Multimedia in english


pronunciation: məltimidiə part of speech: noun
In gestures

multimedia = mixed-media ; multimedia [multi-media] ; multimedial ; multimedia. 

Example: Interfaces for the following types of resources are of special interest to this workshop: textual documents; statistical data; multimedia or mixed-media data; geospatial data; and genomics and proteomics data = Interfaces for the following types of resources are of special interest to this workshop: textual documents; statistical data; multimedia or mixed-media data; geospatial data; and genomics and proteomics data.Example: These changes will indubitably be ruled by the demands of commercial markets, largely multi-media entertainment, not the requirements of the academic community.Example: We are, in short, faced with the greatest upheaval in the transmission of knowledge since the invention of the printing press: the electronic onslaught of multimedial, digital communication.Example: The project investigated the application of multimedia in libraries.


» alfabetismo multimediamultimedia literacy .

Example: The social result of this is that multimedia literacy is growing up beyond the control (even the purview) of the education system.

» alfabetización multimediamultimedia literacy .

Example: The social result of this is that multimedia literacy is growing up beyond the control (even the purview) of the education system.

» aplicación multimediamultimedia application .

Example: This problem arises in real time multimedia applications, which often requires a guaranteed bandwidth and bounded delay to ensure that the quality of service is met = Este problema surge en las aplicaciones multimedia en tiempo real, que a menudo necesitan un ancho de banda garantizado y un retraso limitado para asegurar la calidad del servicio.

» base de datos multimediamultimedia database .

Example: This article defines a user friendly micro-language, baptized MILAMU, that facilitates both access to these multimedia databases and formulation of multimedia queries = Este artículo explica un microlenguaje de programación, denominado MILAMU, que facilita tanto el acceso a estas bases de datos multimedia como la formulación de enunciados de búsqueda de documentos multimedia.

» biografía multimediamediagraphy [Bibliografía sobre material audiovisual] .

Example: This is an audiovisiaul 'bibliography' or 'mediagraphy', set up by the NBLC because there is no national audiovisual listing.

» catálogo multimediaall-media catalogue [Catálogo que contiene asientos correspondientes a todos los documentos contenidos en la colección, ya sean libros, material audiovisual u otro] .

Example: An effective all-media catalog requires all items to be entered following the same rules.

» centro de recursos multimediamedia resource centre [Colección de documentos generalmente no bibliográficos, materiales para su creación y producción y equipo para su consulta y presentación] .

Example: A media resource centre is a collection of mainly non-book documents, material for their creation and production, and equipment for their consultation and presentation.

» centro multimedialibrary media centremedia centre .

Example: The two had spent almost an hour in an informal discussion of various matters that came within his jurisdiction as head of the library media center at John Brown Junior High School in Los Pasos.

Example: He graduated from library school a year and a half ago, and served a one year stint as an assistant media specialist in a middle school media center = El se graduó en biblioteconomía hace un año y medio y durante un año trabajó como auxiliar especialista en multimedia en un centro multimedia de una escuela secundaria.

» centro multimedia escolarschool library media centreschool media centre .

Example: This article identifies the role and function of a school library media centre in present day society.

Example: Other universities have a small core of required courses and permit students to specialize in such fields as administration, technical services, information science, and school media centers.

» colección multimediamedia collectionmultimedia collection .

Example: There is a need for a media collection to supplement the already established print collections of the library.

Example: A prerequisite to bring all these wonderful concepts such as knowledge servers, multimedia collections and the virtual library to life, is or wil be the use of digital formats in the library.

» conjunto documental multimediakit [Conjunto de materiales documentales en el que no hay ninguno que predomine sobre los demás]multimedia item [Conjunto de materiales documentales en el que no hay ninguno que predomine sobre los demás] .

Example: A kit is an item containing two or more categories of material, no one of which is identifiable as the predominant constituent of the item; also designated multimedia item.

Example: A multimedia item is an item containing two or more categories of material, no one of which is identifiable as the predominant constituent of the item; also designated kit.

» contenido multimediamultimedia content .

Example: Their Web based manuscript management system promises rapid peer review, multimedia content, searchability and linkability, and free access to all individuals with browsers.

» documento multimediamultimedia document (MD) .

Example: This article describes the architecture and the main features of DOMINO, a multimedia information retrieval system whose data base is a collection of multimedia documents (MDs) constituted of a mixing of texts and images.

» editor de material multimediamultimedia publisher .

Example: He believes that the lack of such harmonization is actually deterring some multimedia publishers from launching new products.

» enciclopedia multimediamultimedia encyclopaedia .

