Multimillonario in english


pronunciation: məltimɪljəner part of speech: noun
In gestures

multimillonario1 = billionaire ; multimillionaire. 

Example: Believe it or not, there are millionaires and billionaires among us who masquerade as relatively normal, money-conscious people.Example: 'This particular pink-faced half-wit is at the height of his persuasive powers,' Ellington said of the bloated, hateful multimillionaire = 'This particular pink-faced half-wit is at the height of his persuasive powers,' Ellington said of the bloated, hateful multimillionaire.

multimillonario2 = multi-million dollar ; multi-million [multimillion] ; multimillion + Moneda ; multibillion [multi billion] ; multibillion dollar. 

Example: Library automation has become a multimillion dollar industry.Example: This article also describes a multi-million pound extension scheme which is in the course of construction at Glasgow's Mitchell Library = This article also describes a multi-million pound extension scheme which is in the course of construction at Glasgow's Mitchell Library.Example: UK Civil Service unions fear they will lose 265 members' jobs in the Patent Office following a multimillion pound automation project.Example: Oracle is a multibillion company with a strong brand name and large customer base.Example: It is predicted that the information revolution will create a multibillion dollar industry in the 1980s.


» negocio multimillonariomultibillion dollar business .

Example: Bottled water has become a multi-billion dollar business and is now the fastest growing segment of the entire beverage industry.
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