Multicopista in english


pronunciation: mʌltikɑptɜr part of speech: none
In gestures

multicopista = duplicating machine ; duplicator ; ditto ; offset. 

Example: During the first half of the 2Oth century additional office technologies appeared: automatically switched telephones, the ticker tape, the electric typewriter, telex, duplicating machines, adding machines, etc.Example: The run-off paper must be thick and absorbent to cope with the thick layer of ink deposited on it by the duplicator.Example: Libarians were sent differing sets of questionnaires where half were typed and then reproduced by ditto and half were reproduced by offset.Example: Libarians were sent differing sets of questionnaires where half were typed and then reproduced by ditto and half were reproduced by offset.


» hacer copias mediante multicopista por disolventespirit duplication .

Example: One of the advantages of spirit duplication is that errors on the master can be erased by gently removing the layer of dye with a razor blade.

» hecho por multicopistamimeographed .

Example: The lack of suitable textbooks, led the American Library Association to publish in mimeographed form in 1914 a Code for Classifiers.

» multicopista por disolventespirit duplicating machinespirit duplicator .

Example: Lastly, one needs a spirit duplicating machine and a supply of spirit solvent with which to top up the solvent container incorporated in the machine.

Example: Nevertheless, a spirit duplicator could be very useful in a children's library for the production of project worksheets or quiz forms.

» papel de multicopistarun-off paper .

Example: The run-off paper must be thick and absorbent to cope with the thick layer of ink deposited on it by the duplicator.
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