his apartment and ordered him to surrender.

» empezar a matar a todo el mundogo on + a killing spree .

Example: It is a very odd movie about an expectant mother who goes on a killing spree because her unborn baby is telling her to.

» en el culo del mundoin the arse of nowherein the middle of nowherein the back of beyondout in the sticks .

Example: We got stuck waiting for a train back for almost two hours, so we sat in a country pub in the arse of nowhere, stuffing our faces and playing dominoes.

Example: The chance to stay in the middle of a rainforest in the middle of nowhere and nobody else around us was too good an opportunity to miss.

Example: They didn't go there because life was good, but because there, in the back of beyond, you could pan for gold without the threat of being robbed.

Example: Listen to people who live out in the sticks and heed their advice and recommendations -- don't rely on instinct or rumour.

» en el filo del mundoedge of the world, the .

Example: I know many might argue that Alamogordo is way out in the middle of nowhere but to my family it was really and truly the edge of civilization.

» en el fin del mundoedge of the world, the .

Example: I know many might argue that Alamogordo is way out in the middle of nowhere but to my family it was really and truly the edge of civilization.

» en el mundoon the face of the earthon the world stage .

Example: E-mail is without question the most powerful method of distributing information on the face of the earth.

Example: At a time when China is becoming more and more significant on the world stage, the increasing curtailment of the freedom of its citizens to access the information they choose is deeply disturbing.

» en el mundo actualin today's world .

Example: In today's world it is rather difficult to imagine a child not watching the telly.

» en el mundo antiguoin antiquity .

Example: The attribution of both these works to him in antiquity is incorrect according to modern scholarship.

» en el mundo enteroall over the worldworldwide [world-wide]all around the worldthroughout the worldaround the planetthe world over .

Example: All of the schemes are here subjected to considerable criticism but we have as yet nothing better to replace them; they are used in libraries all over the world, and librarians have to learn to live with them.

Example: In 1985 there were 889 million illiterates worldwide.

Example: Patent lawyers would be hard pressed if they had to operate without abstracts to the millions upon millions of patents issued for centuries all around the world.

Example: In 1953 UNESCO estimated that 269,000 books were produced throughout the world.

Example: It is a shining center of culture and political influence without peer around the planet.

Example: Every scientist, social scientist or humanist draws upon the findings and the thoughts of his predecessors or his current colleagues the world over.

» en el mundo nos rodeaout there .

Example: How she ached to be a poet and by some wizardry of pen capture the mysteries going on out there.

» en el mundo que nos rodea(out) in the wild .

Example: The amount of information out in the wild on dieting versus training is nuts and the amount of people advising me of the percentage of 80% diet and 20% workout is even wilder.

» en el mundo realin the real world .

Example: On paper, most girls would name the boy-next-door as their ideal mate, although in the real world you're often passed over for more masculine men.

» enfrentarse al mundogo out into + the world .

Example: Going out into the world busking as a street performer can be a very rewarding experience.

» en la mayor parte del mundoin most parts of the world .

Example: Tagetes is one of the popular garden bloomers in most parts of the world.

» en todas las partes del mundoin every corner of the globein every corner of the world .

Example: Football talent can be found in every corner of the globe and Malta is no exception.

Example: The shouts, sounds, and smells of streetside commerce are unique in every corner of the world, with each culture putting a local twist on this brand of work.

» en todo el mundoworldwide [world-wide]world over, the [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]around the worldall around the worldall over the worldacross the globethroughout the worldaround the globeacross the worldaround the planetthe world overin the whole world .

Example: In 1985 there were 889 million illiterates worldwide.

Example: Despite its faults and inadequacies the public library brings pleasure to, and satisfies some of the needs of, millions the world over.

Example: Today, it is possible to connect a computer terminal to a wide range of online computer-stored data around the world.

Example: Patent lawyers would be hard pressed if they had to operate without abstracts to the millions upon millions of patents issued for centuries all around the world.

Example: All of the schemes are here subjected to considerable criticism but we have as yet nothing better to replace them; they are used in libraries all over the world, and librarians have to learn to live with them.

