Multiuso in english


pronunciation: məltipɜrpəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

multiuso = all-purpose ; multi-functional ; multipurpose [multi-purpose] ; multi-use [multiuse]. 

Example: In UDC the colon has to act as an 'all purpose' facet indicator to a very large extent.Example: However, a more advantageous site was offered, right in the shopping precinct, linking a covered mall of shops with a multi-functional community complex.Example: The idea has been suggested to set up multipurpose community centres where services like a grocer, a chemist, a doctor's surgery, a family planning clinic, and a bank, could all be located.Example: This change was appropriate because many of the libraries' computers were multi-use terminals, including many applications in addition to the library's online catalogs.


» salón multiusomultipurpose roommulti-use room .

Example: Our multipurpose room can be divided in to two smaller rooms which can each accommodate 50 people.

Example: Work has been ongoing for a month now on converting the underused workshop into a functional and comfortable multi-use room.

Multiuso synonyms

useful in spanish: útil, pronunciation: jusfəl part of speech: adjective utile in spanish: utile, pronunciation: jutəl part of speech: adjective
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