Mujer in english


pronunciation: wʊmən part of speech: noun
In gestures

mujer1 = woman [women, -pl.] ; lady ; female ; sheila. 

Example: For example, the outdated subject heading 'Female emancipation' could be changed to the newer term 'Women's liberation' with this function.Example: Librarians who have to choose between Congress and Dewey are in the dilemma of the proverbial lady facing death or a fate worse than death.Example: Most of them -- there are 24 people on the library staff; 6 in reference (3 males and 3 females) -- have not personally experienced sexual harassment and haven't been aware that it exists.Example: I am sick to death with the non-stop coverage of some foreign sheila who is up the duff!.


» acaparado por la mujerfeminised [feminized, -USA] .

Example: Dissatisfaction is being expressed with the public library's feminised world of propriety and respectability.

» andar siempre detrás de las mujereswomanise [womanize, -USA]chase + skirt(s) .

Example: I just hope this guy does not beat his wife regularly, gamble and womanise and have illigitimate children like Karl Marx did.

Example: He is a layabout, and on top of that he is chasing skirts.

» asesinato de una mujerfemicide .

Example: Some authors concluded that mass murder was analogous to 'femicide'.

» biblioteca de la mujerwomen's library .

Example: Though there are approximately 400 women's libraries internationally they are not generally the focus of research within either library studies or feminist studies.

» bicicleta de mujeresladies bike .

Example: The fact that ladies bikes have no crossbar dates back to Victorian times when the ladies of the day would wear long skirts and ride side-saddle.

» cárcel de mujereswomen's prison .

Example: Was FEMALE OFFENDERS established because of literary warrant or because one would not logically send women criminals to REFORMATORIES FOR WOMEN (the Library of Congress heading) rather than to women's prisons?.

» centro de acogida de mujereswomen's shelter .

Example: Nursing homes, retirement centers, Veterans' centers, women's shelters, Head Start programs, prisons, and psychiatric hospitals were often the beneficiaries of weeded books.

» compuesto sólo/completamente por mujeresall-women .

Example: Anita and Sushila are members of the first all-women patrol squad that is maintaining a vigil at places frequented by women and girls to provide them with a sense of safety and confidence.

» de mujerdistaff .

Example: The cast of ten is 90-percent male, though they spend more than 50 percent of their stage time portraying distaff roles.

» derechos de la mujerwomen's rights .

Example: The U.N.'s many agencies offer over 1000 titles annually on subjects as varied as women's rights, basic accounting and fertilizers.

» derechos humanos específicos de la mujerhuman rights of women .

Example: Abuse is a violation of the human rights of women, which perpetuates the invisibility of women and the issues affecting them.

» diferencia de retribución entre mujeres y hombresgender pay gap .

Example: In accord with much existing literature, results indicate that a large part of the gender pay gap is unexplained, even when a wide range of variables are included.

» diferencial retributivo entre mujeres y hombresgender pay differential .

Example: Gender pay differentials might be due to discrimination.

» disfunción sexual de la mujerfemale sexual dysfunction .

Example: Female sexual dysfunction refers to the inability of a woman to function adequately in terms of sexual desire, sexual arousal, orgasm, or in coital situations.

» dominado por la mujerfeminised [feminized, -USA]henpecked .

Example: Dissatisfaction is being expressed with the public library's feminised world of propriety and respectability.

Example: He was so henpecked that he was traumatized at the thought of telling his pregnant wife that he was sterile.

» el trabajo de la mujer no se valoraa woman's work is never done .

Example: Since a woman's job is never done, she must put her own health first so that she can be there for all who depend on her.

» el trabajo de la mujer no se reconocea woman's work is never done .

Example: Since a woman's job is never done, she must put her own health first so that she can be there for all who depend on her.

» emancipación de la mujerfemale emancipation .

Example: For example, the outdated subject heading 'Female emancipation' could be changed to the newer term 'Women's liberation' with this function.

» empoderamiento de la mujerwomen('s) empowerment .

Example: In traditional societies, even more than elsewhere, women empowerment does not occur easily or overnight.

» equidad entre hombres y mujeresgender equity .

Example: Gender equity on the World Wide Web has not yet been achieved.

» estudios de la mujerwomen's studiesgender studies .

