Mugriento in english


pronunciation: graɪmi part of speech: adjective
In gestures

mugriento = filthy ; grimy ; grubby ; squalid ; mucky ; dirty ; dingy ; manky ; grotty . 

Example: Printing houses -- apart from the few that had been built for the purpose rather than converted from something else -- were generally filthy and badly ventilated.Example: To be sure, it still has its congeries of mills and factories, its grimy huddle of frame dwellings and congested tenements, its stark, jagged skyline, but its old face is gradually changing.Example: The copy was grubby from use, a paperback with a photographically realistic full-color painting on its cover of an early teenage boy slumped in what looked to me like a corner of a very dirty back alley, a can of Coke in his hand.Example: The author examines Whistler's visits to the more squalid sections of the city, his views along the Thames and his portrayals of street urchins.Example: Bulrush prefers full or partial sun, wet conditions, and soil that is mucky or sandy.Example: The copy was grubby from use, a paperback with a photographically realistic full-color painting on its cover of an early teenage boy slumped in what looked to me like a corner of a very dirty back alley, a can of Coke in his hand.Example: Shortly after he began as director, he moved the library from a dingy Carnegie mausoleum to a downtown department store that had become vacant.Example: Bouncer who threw girl out of nightclub for having 'manky' feet is found guilty of assaulting her and a friend.Example: I can't understand why he put us in such a grotty room when the hotel wasn't very full.

Mugriento synonyms

dirty in spanish: sucio, pronunciation: dɜrti part of speech: adjective dingy in spanish: sucio, pronunciation: dɪndʒi part of speech: adjective grubby in spanish: sucio, pronunciation: grʌbi part of speech: adjective soiled in spanish: sucio, pronunciation: sɔɪld part of speech: adjective unclean in spanish: inmundo, pronunciation: ənklin part of speech: adjective grungy in spanish: sucio, pronunciation: grʌndʒi part of speech: adjective begrimed in spanish: degradado, pronunciation: bɪgrimed part of speech: adjective
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