Muestreo in english


pronunciation: sæmplɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

muestreo = sampling ; spot check. 

Example: Space here does not permit more than a cursory sampling of the kinds of sources that are available.Example: To answer this question, the writer made a spot check of selected schools in Texas by means of a mailed questionnaire.


» error de muestreosampling error [En estadística, posible diferencia entre el resultado obtenido de la muestra y el valor real que se obtendría del conjunto de la población] .

Example: User figures must come from sample surveys of the general population and here there is always the margin of sampling error.

» muestreo al azarrandom sampling .

Example: This research examined a random sampling of 500 public libraries serving populations of 25 000 or more.

» muestreo al azar estratificadostratified random sampling .

Example: The article is entitled 'The effectiveness of simple and stratified random sampling in broadcast news content analysis'.

» muestreo al azar simplesimple random sampling .

Example: The article is entitled 'The effectiveness of simple and stratified random sampling in broadcast news content analysis'.

» muestreo de actividadesactivity sampling [Recogida aleatoria de las actividades que tienen lugar en la biblioteca] .

Example: This article describes the survey undertaken at Dartford and Margate libraries which consisted of 3 separate exercises: a comparison of entrance gate and borrowing figures; a survey; and activity sampling.

» muestreo probabilísticorandom sampling .

Example: This research examined a random sampling of 500 public libraries serving populations of 25 000 or more.

» muestreo probabilístico estratificadostratified random sampling .

Example: The article is entitled 'The effectiveness of simple and stratified random sampling in broadcast news content analysis'.

» muestreo probabilístico simplesimple random sampling .

Example: The article is entitled 'The effectiveness of simple and stratified random sampling in broadcast news content analysis'.
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