Example: About 80 publishers were interviewed for this survey, and the subject area has expanded to overlap with diet, fitness, psychology, religion, ethnology and women's studies.

Example: There is a need for further qualitative research in the area of gender studies in librarianship.

» estudios sobre la mujerwomen's studiesgender studies .

Example: About 80 publishers were interviewed for this survey, and the subject area has expanded to overlap with diet, fitness, psychology, religion, ethnology and women's studies.

Example: There is a need for further qualitative research in the area of gender studies in librarianship.

» exclusivo para la mujerwomen-onlyfor women onlyonly for women .

Example: The setting up of women-only train compartments is definitely the best solution in solving the problem of indecent assaults in the MTR.

Example: Synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics are for women only.

Example: This scholarship is only for women over 35 years old from low-income households who are pursuing a first undergraduate or vocational degree.

» gobierno dominado por mujerespetticoat government .

Example: Europeans noted with horror their habits of bathing frequently, derision of authoritarian structures, and worst of all, their 'petticoat governments'.

» gustar mucho las mujereswomanise [womanize, -USA] .

Example: I just hope this guy does not beat his wife regularly, gamble and womanise and have illigitimate children like Karl Marx did.

» hacer una mujermake + a woman of .

Example: She must now choose between returning to an idiotic private life or staying with the career that's made a woman of her.

» hacer una mujer demake + a woman of .

Example: She must now choose between returning to an idiotic private life or staying with the career that's made a woman of her.

» integrado sólo/completamente por mujeresall-women .

Example: Anita and Sushila are members of the first all-women patrol squad that is maintaining a vigil at places frequented by women and girls to provide them with a sense of safety and confidence.

» ir detrás de las mujeresphilander .

Example: But in my view the factor most responsible for philandering in public officials is a predisposition for risk-taking, which also happens to be an essential quality for politicians.

» la mujer atada a la pata de la camaa woman's place is in the home .

Example: Research shows that the majority of people believe that a woman's place is in the home.

» la mujer de + Posesivo + sueñosthe woman of + Posesivo + dreams .

Example: The woman of my dreams is loving, caring, and forgiving.

» la mujer honrada, la pierna quebrada y en casaa woman's place is in the home .

Example: Research shows that the majority of people believe that a woman's place is in the home.

» liberación de la mujerwomen's liberation .

Example: For example, the outdated subject heading 'Female emancipation' could be changed to the newer term 'Women's liberation' with this function.

» ligarse a una mujerpick up + a woman .

Example: But if you never learned how to approach women, here are some icebreakers that could come in handy when it comes to picking up women.

» montura de mujerside-saddle .

Example: From its humble beginnings as little more than a pad for pillion riding in medieval times, the side-saddle has endured many changes of style during the centuries.

» movimiento en defensa de los derechos de la mujerwomen's rights movement .

Example: Historians have generally held that before the Civil War the popular press did little to help the women's rights movements.

» mujer acaudaladawoman of means .

Example: Women of means or with some skill opened businesses: dressmaking shops, stables and even blacksmith shops.

» mujer acomodadawoman of meanswoman of substance .

Example: Women of means or with some skill opened businesses: dressmaking shops, stables and even blacksmith shops.

Example: Set high expectations for yourself and for others because a woman of substance knows what they're worth and what they deserve.

» mujer bellabelle .

Example: The article 'Southern belles and hussies in modern drama: enhancing women's collections' outlines ways of acquiring a basic drama collection of plays concerning contemporary women and their role conflicts.

» mujer casadamarried womanmarried womanmarried woman .

Example: Meet other married women and men looking for discreet affairs, relationships and extramarital affairs by becoming a member today.

Example: Meet other married women and men looking for discreet affairs, relationships and extramarital affairs by becoming a member today.

Example: Meet other married women and men looking for discreet affairs, relationships and extramarital affairs by becoming a member today.

» mujer con éxitosuccessful woman .

Example: 'Behind every successful woman there's an astonished man,' she added = "Detrás de cada mujer exitosa hay un hombre asombrado", añadió.

» mujer con un cutis de porcelana típico inglésan English rose .

Example: Her appeals has always been that of an 'English rose'.

» mujer de colorcoloured woman .

Example: He looked up and saw two figures cutting across the field, a colored man and woman, each carrying a bottle.

» mujer de dinerowoman of meanswoman of substance .

