Mundial in english


pronunciation: wɜrld part of speech: noun
In gestures

mundial = world ; global. 

Example: The business community entered the field at a time when the world economy was shaken by the oil price rises of the seventies.Example: Increasing competition and the 'global economy' is greatly affecting the geographic dispersement of these people and the breadth of their interests.


» alcanzar proporciones mundialesreach + global proportions .

Example: Over the past decade concern over the destruction of the world's coastal rainforests has reached global proportions.

» aldea mundial de la información, laglobal information village, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The huge economic problems faced by many countries in the world may result in a very slow growth in the number of connections to the international network, but to have any hope in sharing in the benefits of the global information village those connections will be vital.

» aldea mundial, laglobal village, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The global village will not become a reality until each inhabitant is able to hold an electronic conversation with his neighbour.

» alfabetización a nivel mundialworld literacy .

Example: The article is entitled 'World literacy and the role of libraries'.

» alfabetización mundialworld literacy .

Example: The article is entitled 'World literacy and the role of libraries'.

» a nivel mundialworldwide [world-wide]globally .

Example: In 1985 there were 889 million illiterates worldwide.

Example: This article aims to examine both currently and globally the varying degrees of application of information technology to information services in several continents.

» autoridad mundialworld authority .

Example: Dr Voits, a world authority on UFOs, will be giving a talk in the main lecture theatre this evening.

» Banco Mundial, elWorld Bank, the .

Example: Electronic mail has become widely used and popular at the World Bank.

» campeonato mundialworld championshipworld cup .

Example: He dismissed the acussation that he was out of form towards the end of the season, a period where he eventually lost the grip on the world championship.

Example: Since the world cup, we are now allowed to enjoy football, and Alf Ramsay's elevation signifies the establishment's acceptance of the sport of the masses.

» campeón mundialworld championworld beater .

Example: Britain now has ten different world champions, who have won 14 titles between them, more than any other country.

Example: The article is titled 'Dow Jones Interactive - a world beater'.

» ciencia mundialworld science .

Example: The anti-constitutional measure goes against world science and the policy of free exchange of scientific information for the good of humanity, he stated.

» civilización mundialglobal civilisationworld civilisation .

Example: Food shortages could bring down not only individual governments but also our global civilization.

Example: Subject coverage includes anthropology, archaeology, classics, history, and other areas related to the study of world civilizations.

» comunidad mundial, laworld community, the .

Example: Lack of appropriate vaccine catches world community unprepared as unusual strain of meningitis threatens African countries.

» congreso mundialworld congress .

Example: Since then nine world congresses have been held.

» consecuencias a nivel mundialglobal implications .

Example: The downside is that the global implications of the current downturn are more profound than anything previously witnessed.

» crisis económica mundialglobal economic slumpglobal financial crisis .

Example: Amidst increasing signs in some quarters that the worst of the global economic slump could be over, analysts are looking for signs that Russia is close to recovery.

Example: He said that despite the stiff competition in the market and the adverse effects of the global financial crisis which has impacted the financial sector they achieved good results.

» crisis mundialglobal crisis .

Example: It's the most well-positioned superregional bank in the country to come out of the global crisis.

» Cumbre Mundial sobre la Sociedad de la InformaciónWorld Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) .

Example: The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was a pair of United Nations-sponsored conferences about information, communication and, in broad terms, the information society that took place in 2003 in Geneva and in 2005 in Tunis.

» de alcance mundialof global proportions .

Example: Armed violence -- the use of arms to inflict death or injury -- is an epidemic of global proportions.

» de envergadura mundialof global proportions .

Example: Armed violence -- the use of arms to inflict death or injury -- is an epidemic of global proportions.

» de fama mundialworld-renownedinternationally renownedworld-renown .

Example: The prestige of working for a world-renowned abstracting organization and of having one's name carried in its publications is also motivating.

Example: The coastal temperate rain forests of north-western North America are internationally renowned as the archetypal expression of the temperate rain forest biome.

Example: Larry King is not only a world-renown journalist, but a true American icon.

» demanda mundialglobal demand .

Example: Global demand for phosphate rock is predicted to rise at 2.3% per year in order to produce crops for biofuel production.

» de prestigio mundialworld-class .

Example: The difference between success and failure in this environment can often be traced to the availability of world-class information.

» de renombre mundialworld-renownworld-renowned .

Example: Larry King is not only a world-renown journalist, but a true American icon.

Example: The prestige of working for a world-renowned abstracting organization and of having one's name carried in its publications is also motivating.

» economía mundial, laworld economy, theglobal economy, the .

Example: The business community entered the field at a time when the world economy was shaken by the oil price rises of the seventies.

Example: The first of its kind, this exhibition aims to raise public awareness about environmental crimes that affect people's livelihood, the global economy as well as the world's ecosystems.

» en el escenario mundialon the world stage .

Example: At a time when China is becoming more and more significant on the world stage, the increasing curtailment of the freedom of its citizens to access the information they choose is deeply disturbing.

» escena mundial, laglobal scene, the .

Example: It is reasoned that in the 21st century, the nexus between development and environment will dominate the global scene.

» estreno mundialworld premiere .

