Mujeriego in english


pronunciation: wʊmənaɪzɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

mujeriego1 = womaniser [womanizer, -USA] ; lady-killer ; ladies' man ; skirt chaser ; woman chaser ; masher ; petticoat chaser ; cunt-chaser ; philander. 

Example: Participants generated 306 different labels for female types (e.g. housewife, feminist, femme fatale, secretary, slob) and 310 for male types (e.g. workaholic, family man, sissy, womanizer, labourer).Example: He was a lady-killer -- tall, dark-haired, handsome in his army officer's uniform.Example: Sweet Lou is a ladies' man who does not have to say much to have his way with women.Example: The humorous tale of Juan Dominguez, an incorrigible skirt chaser, starts with his arrival in Mexico City after fleeing his hometown because of his entanglements with women.Example: He is such a woman chaser that he is afraid to commit to one person.Example: He's an awfully decent fellow, but it's a sad pity he's such a masher.Example: Obama may have an eye for the ladies, but he's no petticoat chaser.Example: Had they looked a little deeper they would have uncovered that he was a cunt-chaser too.Example: He is remembered grandly as a philosopher, a mathematician, a revolutionary -- but by no means least as a philanderer.


» ser un mujeriegowomanise [womanize, -USA]chase + skirt(s) .

Example: I just hope this guy does not beat his wife regularly, gamble and womanise and have illigitimate children like Karl Marx did.

Example: He is a layabout, and on top of that he is chasing skirts.

mujeriego2 = womanist ; philandering. 

Example: The article 'Pornography, publishing, and preservation: a womanist view' relates problems libraries have encountered when making pornographic or sexually-explicit materials available to users.Example: She plays a devoted housewife who finds herself tossed out on her ear when her philandering husband trades her in for a younger model.

Mujeriego synonyms

philanderer in spanish: galanteador, pronunciation: fəlænderɜr part of speech: noun womaniser in spanish: mujeriego, pronunciation: wʊmənaɪzɜr part of speech: noun
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