Example: Women of means or with some skill opened businesses: dressmaking shops, stables and even blacksmith shops.

Example: Set high expectations for yourself and for others because a woman of substance knows what they're worth and what they deserve.

» mujer de éxitosuccessful woman .

Example: 'Behind every successful woman there's an astonished man,' she added = "Detrás de cada mujer exitosa hay un hombre asombrado", añadió.

» mujer de fortunawoman of meanswoman of substance .

Example: Women of means or with some skill opened businesses: dressmaking shops, stables and even blacksmith shops.

Example: Set high expectations for yourself and for others because a woman of substance knows what they're worth and what they deserve.

» mujer de la callestreetwalker .

Example: She ain't some streetwalker who gets schlonged by just anybody.

» mujer de la limpiezacleaning ladycleaning woman .

Example: Doyle's fifth novel deals with the life and love of Paula Spencer, a 39-year-old woman, alcoholic, mother, cleaning lady, and widow.

Example: These cuts were a scheme to privatize the cleaning women's jobs, contracting them out to small or big private cleaning firms.

» mujer de la vidastreetwalker .

Example: She ain't some streetwalker who gets schlonged by just anybody.

» mujer de pesowoman of substance .

Example: Set high expectations for yourself and for others because a woman of substance knows what they're worth and what they deserve.

» mujer maltratadabattered woman .

Example: This study attempts to identify some of the knowledge gaps and information-access problems experienced by battered women.

» mujer embarazadapregnant woman .

Example: This program was designed to provide food and nutrition information for low-income pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children up to age 4.

» mujer en estadopregnant woman .

Example: This program was designed to provide food and nutrition information for low-income pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children up to age 4.

» mujer en período de lactancianursing woman .

Example: It is especially important, therefore, for pregnant and nursing women to supplement their diets.

» mujer exitosasuccessful woman .

Example: 'Behind every successful woman there's an astonished man,' she added = "Detrás de cada mujer exitosa hay un hombre asombrado", añadió.

» mujer fácilloose woman .

Example: By the 1890s, women of African descent were branded as lascivious, loose, and thieving women.

» mujer fatalfemme fataleman-eater .

Example: He creates a type of reverse orientalism peopled by sex-hungry 'dark-age femme fatales' and 'lusty young Barbarians reeking of ale'.

Example: She has hit out at rumours that she is a man-eater.

» mujer florerotrophy wifekept woman .

Example: Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a trophy wife if you've got enough to spare.

Example: She definitely prefers being a kept woman, but she's one of the lucky few -- all my other friends need to work for a living.

» mujer frescahussy .

Example: The article 'Southern belles and hussies in modern drama: enhancing women's collections' outlines ways of acquiring a basic drama collection of plays concerning contemporary women and their role conflicts.

» mujer india norteamericanasquaw .

Example: He rubbed his head reminiscently and the boys returned to the old man, who was maundering ecstatically about his squaw.

» mujer ingenuaingenue [Femenino] .

Example: The article is entitled 'How the 'ingenue' became an 'old maid': images of female librarians in modern, English language short fiction'.

» mujer lascivawanton woman .

Example: The male coquette and the wanton woman are somewhat on a par.

» mujer latinaLatin woman .

Example: Search our extensive database and find the Latin woman or man you are looking for.

» mujer libertinawanton woman .

Example: The male coquette and the wanton woman are somewhat on a par.

» mujer mayorelderly woman .

Example: An elderly woman in a wheelchair died Saturday night after falling into her backyard pool.

» mujer militarservicewoman .

Example: The author reviews the history and meaning of the combat exclusion policy for United States servicewomen.

» mujer negrablack womancoloured woman .

Example: The results indicate that black women see their main information problem areas as health, money and education.

Example: He looked up and saw two figures cutting across the field, a colored man and woman, each carrying a bottle.

» mujer objetosex objectkept woman .

Example: Indian advertisements contain more traditional images of women as unequal in status with men, whereas the US examples tend to highlight women as sex objects.

Example: She definitely prefers being a kept woman, but she's one of the lucky few -- all my other friends need to work for a living.

» mujer periodistanewswoman .

Example: The society section, for the most part, is handled by newswomen.

» mujer policíapolicewoman [policewomen, -pl.] .

