Multitud in english


pronunciation: kraʊd part of speech: noun
In gestures

multitud = crowd ; multitude ; throng ; horde. 

Example: The second example specifies, 'far adj3 crowd', that the two words, 'far' and 'crowd', must appear within 3 words of one another.Example: It was 'exceedingly inconvenient' because placing the books where they are increases the bulk of the catalogue by occasioning a multitude of long crossreferences.Example: IFLA-goers joined throngs of Brits to watch the military tattoo as kilted bagpipers and military units from around the world displayed their musical and marching skills.Example: This article discusses the emergence of front-end computer software to facilitate the needs of the growing hordes of end-users = This article discusses the emergence of front-end computer software to facilitate the needs of the growing hordes of end-users.


» atraer a la multitudpack in + the crowds .

Example: The play is damned by the critics but packs in the crowds and the producers may be upset by the adverse criticisms but they can, as the saying goes, cry all the way to the bank.

» atraer multitudesdraw + throngs .

Example: The article is entitled 'Database Tokyo Exhibition draws throngs'.

» control de multitudescrowd control .

Example: This study considers the 1989 Hillsborough disaster in the context of the institutional complacency regarding crowd safety and crowd control that prevailed during the 1970s and 1980s.

» darse un baño de multitudestake + a walkabout .

Example: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge today attended a ceremony to commemorate World War I and then took a walkabout to greet the over 5,000 people who came to see the royal couple.

» dirigirse en multitudbeat + the path to .

Example: The success that this has enjoyed in recent years means that a growing number of local authorities are beating the path to Brussels.

» dos son compañía, tres multitudtwo's company, three's a crowd .

Example: In marriage, two's company, three's a crowd.

» la multitud dethe massed ranks of .

Example: Considering the huge guest list, the crowds, and the massed ranks of cameras, the royal wedding proved an intimate affair.

» pasar desapercibido entre la multitudblend in with + the crowd(s)fit in with + the crowd(s)get + lost in the crowd .

Example: Some people just want to stay anonymous, blend in with the crowd so no one knows who they are.

Example: If you don't fit in with the crowd, perhaps it is because you were meant to lead it.

Example: It is all too easy to get lost in the crowd, and feel that you do not really matter.

» perderse en la multitudget + lost in the crowd .

Example: It is all too easy to get lost in the crowd, and feel that you do not really matter.

» perderse entre la multitudlose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd .

Example: Leaving by a side entrance, she plunged into the street and lost herself amid the crowd.

» tres es una multitudthree is a crowd .

Example: They say that three is a crowd but not to us because we are so close and have known each other for such a long time .

» una multitud dea swarm of .

Example: This paper reassesses the views of Margaret Edwards who published 'The fair garden and the swarm of beasts,' a guide to young adult services, in 1969.

Multitud synonyms

crew in spanish: personal, pronunciation: kru part of speech: noun push in spanish: empujar, pronunciation: pʊʃ part of speech: verb, noun gang in spanish: pandilla, pronunciation: gæŋ part of speech: noun bunch in spanish: manojo, pronunciation: bʌntʃ part of speech: noun herd in spanish: manada, pronunciation: hɜrd part of speech: noun draw together in spanish: dibujar juntos, pronunciation: drɔtəgeðɜr part of speech: verb crowd together in spanish: agruparse, pronunciation: kraʊdtəgeðɜr part of speech: verb
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