Muesca in english


pronunciation: nɑtʃ part of speech: noun
In gestures

muesca = notch ; pit ; chip ; nick. 

Example: Edge notch cards have a series of holes around the perimeter, and the piece of card between the hole and the edge of the card may be removed, using a punch, to form a notch.Example: The 120 mm diameter disc contains more than 20,000 tracks within which sound is represented in the same physical form (by microscopic pits and plateaus) as in an optical video disc.Example: Tongue studs frequently damage the person's teeth, causing tiny fractures and huge chips.Example: The table was purchased a year and a half ago as a conference table and has a few nicks and scratches but still looks good.


» muesca de inserciónlocating cut .

Example: The gas cylinder has a small locating cut out on the inner rim to ensure it locks into place within the cooker.

» perforado con muescanotched .

Example: The notched cards, representing relevant documents, will drop off the needle and fall from the bulk of the pack.

Muesca synonyms

pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun scratch in spanish: rasguño, pronunciation: skrætʃ part of speech: noun, verb slit in spanish: corte largo, pronunciation: slɪt part of speech: noun nick in spanish: mella, pronunciation: nɪk part of speech: noun dent in spanish: abolladura, pronunciation: dent part of speech: noun incision in spanish: incisión, pronunciation: ɪnsɪʒən part of speech: noun snick in spanish: corte, pronunciation: snɪk part of speech: noun mountain pass in spanish: Puerto de montaña, pronunciation: maʊntənpæs part of speech: noun
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