Muerto in english


pronunciation: ded part of speech: adjective
In gestures

morir = die ; pass on ; bite + the dust ; die away ; give up + the ghost ; kick + the bucket ; pass away ; pop + Posesivo + clogs ; meet + Posesivo + demise ; meet + Posesivo + death ; meet + Posesivo + fate ; meet + Posesivo + destiny ; go for + a Burton ; leave + feet first ; cash in + Posesivo + chips ; conk out. 

Example: I understand that Mr. Haykin was hoping to develop a code for subject practice, but he died and it was never done, so that today we lack a code.Example: Further, it is true in nature that organisms are born, grow and mature, decline and pass on.Example: The article 'Interchange bites the dust' comments on the decision by AT&T to abandon the Interchange online service technology.Example: The desire soon dies away and the book is forgotten if copies are not handy = The desire soon dies away and the book is forgotten if copies are not handy.Example: This article examines one such example, Cherrie Moraga's 'Giving Up the Ghost' where, for the first time, the issue of Chicana lesbian sexuality is addressed on the stage.Example: The author hypothesized that schizophrenia patients would show impaired idiom processing for literally plausible idioms (e.g., kick the bucket) but not for literally implausible idioms (e.g., be on cloud nine).Example: A great deal of traditional indigenous knowledge is being irretrievably lost in New Zealand as the Maori elders age and pass away.Example: A tenth of the population is planning on working until popping their clogs in an attempt to pay the bills.Example: Circled in red is the approximate location where the young woman is said to have met her demise in the parking lot, with the words 'crime scene'.Example: About three months ago a woman about thirty-two years old met her death in a suicide bomb attack near a bus stop.Example: It is dedicated to the lost soul of a poor girl who met her fate too soon in strange circumstances.Example: In April 1656 she would meet her destiny on the shores of Western Australia when it crashed onto the reef and broke in two immediately.Example: He lost several good mates, and explained that they would stoically simply remark 'he's gone for a Burton' when one was lost.Example: We come into this world head first and leave feet first -- everything in between is a matter of balance.Example: The day my mother won't eat a smoked salmon sandwich I'll know she's ready to cash in her chips.Example: One can conk out at any time of life so I have arranged to leave what I own to the poor.


» amar hasta morirlove + Nombre + to death .

Example: I love her to death and don't know what I would do without her -- we have the craziest times together!.

» antes morir quewould rather + Verbo + than .

Example: I would rather a great book or a great picture fell into the hands of the corporation than into the hands of an individual.

» a punto de moriron + Posesivo + deathbed .

Example: The seminar explored whether the journal as we know it is on its deathbed.

» bicho malo nunca muerea bad penny always turns upturn up like + a bad pennylook what the cat (has) dragged in! .

Example: However, like my professor likes to say, 'A bad penny always turns up'.

Example: To make matters worse, Rebecca seems to be after Mark, turning up like a bad penny at every social event that he and Bridget are attending.

Example: When I said hello he turned to his gaggle of friends and said 'look what the cat dragged in!' or something lame like that.

» casi + morirnearly + die [Utilizado para expresar sorpresa] .

Example: All he said was that she nearly died when she saw him wrapped up in bandages.

» casi morircome + close to deathcome + close to dying .

Example: For someone that comes close to death some say they have 'cheated death'.

Example: When we think about near death experiences we picture someone that has come close to dying, but does not actually die.

» deseo inconsciente de morirdeath-wish .

Example: The main character in the novel viewed his death as the solutions to his problems and was therefore motivated enough by the death-wish to kill with the hopes of retributive capital punishment.

» estar a punto de morircome + close to deathcome + close to dying .

Example: For someone that comes close to death some say they have 'cheated death'.

Example: When we think about near death experiences we picture someone that has come close to dying, but does not actually die.

» lista de cosas para hacer antes de morirbucket list [Relacionado con la expresión kick the bucket (estirar la pata)

Example: Most items on your bucket list probably don't have much to do with finance, other than that they'll need to be paid for.