Example: For example, WOMEN AS POLICE becomes POLICEWOMEN, or SPANISH AMERICA is changed to LATIN AMERICA.

» mujer promiscuawanton woman .

Example: The male coquette and the wanton woman are somewhat on a par.

» mujer seductoratemptress  ; maniser [manizer, -USA] [Dicho de un hombre womaniser]mantrap .

Example: She is a character who serves and survives three consecutive kings, wiling them with her temptress charms.

Example: She found Gutlu to be an ideal match for her simply because he was a womaniser and she was a maniser!.

Example: Talented but not altogether confident, soulfully pretty though hardly a mantrap, she's a singer-songwriter who just can't get the lyrics right.

» mujer soldadoservicewoman .

Example: The author reviews the history and meaning of the combat exclusion policy for United States servicewomen.

» mujer solterabachelorettesingle woman .

Example: The definining characteristic of these bachelorettes is they are contented without any long-lasting relationship to a man.

Example: As a single woman, you need to ensure that you feel safe when you are at home.

» mujer tentadoratemptress  ; maniser [manizer, -USA] [Dicho de un hombre womaniser]mantrap .

Example: She is a character who serves and survives three consecutive kings, wiling them with her temptress charms.

Example: She found Gutlu to be an ideal match for her simply because he was a womaniser and she was a maniser!.

Example: Talented but not altogether confident, soulfully pretty though hardly a mantrap, she's a singer-songwriter who just can't get the lyrics right.

» ordenación de la mujer, laordination of women, the .

Example: He is to be praised for not wasting the reader's time and trying his patience with the dead issue of the possibility of the ordination of women.

» perseguir a las mujereschase + skirt(s) .

Example: He is a layabout, and on top of that he is chasing skirts.

» póster de mujer desnudapin-up .

Example: Male readers are often attracted to this sub-genre because of the books' pin-up art, depicting beautiful young women in revealing costumes and provocative poses.

» proporción del 50 por ciento entre hombres y mujeres50-50 gender split .

Example: The leader of the the Labor Party thinks membership is too blokey and has started a recruitment drive to attain a 50-50 gender split among the rank and file.

» proporción hombres-mujeressex ratio .

Example: This article reports on a study of the basic parameters such as, sex ratio, academic background, age group, and locality of origin of the LIS education students at Manipur University.

» reclusión de las mujerespurdah [Práctica religiosa islámica de ocultar a las mujeres de los hombres] .

Example: He yanked off her accurst burka and announced every woman in India had a duty to campaign against purdah or else no woman in India would be free.

» relacionado con las mujereswomen-related .

Example: Rather than take a whole lot of time on this, let me utter a brief commercial on behalf of a book which addresses precisely this area of women-related headings, Joan Marshall's 'On Equal Terms'.

» relaciones entre hombres y mujeresgender relations .

Example: Her central themes are still love and sex, but she digs deeper beneath the surface to examine the gray areas of moral responsibility and gender relations.

» revistas para mujereswomen's magazines .

Example: No critics review issues of magazines or the weekly episodes of Crossroads or Coronation Street but women's magazines and these television serials all have readership and viewers numbered in millions.

» ser una mujer de gentesbe a woman of the people .

Example: While there is no excusing some of the indelicate things she said, there was a kindness to Marge that made her a woman of the people.

» ser una mujer de palabrastand behind + Posesivo + word(s)be a woman of her word .

Example: This girl is all talk, she doesn't have what it takes to stand behind her words.

Example: Lily knew that Edith, hateful as she now was to her, was a woman of her word.

» ser una mujer de pocas palabrasbe a woman of few words .

Example: But soft-spoken to the point of whispers, Dr Zul, as she is popularly known, is a woman of few words.

» ser una mujer que tiene mucho mundobe a woman of the world .

Example: She is a woman of the world and understands these delicate issues.

» silla de mujerside-saddle .

Example: From its humble beginnings as little more than a pad for pillion riding in medieval times, the side-saddle has endured many changes of style during the centuries.

» sólo para la mujerwomen-only .

Example: The setting up of women-only train compartments is definitely the best solution in solving the problem of indecent assaults in the MTR.

» sólo para mujeresfor women onlyonly for women .

Example: Synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics are for women only.

Example: This scholarship is only for women over 35 years old from low-income households who are pursuing a first undergraduate or vocational degree.