Example: It is difficult to make comparisons between library services across the globe = Es difícil establecer comparaciones entre los servicios bibliocarios de todo el mundo.

Example: In 1953 UNESCO estimated that 269,000 books were produced throughout the world.

Example: The OCLC bibliographic database has become one of the world's premier library resources, consulted an average of 65 times a second by users around the globe.

Example: Fragmentation, competition and division is giving way to unification and cooperation as knowledge, technology, and capital flows across the world.

Example: It is a shining center of culture and political influence without peer around the planet.

Example: Every scientist, social scientist or humanist draws upon the findings and the thoughts of his predecessors or his current colleagues the world over.

Example: Niagara falls is perhaps the most known attraction of this type in the whole world.

» en todos los rincones del mundoin every corner of the globein every corner of the world .

Example: Football talent can be found in every corner of the globe and Malta is no exception.

Example: The shouts, sounds, and smells of streetside commerce are unique in every corner of the world, with each culture putting a local twist on this brand of work.

» en un mundo idealin an ideal world .

Example: Of course, in an ideal world it would not be necessary to look under all these headings for what is after all just one subject.

» en un mundo perfectoin a perfect world .

Example: In a perfect world, what would you personally do with the print material that your library designates for weeding?.

» envidia del mundo, laworld's envy, the .

Example: Life has not blessed her with parental love, but has gifted her with beauty that's the world's envy.

» experiencia del mundoworldliness  .

Example: The best path, the film implies, is a middle way, combining worldliness with a folksy morality, one that respects family and individual alike.

» experiencia del mundo realreal-world training .

Example: The location has not only provided real-world training but it has also given them the chance to experience an environment that differs greatly from their home state.

» famoso en el mundo enteroworld-renownedworld-renownworld-famous [world famous] .

Example: The prestige of working for a world-renowned abstracting organization and of having one's name carried in its publications is also motivating.

Example: Larry King is not only a world-renown journalist, but a true American icon.

Example: Paul Erdos (1913-1996) was a world famous Hungarian mathematician.

» famoso en todo el mundoworld-famous [world famous]world-renownedworld-renown .

Example: Paul Erdos (1913-1996) was a world famous Hungarian mathematician.

Example: The prestige of working for a world-renowned abstracting organization and of having one's name carried in its publications is also motivating.

Example: Larry King is not only a world-renown journalist, but a true American icon.

» fascinado por el mundo del teatrostagestruck .

Example: He too had been stagestruck, he too had dreamed of applause, of the footlights, of dressing rooms and good luck telegrams.

» Fomento de la Biblioteconomía en el Tercer Mundo (ALP)Advancement of Librarianship in the Third World (ALP) .

Example: This article discusses the origins and organisation of IFLA's core programme for the Advancement of Librarianship in the Third World (ALP).

» formación en el mundo realreal-world training .

Example: The location has not only provided real-world training but it has also given them the chance to experience an environment that differs greatly from their home state.

» haber recorrido mucho mundobe well-travelledhave seen + a thing or two .

Example: And even if you are very well traveled, you will be hard-pushed to think of a place with more interior designers and furniture shops than here.

Example: With thirty-six years of experience we've seen a thing or two, and we offer solutions and a high level of service that will take the pressure off of you.

» haber un mundo de diferenciathere + be + a world of difference .

Example: There's a world of difference between truth and facts -- facts can obscure the truth.

» hacerle un favor al mundodo + the world a favour .

Example: Hopefully the producers will do the world a favor and give her the bounce tomorrow.

» hacer recorrer todo el mundotake + Nombre + across the worldtake + Nombre + all over the world .

Example: After witnessing her parents being murdered by the Mob, she set off on a journey for revenge that took her across the world.

Example: Justine Evans, 44, is a wildlife camerawoman whose work has taken her all over the world.

» hacer todo el bien del mundodo + Nombre + a power of gooddo + Nombre + a/the world of good .

Example: I took my mother to Southend for a holiday as she had been very ill & it did her a power of good.

