Mugre in english


pronunciation: dɜrt part of speech: noun
In gestures

mugre = filth ; grubbiness ; squalor ; grunge ; grime ; gunge ; gunk ; goo ; gook ; guck. 

Example: That youthful miss in torpidity over that palimpsest of filth is what the free library has to show as the justification of its existence.Example: Copies can generally be recognized by such signs as set-off from fresh-made proofs, inky thumb-marks, and a general air of dog-eared grubbiness.Example: The article 'Private affluence and public squalor?' discusses the implications for libraries and information if public services are forced to open up their markets to free trade and thereby to private companies.Example: This is another example of the literary grunge emerging from modern Chinese writers.Example: Grease is one of the major culprits behind the grime that accumulates on cooktops.Example: If the filter was full of gunge, then it is more than likely the water level detection system is also blocked.Example: Hopefully what I've done will have degunked any gunk there was and extended the life of my washing machine.Example: Scientists have created a liquid goo that turns into a rubbery solid when shaken and they are inviting the public to help dream up uses for it.Example: Many dogs suffer from seasonal allergies that produce eye gook, and some breeds perpetually have problems with eye discharge.Example: By the time we were done with the job, we were covered in guck, coughing up brown fluids and unable to think straight.

Mugre synonyms

soil in spanish: suelo, pronunciation: sɔɪl part of speech: noun stain in spanish: manchar, pronunciation: steɪn part of speech: noun, verb crap in spanish: mierda, pronunciation: kræp part of speech: noun poop in spanish: mierda, pronunciation: pup part of speech: noun gravel in spanish: grava, pronunciation: grævəl part of speech: noun scandal in spanish: escándalo, pronunciation: skændəl part of speech: noun grease in spanish: grasa, pronunciation: gris part of speech: noun grime in spanish: mugre, pronunciation: graɪm part of speech: noun turd in spanish: zurullo, pronunciation: tɜrd part of speech: noun filth in spanish: inmundicia, pronunciation: fɪlθ part of speech: noun graveled in spanish: grava, pronunciation: grævəld part of speech: adjective, verb unimproved in spanish: no mejorado, pronunciation: ənɪmpruvd part of speech: adjective unpaved in spanish: sin pavimentar, pronunciation: əpeɪvd part of speech: adjective ungraded in spanish: sin calificación, pronunciation: əngreɪdəd part of speech: adjective malicious gossip in spanish: chismes maliciosos, pronunciation: məlɪʃəsgɑsəp part of speech: noun
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