Mulo in english


pronunciation: mjul part of speech: noun
In gestures

mulo = mule ; john mule ; horse mule. 

Example: The article is entitled 'Mules and dragons: popular culture images in the selected writings of African-American and Chinese-American women writers'.Example: John mules must be gelded or they will act and breed like a stallion.Example: He's a 7 years old 34 inch all black horse mule with a black nose.


» cuadrilla de mulosteam of mules .

Example: A wagon and team of horses or mules hauled the shocks of wheat from the field to the thrasher to separate the grain and straw.

» lechuga oreja de muloromaine lettucecos lettuce .

Example: Due to its extremely low calorie content and high water volume, romaine lettuce is actually a very nutritious food.

Example: Romaine is the term for this long-leaved lettuce, also called cos or cos lettuce because it is said to have originated on the Greek island of Cos (the birthplace of the physician Hippocrates).

» mulo de cargaworkhorse .

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'Catalog editing with Carlyle's 'CATIE': a thoroughbred or a workhorse?'.

» mulo machojohn mulehorse mule .

Example: John mules must be gelded or they will act and breed like a stallion.

Example: He's a 7 years old 34 inch all black horse mule with a black nose.

» trabajar como una mulawork like + a horsework like + a mule .

Example: The only time some people work like a horse is when the boss rides them.

Example: Terrified she'd be fired, she worked like a mule and earned brilliant performance ratings.

» trabajar como un mulowork like + a horsework like + a mule .

Example: The only time some people work like a horse is when the boss rides them.

Example: Terrified she'd be fired, she worked like a mule and earned brilliant performance ratings.

» yunta de mulosteam of mules .

Example: A wagon and team of horses or mules hauled the shocks of wheat from the field to the thrasher to separate the grain and straw.

Mulo synonyms

scuff in spanish: arrastrar, pronunciation: skʌf part of speech: noun, verb mules in spanish: mulas, pronunciation: mjulz part of speech: noun scuffs in spanish: desgastes, pronunciation: skʌfs part of speech: noun
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