Example: Aria used to be Rosewood's resident weird girl -- but that was before a trip to Iceland did her a world of good.

» hasta el fin del mundountil the end of the world .

Example: In this list, he gave a cryptic name to each of the popes who would reign from that time until the until the end of the world.

» hastiado del mundoworld-weary [world-wearier -comp., world-weariest -sup.]  .

Example: My plants that until only recently were bursting with verdant vitality stretching up to the spring sunshine are now looking a bit dog eared and world weary as they begin to bake in the summer sun.

» hombre de mundoman-about-town [Plural men-about-town] .

Example: He is a dashing man-about-town and his rakish behaviour towards women has gained him a notorious reputation.

» incluir a todo el mundoinclusivity .

Example: Academic libraries need shed these lingering vestiges of eurocentricism and move forward towards meaningful cultural inclusivity.

» inclusión en el mundo de las redese-inclusion .

Example: Proposals should aim at explaining to the citizens in Latin America the benefits of the Information Society in the following four areas: local governance, education and cultural diversity, public health and social inclusion (or e-inclusion).

» inclusión en el mundo electrónicoe-inclusion .

Example: Proposals should aim at explaining to the citizens in Latin America the benefits of the Information Society in the following four areas: local governance, education and cultural diversity, public health and social inclusion (or e-inclusion).

» la mano que mece la cuna es la mano que domina el mundothe hand that rocks the cradle rules the world [Proverbio usado para resaltar el papel tan importante que desempeña la mujer en el mundo] .

Example: The saying, 'The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World' is indeed the insignia of us 'Women' -- it makes me feel worthy to be born a woman .

» la mano que mece la cuna gobierna el mundothe hand that rocks the cradle rules the world [Proverbio usado para resaltar el papel tan importante que desempeña la mujer en el mundo] .

Example: The saying, 'The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World' is indeed the insignia of us 'Women' -- it makes me feel worthy to be born a woman .

» la mayoría del mundothe majority of the worldmost peoplethe majority of the people .

Example: Free trade is not working for the majority of the world.

Example: Most people want -- and need -- an idealized father figure as a leader.

Example: Mali is a country with a strong oral tradition and consequently books are marginal to the majority of the people.

» llevar el peso del mundo sobre + Posesivo + hombroscarry + the weight of the world on + Posesivo + shoulders .

Example: My mate felt as though she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, she had to be the sole provider.

» llevar el peso del mundo sobre + Posesivo + espaldascarry + the weight of the world on + Posesivo + shoulders .

Example: My mate felt as though she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, she had to be the sole provider.

» llevar por todo el mundotake + Nombre + across the worldtake + Nombre + all over the world .

Example: After witnessing her parents being murdered by the Mob, she set off on a journey for revenge that took her across the world.

Example: Justine Evans, 44, is a wildlife camerawoman whose work has taken her all over the world.

» maravilla del mundowonder of the world .

Example: Only one of the ancient wonders of the world still survives -- now history lovers are being invited to choose a new list of seven.

» mundo académico, elacademeacademiaacademic, theacademic world, the [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]world of academia, the .

Example: This article describes a study conducted to show how librarians think they are perceived by their colleagues in academe, the teaching faculty.

Example: NREN is envisioned as a cooperative venture of government, academia and industry, initial funding coming mainly from government.

Example: The article is entitled 'Tidal wave or ripple? The impact of Internet on the academic'.

Example: Fish is particularly scathing about reactionaries in the academic world who resort to a version of scaremongering about 'political correctness,' deconstruction, and other bogies.

Example: His publications attacked the pretentiousness and fallibility of the world of academia.

» mundo analógico, elanalogue world, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Digital technology has ushered us into a ceaseless spiral of change which represents, not so much an evolution, but a formidable disjunction with the analog world.

» mundo árabe, elArab world, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: There are more than 20 LIS schools in the Arab world and they grant diplomas, B.Sc. degrees, Master degrees and Ph.D.

» mundo científico, elscholarly community, thescientific world, the .