» lista de cosas por hacer antes de morirbucket list [Relacionado con la expresión kick the bucket (estirar la pata)

Example: Most items on your bucket list probably don't have much to do with finance, other than that they'll need to be paid for.

» lista de cosas que a Uno le gustaría hacer antes de morirbucket list [Relacionado con la expresión kick the bucket (estirar la pata)

Example: Most items on your bucket list probably don't have much to do with finance, other than that they'll need to be paid for.

» luchar hasta morirbattle it out .

Example: 12 poets from UK and Ireland battled it out in a war of words to defend their region's cultural honour.

» luchar hasta morir porbattle it out for .

Example: People are unimpressed so far with the campaigns of the two Democrats battling it out for the nomination.

» mala hierba nunca muerea bad penny always turns upturn up like + a bad pennylook what the cat (has) dragged in! .

Example: However, like my professor likes to say, 'A bad penny always turns up'.

Example: To make matters worse, Rebecca seems to be after Mark, turning up like a bad penny at every social event that he and Bridget are attending.

Example: When I said hello he turned to his gaggle of friends and said 'look what the cat dragged in!' or something lame like that.

» morir ahogadodrown .

Example: In recent years, then, there has been much less scaremongering about the imagined horrors of drowning in a sea of paper.

» morir al instantedie + there and thendie on + the spot .

Example: About two weeks into the battle Fusilier Turrington was shot in the neck by a sniper and died there and then.

Example: Three persons died on the spot, while one was declared dead on arrival al the hospital.

» morir al pie del cañóndie in + harnessdie in + Posesivo + bootsdie with + Posesivo + boots ondie with + Posesivo + clogs on .

Example: One in ten expects to be so skint in old age, they plan on dying in harness.

Example: Nancy was beginning to tire of the workload and, as she kiddingly told her husband, George, worried that she'd 'die in her boots at Stoneymead'.

Example: She said she was grieving, but that she was proud that her son died with his boots on.

Example: He applied for an engagement at a variety theatre, saying, 'I know I am dying, and I want to die with my clogs on'.

» morir antes de tiempodie before + Posesivo + time .

Example: From suicide to auto accidents and airplane crashes, these music legends died before their time.

» morir aplastadocrush to + death .

Example: This article presents a hypothetical case in which a lawyer is crushed to death when a bookcase collapses on him = Este artículo presenta una caso hipotético en el que un abogado murió aplastado al caérsele encima una estantería.

» morir como un héroedie + heroically .

Example: I think he wanted to die heroically, but didn't quite manage it.

» morir con dignidaddie with + dignityhave + a dignified deathdie + a dignified death .

Example: I feel that's what we have to do; let this type of library service die with dignity, and not keep patching it up with money and people.

Example: The article demonstrates that many older people do not have dignified deaths in hospitals.

Example: To me, a head of state, however an evil dictator he was (and he WAS), should die a dignified death at the hand of state.

» morir con las botas puestasdie in + harnessdie in + Posesivo + bootsdie with + Posesivo + boots ondie with + Posesivo + clogs on .

Example: One in ten expects to be so skint in old age, they plan on dying in harness.

Example: Nancy was beginning to tire of the workload and, as she kiddingly told her husband, George, worried that she'd 'die in her boots at Stoneymead'.

Example: She said she was grieving, but that she was proud that her son died with his boots on.

Example: He applied for an engagement at a variety theatre, saying, 'I know I am dying, and I want to die with my clogs on'.

» morir de agotamientodie of + exhaustion .

Example: He was unmarried and died of exhaustion through overwork, leaving many debts.

» morir de amordie of + a broken heartdie of + love .

Example: She was extremely upset and heartbroken so we think she died of a broken heart.

Example: Rees sums it up by saying: 'As for her death, whatever explanation one may give of it will amount in the end to saying that she died of love'.

» morir de cáncerdie from + cancer .

