Multa in english

Penalty fee

pronunciation: penəltifi part of speech: none
In gestures

multa = fine ; ticket. 

Example: The GEAC system includes the following modules: fines, reservation, public access system, catalogue, networking, statistical information, acquisition, local community information service.Example: I'm frankly surprised she has only been stopped by the police once -- I was with her and she fast-talked her way out of a ticket.


» cobrar una multacharge + a finecollect + a fine .

Example: If the document is returned within the grace period, no fine is charged.

Example: The officers claimed I had committed a traffic violation and wanted to collect a fine.

» contraer una multaincur + a fine .

Example: It then deletes all fines incurred before that date.

» deber una multaowe + a fine .

Example: The number of the borrower who owes the fine is displayed.

» imponer una multaimpose + a penaltyimpose + a finelevel + a fine againstget + a ticketfine .

Example: In imposing penalties for book stealing libraries are particularly helpless.

Example: Most courts in India are unwilling to impose heavy fines and jail terms for wildlife crimes.

Example: But some have also wondered why these first fines were leveled against two almost unknown singers rather than more famous stars.

Example: If you get a ticket for speeding, running a red light, reckless driving or other moving violations these could potentially show up as points on your record.

Example: So when the highway patrol pulled her over and fined her for a no-helmet offence, she decided to fight.

» incurrir en una multaincur + a fine .

Example: It then deletes all fines incurred before that date.

» multa de aparcamientoparking fine .

Example: This site will help you pay your parking fines quickly and easily without the need to come into our office or telephone us.

» multa delictivacriminal fine .

Example: Criminal fines may also be imposed for felony charges, often in the amounts of thousands of dollars.

» multa de tráficotraffic tickettraffic fine .

Example: Lower average high school grades were associated with car ownership, high weekly mileage, speeding, driving after drinking, & having traffic tickets & crashes.

Example: Brazil's newest law will direct 15 percent of revenue from traffic fines towards programs that encourage bicycling.

» multa penalcriminal fine .

Example: Criminal fines may also be imposed for felony charges, often in the amounts of thousands of dollars.

» multa por aparcamiento indebidoparking ticket .

Example: They do do everything from issuing parking and speeding tickets to making arrests.

» multa por delitocriminal fine .

Example: Criminal fines may also be imposed for felony charges, often in the amounts of thousands of dollars.

» multa por exceso de velocidadspeeding ticketspeed ticketspeeding citationspeeding fine .

Example: They do do everything from issuing parking and speeding tickets to making arrests.

Example: The cameras clock your speed and if you are going faster than you are supposed to, you can get a speed ticket in the post.

Example: Cops always get the benefit of the doubt in cases where there may be no witness, such as speeding citations.

Example: Speeding fines are a fact of life for many motorists.

» multa que se debeunpaid fine .

Example: A summary of all unpaid fines is displayed (Figure 108 on page 103).

» multa reguladoraregulatory fine .

Example: If not governed properly, information is subject to misuse, loss, and mismanagement, resulting in adverse consequences such as legal proceedings and regulatory fines.

» multa regulatoriaregulatory fine .

Example: If not governed properly, information is subject to misuse, loss, and mismanagement, resulting in adverse consequences such as legal proceedings and regulatory fines.

» pagar una multapay + a fine .

Example: Thus a borrower may pay fines at the time the document is checked in.

» política de multasfine policy .

Example: If the document is returned late, any fine is calculated according to the library's fine policy = Si el documento se devuelve tarde, la sanción se calcula de acuerdo con la politica sancionadora de la biblioteca.

» poner una multaget + a ticketimpose + a finefine .

Example: If you get a ticket for speeding, running a red light, reckless driving or other moving violations these could potentially show up as points on your record.

Example: Most courts in India are unwilling to impose heavy fines and jail terms for wildlife crimes.

Example: So when the highway patrol pulled her over and fined her for a no-helmet offence, she decided to fight.

» sistema de multasfines system .

Example: A points system is used at the library, instead of a fines system, for dealing with overdues.

multar = ticket ; pull over ; get + a ticket ; fine. 

Example: The Mayor's car was ticketed for speeding last week, but who was at the wheel?.Example: Since cops were given the go-ahead to pull over people for not wearing seat belts, state troopers have become creative about spotting scofflaws.Example: If you get a ticket for speeding, running a red light, reckless driving or other moving violations these could potentially show up as points on your record.Example: So when the highway patrol pulled her over and fined her for a no-helmet offence, she decided to fight.


» policía + multarbe done by + the police .

Example: Anyone ever been done by the police for having a slash in public?.
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