Example: The author discusses whether it is possible for the scholarly community to take over scholarly publishing altogether and put greedy publishers out of business.

Example: The second rule is an 'external' one: it deals with the relation between 'the scientific world' and 'the real world'.

» mundo clásico, elclassical world, the .

Example: Greek and Latin may long since have lost their central place in Western education, but the influence of the classical world on our own culture remains very strong.

» mundo comercial, elcommercial world, the .

Example: Some folks in the commercial world enjoy all the internal get-ahead mutual sniping and jealous backbiting and ambitious politicking that goes on in it.

» mundo cotidianolifeworld [life world] .

Example: One of the main difficulties is that information technology transform our lifeworld.

» mundo de fantasíafantasy worldworld of fancy .

Example: The author presents a critique of some of the settings used in her novels (school, circus, nursery, holiday adventure, family, detectives, and fantasy worlds).

Example: 'A radically atheoretical posture is conceivable only in a purely theoretical world of wild fancy,' he wrote in response to Gary Thomas's article, 'What's the Use of Theory?' = "Una postura radicalmente ateórica sólo es concebible en un mundo puramente teórico de fantasía salvaje", escribió en respuesta al artículo de Gary Thomas, "¿Qué sentido tiene la teoría?".

» mundo de habla inglesa, elEnglish-speaking world, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Its objective was to establish a unity of practice throughout the English-speaking world.

» mundo de la ciencia, elworld of science, thescientific world, the .

Example: Things would be infinitely worse if the arena where all this happened was one filled with back-biting and intrigue, such as the world of science.

Example: The second rule is an 'external' one: it deals with the relation between 'the scientific world' and 'the real world'.

» mundo de la documentación, elinformation world, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: In the next decade those libraries that adhere to traditionalism will become backwaters whereas those committed to meeting the expectations of their clientele will become leaders in the information world.

» mundo de la empresabusiness world .

Example: Humanity is returning to the downsized, reengineered, total quality management weary business world.

» mundo de la empresa, elcorporate world, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: Perhaps she would be well advised to read that book and others of its ilk to see if she could learn something about surviving in the corporate world.

» mundo de la fantasía, elworld of make-believe, theland of make-believe, the .

Example: Students of children's literature and anyone interested in the world of make-believe will find this stimulating.

Example: They have created a land of make-believe that's worse than regular life.

» mundo de la información, elinformation world, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]information business, theinfosphere, the .

Example: In the next decade those libraries that adhere to traditionalism will become backwaters whereas those committed to meeting the expectations of their clientele will become leaders in the information world.

Example: But like all of us in the information business, they have been forced to compete with the likes of Yahoo, Altavista, and

Example: A long-term international programme of action is needed to preserve cultural diversity and multilingualism in the infosphere.

» mundo de la interpretación, elacting world, the .

Example: Her parents used to teach acting at an acting school, which is where she was introduced to the nuances of the acting world.

» mundo de la letra impresa, elprint world, the .

Example: The author examines the current situation in the print world and looks at some of the forces which militate against change, including copyright, licensing issues, and promotion and tenure.

» mundo de la mafia, elcriminal scene, thecriminal world, the .

Example: This is but a myth used instrumentally by delinquents to establish a position on the criminal scene -- as doorkeepers, bodyguards, money collectors or other so-called 'specialists in violence'.

Example: From its inception, 'Sanctuary', William Faulkner's novel of a young co-ed initiated through rape and murder into the criminal world was controversial.

» mundo de la moda, elfashion world, theworld of fashion, the .

Example: Unlike most of the fashion world, the styles of formal attire take their names from men's wear rather than female attire.

Example: The book 'If Looks Could Kill' is a juicy, tell-all, insider's look at the true world of fashion.

» mundo de la música, elmusic world, the .

Example: This index facilitates access to information about musicians and other members of the music world.

» mundo de la música popular, elTin Pan Alley .

Example: The 1920s and 1930s have come to stand out as the golden age of the Tin Pan Alley song.

» mundo de la música rock, elrock world, the .