Example: Monte Rissell, who killed five women, upon learning that one of his victims had a father dying from cancer, let her go free because his own father had died from cancer.

» morir de forma naturaldie + naturallydie + a natural deathdie of + natural causes .

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

Example: Terminally ill patients often have concerns in areas such as donation of body parts, right to die a natural death, and other questions.

Example: Jamaica police have confirmed that Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and was not murdered.

» morir de hambrestarve to + deathdie of + hungerstarve of + hungerdie of + starvation .

Example: The book focuses on the story of the elephants that were starved to death in Ueno Zoo, Japan, during the War.

Example: He who is dying of hunger must be fed rather than taught.

Example: He will dwell in the church that is built by martyrs fighting for justice, by children starving of hunger, by mothers and fathers walking the streets of misery.

Example: Duc was dethroned three days after he was crowned, he was then jailed and died seven days later of starvation.

» morir de inaniciónstarve to + deathdie of + hungerstarve of + hungerdie of + starvation .

Example: The book focuses on the story of the elephants that were starved to death in Ueno Zoo, Japan, during the War.

Example: He who is dying of hunger must be fed rather than taught.

Example: He will dwell in the church that is built by martyrs fighting for justice, by children starving of hunger, by mothers and fathers walking the streets of misery.

Example: Duc was dethroned three days after he was crowned, he was then jailed and died seven days later of starvation.

» morir de manera naturaldie + naturallydie + a natural deathdie of + natural causes .

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

Example: Terminally ill patients often have concerns in areas such as donation of body parts, right to die a natural death, and other questions.

Example: Jamaica police have confirmed that Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and was not murdered.

» morir de muerte naturaldie + a natural deathdie of + natural causesdie + naturally .

Example: Terminally ill patients often have concerns in areas such as donation of body parts, right to die a natural death, and other questions.

Example: Jamaica police have confirmed that Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and was not murdered.

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

» morir de partodie + in childbirth .

Example: The number of women dying in childbirth worldwide has dropped dramatically.

» morir de penadie of + a broken heart .

Example: She was extremely upset and heartbroken so we think she died of a broken heart.

» morir de/por causas naturalesdie + naturallydie + a natural deathdie of + natural causes .

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

Example: Terminally ill patients often have concerns in areas such as donation of body parts, right to die a natural death, and other questions.

Example: Jamaica police have confirmed that Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and was not murdered.

» morir desintegrándose en la tierradie back to + the ground [Generalmente referido a las plantas]die back [Generalmente referido a las plantas] .

Example: Perennial plants are often called herbaceous, meaning they have soft or succulent green stems that will die back to the ground in the winter.

Example: The valley turns a dramatic rusty orange colour over the autumn as the bracken starts to die back.

» morir después queoutlive  .

Example: 69% of women who marry will outlive their husbands, they are widowed at an average age of 56, and often experience a loss of half their income with the death of their spouse.

» morir de viejodie of + old age .

Example: The article is entitled 'The library movement: dying of old age at thirty: a personal view'.

» morir de/por causas naturalesdie + naturallydie + a natural deathdie of + natural causes .

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

Example: Terminally ill patients often have concerns in areas such as donation of body parts, right to die a natural death, and other questions.

Example: Jamaica police have confirmed that Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and was not murdered.

» morir dignamentehave + a dignified deathdie with + dignitydie + a dignified death .

Example: The article demonstrates that many older people do not have dignified deaths in hospitals.

Example: I feel that's what we have to do; let this type of library service die with dignity, and not keep patching it up with money and people.

Example: To me, a head of state, however an evil dictator he was (and he WAS), should die a dignified death at the hand of state.

» morir en el destierrodie in + exile .

Example: Everyone is born a king, and most people die in exile, like most kings.

» morir en el exiliodie in + exile .

Example: Everyone is born a king, and most people die in exile, like most kings.

» morir en el intentodie in + the attemptdie + tryingdie in + the process .

Example: He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt.

Example: He didn't get rich but he died trying.

