Multicultural in english


pronunciation: məltikʌltʃɜrəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

multicultural = multicultural [multi-cultural]. 

Example: And further, that libraries as social institutions in a multicultural society have a responsibility to all elements in that society.


» a nivel multiculturalmulti-culturally [multiculturally] .

Example: My advice to young scientists: be a pest -- ask questions and don't be satisfied with all answers; have the heart of a lion; have the patience of Job; be multi-culturally competent; and the only correct route to success is your own.

» país multiculturalrainbow nation .

Example: Most EU countries are rainbow nations but still very `native citizen orientated'.

» población multiculturalmulticultural population .

Example: The diverse multicultural and multilingual populations of this rural area underscore the importance of overcoming the mechanisms of discrimination and the inequalities that result.
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