Example: Multimedia encyclopedias on CD-ROM are a nearly perfect marriage of technology and content.

» especialista en multimediamedia specialist .

Example: He graduated from library school a year and a half ago, and served a one year stint as an assistant media specialist in a middle school media center = El se graduó en biblioteconomía hace un año y medio y durante un año trabajó como auxiliar especialista en multimedia en un centro multimedia de una escuela secundaria.

» estudio multimediamedia production studiomedia production unit .

Example: The last day available for access to the media production studio is Monday 1st November.

Example: His vast technical and artistic skills helped shaped the direction of this leading media production unit in Australia.

» industria multimedia, lamedia industry, the .

Example: The whole media industry exploits the senses and entices the imagination with an unreal world.

» laboratorio multimediamedia production studiomedia production unit .

Example: The last day available for access to the media production studio is Monday 1st November.

Example: His vast technical and artistic skills helped shaped the direction of this leading media production unit in Australia.

» material multimediamedia materialmedia title .

Example: A multimedia computer system can integrate two or more types of media materials in digital form, such as audio, image, full-motion video, and text information.

Example: MediaSource is a locator of rental, loan and sales sources for specific media titles.

» multimedia con duración temporaltime-based media [Documento, generalmente vídeo o sonido, cuya duración de reproducción necesita especificarse en un entorno hipermedia] .

Example: This hypermedia model enables the description of structured multimedia documents, incorporating time at a fundamental level and extending the hypertext notion of links to time-based media and compositions of different media = Este model hipermedia permite la descripción de documentos multimedia estructurados, incorporando el tiempo a un nivel básico y extendiendo la noción hipertextual de enlaces a los multimedia con duración temporal y a las composiciones formadas de diferentes multimedia.

» multimedia simultáneastreaming media [En Internet, ficheros de imágenes y sonido cuyo contenido empieza a mostrarse en el ordenador que los solicitó casi al mismo tiempo que se están recibiendo sin tener que esperar a haberse transmitido en su totalidad]streaming [En Internet, técnica que permite abrir ficheros multimedia en el ordenador del usuario que lo solicita casi al mismo tiempo que se empiezan a recibir]multimedia streaming [En Internet, técnica que permite abrir ficheros multimedia en el ordenador del usuario que lo solicita casi al mismo tiempo que se empiezan a recibir] .

Example: Streaming media is defined as an audiovisual presentation delivered via the Internet that may be viewed while simultaneously being downloaded to a user's computer.

Example: The technique of streaming enables Internet users to speed up the viewing of video files almost as quickly as the data is being received.

Example: The increasing popularity of multimedia streaming applications introduces new challenges in content distribution.

» multimedia streamingmultimedia streaming [En Internet, técnica que permite abrir ficheros multimedia en el ordenador del usuario que lo solicita casi al mismo tiempo que se empiezan a recibir] .

Example: The increasing popularity of multimedia streaming applications introduces new challenges in content distribution.

» obra multimediamultimedia work .

Example: Multimedia works often come from many different sources and it is often impossible to identify who owns the rights in a work.

» periodismo multimediamultimedia journalism .

Example: In this course, students are introduced to three tools of multimedia journalism that have also been historically central to the news industry: writing, photography, and design.

» presentación multimediamultimedia showmultimedia presentation .

Example: The production for a multimedia show like this took about eight months to create.

Example: It is the 1st online service to include sound and photo multimedia presentations.

» producción multimediamedia production .

Example: The Internet challenges traditional distinctions between media production and consumption.

» quiosco multimediamultimedia kiosk .

Example: This article considers some of the related issues and expectations of multimedia kiosks = Este artículo trata algunas de las cuestiones y expectativas relacionadas con los quioscos multimedia.

» reserva de multimediamedia booking .

Example: Film and other media bookings can be handled by one or two programs which are available for microcomputers.

» sala multimediamedia suite .

Example: Its various services include: a children's library; language lab; media suite and reading areas.

» sistema automatizado multimediamultimedia computer system .

Example: A multimedia computer system can integrate two or more types of media materials in digital form, such as audio, image, full-motion video, and text information.

» suministro de material multimediamedia supply .

Example: In this context, the supply houses are those dealing in furniture, media supply (wholesalers), technical services, circulation systems, and bibliographic service.

» tecnología multimediamultimedia technology .

Example: This article reports on a use of computer aided instruction and multimedia technology to meet the information needs of a special population -- people who have severe and persistent mental illnesses.

Multimedia synonyms

multimedia system in spanish: sistema multimedia, pronunciation: məltimidiəsɪstəm part of speech: noun
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