Example: I can hardly believe you've got a brother who's such a big cheese in the rock world.

» mundo del arte, elart world, the .

Example: Hollywood is expounding the idea that the art world is full of bogus ideas, false values, and kinky sex.

» mundo de las bibliotecas, ellibrary world, the .

Example: In the library world leaders should have the courage to defend the right to read and the other high principles of the library profession.

» mundo de las drogasdrug culture .

Example: In this book, written out of much grief and anguish, Kenny explores the drug culture that claimed the lives of her two nephews.

» mundo de las empresasbusiness environment .

Example: The concepts of competition, technological discontinuities, and innovation are typically found in a business environment.

» mundo de las letras, elworld of letters, the .

Example: This article looks at how the first of the electronic technologies, radio, was initially perceived in the world of letters and libraries.

» mundo del comercio del librobook-trade life .

Example: To speak of books as 'new products for the market' sounds crassly commercial, but is nevertheless a hard fact of book-trade life.

» mundo del deporte, elsporting world, the .

Example: But there's nothing crazy about his latest idea which looks set to take the sporting world by storm.

» mundo del espectáculo, elshow businessshowbiz world, theshowbiz [Palabra formada a partir de show business] .

Example: Ponies have been used for riding, transport, work on crofts and in coal mines, domestic service, and in show business.

Example: At the time of her death tributes poured in from across the showbiz world.

Example: According to the new poll, Justin Bieber, Russell Brand and Kanye West are among the worst dressed men in showbiz = Según la nueva encuesta, Justin Bieber, Russell Brand y Kanye West se encuentran entre los hombres peor vestidos del mundo del espectáculo.

» mundo del hampacriminal underworld .

Example: Dickens's own outrage over the conditions of the poor in Britian conflicted with his revulsion at the criminal underworld & his fear of popular insurgence.

» mundo del hampa, elcriminal scene, thecriminal world, the .

Example: This is but a myth used instrumentally by delinquents to establish a position on the criminal scene -- as doorkeepers, bodyguards, money collectors or other so-called 'sp

Mundo synonyms

man in spanish: hombre, pronunciation: mæn part of speech: noun earth in spanish: tierra, pronunciation: ɜrθ part of speech: noun nature in spanish: naturaleza, pronunciation: neɪtʃɜr part of speech: noun domain in spanish: dominio, pronunciation: doʊmeɪn part of speech: noun reality in spanish: realidad, pronunciation: riæləti part of speech: noun global in spanish: global, pronunciation: gloʊbəl part of speech: adjective public in spanish: público, pronunciation: pʌblɪk part of speech: adjective, noun universe in spanish: universo, pronunciation: junəvɜrs part of speech: noun cosmos in spanish: cosmos, pronunciation: kɑzmoʊs part of speech: noun humanity in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: hjumænɪti part of speech: noun existence in spanish: existencia, pronunciation: egzɪstəns part of speech: noun creation in spanish: creación, pronunciation: krieɪʃən part of speech: noun globe in spanish: globo, pronunciation: gloʊb part of speech: noun worldwide in spanish: en todo el mundo, pronunciation: wɜrldwaɪd part of speech: adjective populace in spanish: populacho, pronunciation: pɑpjələs part of speech: noun mankind in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: mænkaɪnd part of speech: noun planetary in spanish: planetario, pronunciation: plænəteri part of speech: adjective macrocosm in spanish: macrocosmo, pronunciation: məkroʊkɔzəm part of speech: noun humans in spanish: humanos, pronunciation: hjumənz part of speech: noun humankind in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: hjumənkaɪnd part of speech: noun human beings in spanish: seres humanos, pronunciation: hjumənbiɪŋz part of speech: noun human race in spanish: raza humana, pronunciation: hjumənreɪs part of speech: noun earthly concern in spanish: preocupación terrenal, pronunciation: ɜrθlikənsɜrn part of speech: noun worldly concern in spanish: preocupación mundana, pronunciation: wɜrldlikənsɜrn part of speech: noun
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