Example: We will continue fighting until we succeed or die in the process.

» morir en estado de graciadie in + a state of grace .

Example: If the person died in a state of grace, Christ will reward the individual in proportion to his good works.

» morir en graciadie in + a state of grace .

Example: If the person died in a state of grace, Christ will reward the individual in proportion to his good works.

» morir en la hogueradie at + the stake .

Example: He refused all attempts to convert him, and died at the stake on 2 June 1529 at Innsbruck.

» morir en la horcadeath by hanging .

Example: In Britain, death by hanging was the principal form of execution from Anglo-Saxon times until capital punishment was suspended in 1964.

» morir en la miseriadie in + poverty .

Example: A life long gambler, he ended up dying in poverty in 1762 at the age of 87.

» morir en la pobrezadie in + poverty .

Example: A life long gambler, he ended up dying in poverty in 1762 at the age of 87.

» morir gradualmentedie off .

Example: Bees in southern Germany have been dying off in their hundreds of thousands.

» morir heroicamentedie + heroically .

Example: I think he wanted to die heroically, but didn't quite manage it.

» morir instantáneamentedie + there and thendie on + the spot .

Example: About two weeks into the battle Fusilier Turrington was shot in the neck by a sniper and died there and then.

Example: Three persons died on the spot, while one was declared dead on arrival al the hospital.

» morir intentándolodie + tryingdie in + the attemptdie in + the process .

Example: He didn't get rich but he died trying.

Example: He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt.

Example: We will continue fighting until we succeed or die in the process.

» morir poco a pocodie off .

Example: Bees in southern Germany have been dying off in their hundreds of thousands.

» morir por agotamientodie of + exhaustion .

Example: He was unmarried and died of exhaustion through overwork, leaving many debts.

» morir por + Posesivo + paísdie for + Posesivo + country .

Example: Many people die for their country and many kill other people for their country or for their religious beliefs.

» morir quemado en la hogueraburn + Nombre + at the stake .

Example: In days gone by, they'd have burned her at the stake.

» morir sangradobleed to + death .

Example: A man bled to death when he was impaled on a large shard of glass after throwing his girlfriend through a shop window in a street row.

» morirse de aburrimientobore + Nombre + to tearsbore + Nombre + to deathbore + Nombre + stiff .

Example: However, before becoming the vivacious student we all loved, Camilla was stuck in a job that bored her to tears.

Example: Money matters bored her to death.

Example: She has just been fired by one of the city's top law firms because she had the honesty to admit the work bored her stiff.

» morirse de envidiasalivate at/overbe green with envy .

Example: A little over a year ago everyone was salivating over him and now, nothing.

Example: She was teased for being flat-chested as a teen and now she wants her bullies to be green with envy at how good she looks.

» morirse de fríofreeze to + deathfreeze + Posesivo + nuts off .

Example: The deportees died in part starving and freezing to death in concentration camps and in part working themselves to death under a barbaric police regimen.

Example: He excused himself because he was snivelling a bit as a result of sitting outside on Sunday for five hours in pouring driving rain, freezing his nuts off.

» morirse de ganas porbe raring to .

Example: He was an early riser and always raring to go at sunrise, either on vacation trips or to get to the asphalt plant on Chicago's north side.

» morirse de hambrestarvefamish .

Example: Spain's vultures are starving because of regulations that aim to stop the spread of mad-cow disease.

Example: Fie on ambition! fie on myself, that have a sword, and yet am ready to famish!.

» morirse de las ganassalivate at/over .

Example: A little over a year ago everyone was salivating over him and now, nothing.

» morirse de miedoscare + Nombre + to death .

Example: Things get a little harder when Dean himself gets infected by the heebie-jeebies and starts to scare himself to death -- literally.

» morirse de risalaugh + Posesivo + head offsplit + Posesivo + sides with laughterbe in stitches (with laughter)fall about + laughingdouble up in + stitches .