» tráfico de mujerestrafficking in women .

Example: Trafficking in women has existed in Europe since the 1970s.

» trata de mujerestrafficking in women .

Example: Trafficking in women has existed in Europe since the 1970s.

» una mujer con un objetivo muy claroa woman with a mission .

Example: She was a woman with a mission and single-minded in the pursuit of her dream = Era una mujer con un objetivo muy claro, completamente decidida a hacer realidad su sueño.

» vestido de mujerfrock .

Example: Our wide array of frocks is an eye popper and is in huge demand among the youth due to their exotic designs.

» vestido largo de mujerfrock .

Example: Our wide array of frocks is an eye popper and is in huge demand among the youth due to their exotic designs.

mujer2 = wife [wives, -pl.] ; missus ; missis. 

Example: When I saw what he was up to, I drew back for a punch and hit him so hard on the nose that he fell on his back and lay there for some time, so that his wife stood over him and cried out 'Mercy! You've done my husband in!'.Example: 'John and the Missus' is the story of one man's passionate attempt to fight for the land he loves and the way of life he believes in.Example: But let me tell you about the rehearsals; they are so funny, and I always go to them with the missis.


» antigua mujerestranged wifeex-wife .

Example: The book tells the story of an estranged wife who returns to attend to a dying husband.

Example: 'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un ex-periodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .

» dominado por la mujerfeminised [feminized, -USA]henpecked .

Example: Dissatisfaction is being expressed with the public library's feminised world of propriety and respectability.

Example: He was so henpecked that he was traumatized at the thought of telling his pregnant wife that he was sterile.

» ex-mujerex-wife .

Example: 'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un ex-periodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .

» futura mujerwife-to-bebride-to-be .

Example: He first started dating his wife-to-be at age 24, when she was 13.

Example: After another of his boozing bouts his bride-to-be throws him out of her house.

» malos tratos a la mujerwife beatingwife batteringwife abuse .

Example: Try finding prison reform, wife beating, intellectual freedom, or vasectomy in the 18th edition index.

Example: The book 'How to get out' deals with wife battering.

Example: Although the results provide support for the 'drunken bum' theory of wife beating, they also demythologize the stereotype because alcohol is shown to be far from a necessary or sufficient cause of wife abuse.

» maltrato a la mujerwife beatingwife batteringwife abuse .

Example: Try finding prison reform, wife beating, intellectual freedom, or vasectomy in the 18th edition index.

Example: The book 'How to get out' deals with wife battering.

Example: Although the results provide support for the 'drunken bum' theory of wife beating, they also demythologize the stereotype because alcohol is shown to be far from a necessary or sufficient cause of wife abuse.

» maltrato de mujereswife beatingwife batteringwife abuse .

Example: Try finding prison reform, wife beating, intellectual freedom, or vasectomy in the 18th edition index.

Example: The book 'How to get out' deals with wife battering.

Example: Although the results provide support for the 'drunken bum' theory of wife beating, they also demythologize the stereotype because alcohol is shown to be far from a necessary or sufficient cause of wife abuse.

» Posesivo + mujerPosesivo + lady .

Example: Lyrically this song is about a man telling his lady they are going to trade places and swap roles.

» mujer acosada psicológicamente por el maridoharassed housewife .

Example: Consider the following list of 'authors': Lewis Carroll, Aunt Jane, harassed housewife, A gentleman of low descent, and By the author of 'The storm in a teacup, mountains and molehills', etc.

» mujer florerotrophy wifekept woman .

Example: Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a trophy wife if you've got enough to spare.

Example: She definitely prefers being a kept woman, but she's one of the lucky few -- all my other friends need to work for a living.

Mujer synonyms

char in spanish: carbonizarse, pronunciation: tʃɑr part of speech: noun charwoman in spanish: mujer de limpieza, pronunciation: tʃɑrwʊmən part of speech: noun cleaning lady in spanish: señora de la limpieza, pronunciation: klinɪŋleɪdi part of speech: noun womanhood in spanish: edad madura de mujer, pronunciation: wʊmənhʊd part of speech: noun cleaning woman in spanish: mujer de limpieza, pronunciation: klinɪŋwʊmən part of speech: noun adult female in spanish: hembra adulta, pronunciation: ədʌltfimeɪl part of speech: noun
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