Example: The live streaming of the world premiere was watched by more than four million people.

» guerra mundialworld war .

Example: In American higher education the interregnum between world wars was a time of drift and disappointment.

» Infraestructura Mundial para la InformaciónGlobal Information Infrastructure (GII) .

Example: The principles under which the G7 (Group of Seven) leading industrialized countries have agreed to collaborate on constructing a Global Information Infrastructure (GII) are presented.

» líder mundialworld leader .

Example: Curling, a version of bowls, but played on ice and involving the astute application of brooms, is a sport in which Scotland is a world leader.

» marca mundialworld record .

Example: Two Lithuanian illusionists have reportedly set three new world records for holding their breath underwater.

» mercado mundialglobal marketworld market .

Example: This conference will showcase best of breed processes and applications to help companies succeed in the global markets they serve.

Example: Europeans have a disproportionate share of the world market because they were the economic giants at the birth of the scientific age and of the periodical.

» orden mundialworld order .

Example: The author examines the role of state interventionism & the character of the new productivism of emerging world order.

» Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (WIPO)WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) .

Example: This article discusses the current situation regarding the work of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in order to update the international regime of copyright and neighbouring rights.

» Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI)WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) .

Example: This article discusses the current situation regarding the work of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in order to update the international regime of copyright and neighbouring rights.

» Organización Mundial para el ComercioWorld Trade Organization (WTO) .

Example: This article analyses the results of the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement on basic telecommunications services.

» paz mundialworld peace .

Example: This project was undertaken to see which resources were available in Canadian public libraries on the general issues of world peace, nuclear disarmament, the arms race, the nuclear threat, national defence policy.

» potencia mundialworld powerglobal power .

Example: He intends to annihilate all the major world powers, until Islamic nations dominate the planet.

Example: Canada is well-positioned to reassert its place on the world stage as an interlocutor between the existing and emerging global powers.

» Primera Guerra MundialWorld War I [First World War] .

Example: War, for example, is divided into Militaria, War, World War I, World War II, Vehicles and Equipment.

» Primera Guerra Mundial, laGreat War, theFirst World War, the (World War I) .

Example: During the last years of the Great War, sound detectors played an increasingly important part in the air defences of all the belligerents.

Example: The costs of printing after the First World War account in part for the decline of the printed catalogue.

» Programa Mundial de Alimentos, elWorld Food Programme, the .

Example: The World Food Programme, the world's largest humanitarian organisation, is on the front line of the fight against climate change.

» recesión mundialworld recession .

Example: But the good times ran out and the world recession of the 1970s brought rising inflation, unemployment and increasing pressure for better social services.

» récord mundialworld record .

Example: Two Lithuanian illusionists have reportedly set three new world records for holding their breath underwater.

» Segunda Guerra MundialWorld War II [Second World War] .

Example: War, for example, is divided into Militaria, War, World War I, World War II, Vehicles and Equipment.

» Segunda Guerra Mundial, laSecond World War, the [World War II] .

Example: From the beginnings of the UNESCO activity after the Second World War the emphasis ever since in universal bibliographic control has been upon collective endeavours.

» tener consecuencias a nivel mundialhave + global implications .

Example: Future climate change will have global implications and countries will need to consider measures which can reduce these impacts.

Mundial synonyms

man in spanish: hombre, pronunciation: mæn part of speech: noun earth in spanish: tierra, pronunciation: ɜrθ part of speech: noun nature in spanish: naturaleza, pronunciation: neɪtʃɜr part of speech: noun domain in spanish: dominio, pronunciation: doʊmeɪn part of speech: noun reality in spanish: realidad, pronunciation: riæləti part of speech: noun global in spanish: global, pronunciation: gloʊbəl part of speech: adjective public in spanish: público, pronunciation: pʌblɪk part of speech: adjective, noun universe in spanish: universo, pronunciation: junəvɜrs part of speech: noun cosmos in spanish: cosmos, pronunciation: kɑzmoʊs part of speech: noun humanity in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: hjumænɪti part of speech: noun existence in spanish: existencia, pronunciation: egzɪstəns part of speech: noun creation in spanish: creación, pronunciation: krieɪʃən part of speech: noun globe in spanish: globo, pronunciation: gloʊb part of speech: noun worldwide in spanish: en todo el mundo, pronunciation: wɜrldwaɪd part of speech: adjective populace in spanish: populacho, pronunciation: pɑpjələs part of speech: noun mankind in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: mænkaɪnd part of speech: noun planetary in spanish: planetario, pronunciation: plænəteri part of speech: adjective macrocosm in spanish: macrocosmo, pronunciation: məkroʊkɔzəm part of speech: noun humans in spanish: humanos, pronunciation: hjumənz part of speech: noun humankind in spanish: humanidad, pronunciation: hjumənkaɪnd part of speech: noun human beings in spanish: seres humanos, pronunciation: hjumənbiɪŋz part of speech: noun human race in spanish: raza humana, pronunciation: hjumənreɪs part of speech: noun earthly concern in spanish: preocupación terrenal, pronunciation: ɜrθlikənsɜrn part of speech: noun worldly concern in spanish: preocupación mundana, pronunciation: wɜrldlikənsɜrn part of speech: noun
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