Example: Harry was a right laugh. I remember finding him in my bath one night, pissed as a lord, laughing his head off... and then weeping throughout till dawn.

Example: His dad pronounced the strange term to the best of his ability and the young man split his sides with laughter.

Example: Andrea and Mark were very welcoming and Jess was a real scream and had us in stitches.

Example: I told the lads about the conversation I'd had with the skipper and they all fell about laughing.

Example: Now science backs up that claim, even proving that you burn as many calories as 15 minutes on an exercise bike when you double up in stitches.

» morirse de sustoscare + Nombre + to death .

Example: Things get a little harder when Dean himself gets infected by the heebie-jeebies and starts to scare himself to death -- literally.

» morirse de vergüenzasquirm with + embarrassmentcringe with + embarrassment .

Example: This horrible caricature is supposed to be an Olympic symbol to be proud of, yet at this moment the British public can only be squirming with embarrassment.

Example: What are the books that you loved when you were younger, but now make you cringe with embarrassment?.

» morirse poritch forbe itching to .

Example: It seems like he's itching for a change but doesn't know exactly the direction or directions to pursue in order to accomplish the change.

Example: She was itching to give them a ringing good clip on the ear but she didn't because she thought their father was watching.

» morirse por + Infinitivobe dying to + Infinitivo .

Example: The article 'What our children are dying to know: AIDS information dissemination and the library' examines the paternalist approach (which censors information available and advocates abstinence) and the neutralist approach (which is based a respect for adolescent autonomy and reservation of moral judgement).

» morir trabajandodie in + harnessdie in + Posesivo + bootsdie with + Posesivo + boots ondie with + Posesivo + clogs on .

Example: One in ten expects to be so skint in old age, they plan on dying in harness.

Example: Nancy was beginning to tire of the workload and, as she kiddingly told her husband, George, worried that she'd 'die in her boots at Stoneymead'.

Example: She said she was grieving, but that she was proud that her son died with his boots on.

Example: He applied for an engagement at a variety theatre, saying, 'I know I am dying, and I want to die with my clogs on'.

» morir una muerte horriblesuffer + a horrible deathdie + a horrible death .

Example: Many who were wounded and still alive when this was going on a suffered a horrible death at the hands of the enemy.

Example: The article is entitled 'Making friends with the Web: traditional vendors must accept the Web, or die a horrible death'.

» ¡muérete de envidia!eat your heart out! .

Example: The article is entitled 'Eat your heart out, Jean Chapelain!'.

» nosotros lo hacíamos y no nos moríamosit never did + Pronombre + any harm .

Example: It never did me any harm, it just taught me to bear the consequences of my actions and the effects they had on others.

» quien a hierro mata, a hierro muerethose who live by the sword die by the sword .

Example: The death of the deposed Libyan leader on Thursday brings to life the old saying that those who live by the sword, die by the sword.

» sangrar hasta morirbleed to + death .

Example: A man bled to death when he was impaled on a large shard of glass after throwing his girlfriend through a shop window in a street row.

» ser para morirse de risabe a (real) hootbe a (real) screambe a (real) laughbe a (real) riot .

Example: Wouldn't it be a hoot if it turned out that chihuahuas actually were a type of rat?.

Example: Andrea and Mark were very welcoming and Jess was a real scream and had us in stitches.

Example: My group had a really great day -- it was a real laugh.

Example: These guys were a real riot and I enjoyed my brief encounter with them, even though I had to tolerate their noxious cigarette smoke.

muertos, los1 = slain, the ; dead, the. 

Example: Had he consulted an Indian history, he would have found, for instance, that what the Britannica called the Fort Phil Kearney massacre the Indians call the 'Battle of the Hundred Slain'.Example: When the Jesuit order left China they left behind, as their last legacy, a haunting epitaph: 'Move on, voyager, congratulate the dead, console the living, pray for everyone, wonder, and be silent'.


» cargar con el muertoleave + Nombre + holding the bagpass + the bucket [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]take + the rappass + the buck [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]pick up + the piecescarry + the cantake + the heattake + the fall for + Nombre .

