Multiplico in english


pronunciation: mʌltəplaɪd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

multiplicar = multiply. 

Example: This number is multiplied by 10 and compared with the fine calculated.


» multiplicado por dieztenfold .

Example: The tenfold increase in the number of requests handled each year is ample confirmation of this, if any is needed.

» multiplicarsemushroom [Como hongos]run + rampant .

Example: The use of electronic mail systems has mushroomed in the last 5 years in industrialised nations.

Example: While inflation was running rampant during the Trudeau years, that was the pattern in most countries in the world including the USA.

» tabla de multiplicarmultiplication tabletimes tables .

Example: More and more in my teaching career, I'm seeing that children no longer memorize their multiplication tables.

Example: Primary schools which fail to teach times tables by heart are condemning children to a lifetime struggling with numbers, inspectors have warned.

Multiplico synonyms

increased in spanish: aumentado, pronunciation: ɪnkrist part of speech: adjective
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