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

Example: With ownership also comes responsibility -- when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.

Example: He might be as guilty as sin, but he will sometimes get away with murder; or even let somebody else take the rap for him.

Example: The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.

Example: The standards of education in the UK are woefully low leaving employers to often pick up the pieces.

Example: It would be a gross injustice if the intelligence agencies were now to carry the can for a war built on such slender foundations.

Example: It seems a bit unfair, though, for Clausen to take all of the heat while her underlings escape unscathed.

Example: Sometimes this procedure is used to find a scapegoat or underling to take the fall for high muck-a-mucks.

» cargarle el muerto a Alguienpass + the bucket [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]leave + Nombre + holding the bagpass + the buck [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro] .

Example: With ownership also comes responsibility -- when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

Example: The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.

» causar muertostake + a toll on life .

Example: Poor people in India continue to suffer the wrath of diseases such as kala azar which takes a toll on life and affects productivity.

» doblar a muertosound + the death knell for .

Example: Terror threats have sounded the death knell for traditional Christmas festivities in Peshawar.

» el muerto al hoyo y el vivo al bollodead men have no friends .

Example: Dead men have no friends; consequently, Israel must abandon its love affair with its putative, feckless friends and kill, once for all, its mortal foes.

» hacerle una paja a un muertoflog + a dead horsebeat + a dead horsefart in(to) + the windpiss in(to) + the wind .

Example: When Harries refuted the view that Africans were 'helpless cogs in the wheels of capitalist industrialization,' he was flogging a dead horse.

Example: Despite all the written and spoken words, and the charge that to even raise the issue now is to beat a dead horse, there are, regrettably, a host of continuing problems in the area of fairness of headings.

Example: Loving people is like farting in the wind; you don't actually accomplish anything, but you feel better.

Example: I'll listen to what you guys want to talk about, but it's just pissing in the wind.

» hacerse el muertoplay + possumplay + dead .

Example: 'From what we gathered, somebody playing possum jumped up and shot him,' said his father = Su padre dijo: "Por lo que pudimos deducir, alguien que se estaba haciendo el muerto de pronto se levantó y le disparó.

Example: My dog found a possum playing dead once, and it freaked him out enough not to touch it.

» más muerto que una piedrastone deadas dead as a stoneas dead as a doornail .

Example: I assumed she was stone dead when he told me she wasn't breathing.

Example: And there is a world of difference between these and an artificial, plastic plant, which may look very real but is dead as a stone.

Example: They found the poor dog as dead as a doornail, poisoned by the burglars.

» más tieso que un muertostone deadas dead as a stoneas dead as a doornail .

Example: I assumed she was stone dead when he told me she wasn't breathing.

Example: And there is a world of difference between these and an artificial, plastic plant, which may look very real but is dead as a stone.

Example: They found the poor dog as dead as a doornail, poisoned by the burglars.

» miedo de los muertosnecrophobia  ; fear of dead bodiesfear of the dead .

Example: Necrophobia and thanatophobia are allied maladies, one being the fear of dead bodies and the other the fear of death itself.

Example: Necrophobia and thanatophobia are allied maladies, one being the fear of dead bodies and the other the fear of death itself.

Example: Necrophobia, or the fear of the dead, is a concept that has been present in Greek culture since the Neolithic period.

» muerto vivienteliving deadwalking deadrevenant .

Example: Upon its release in 1968, George Romero's 'Night of the Living Dead' was attacked by critics for being 'nihilistic'.

Example: There were a few days last week where I felt like a walking dead person, but I am starting to feel better = La semana pasada hubo unos cuantos días que me sentí como un zombi, pero ya me estoy empezando a sentir mejor.

Example: The article is entitled 'Wraiths, revenants and ritual in medieval culture'.

» número de muertosdeath toll .

Example: The article 'The mounting death toll' describes the problems experienced by information professionals caused by the loss of databases due to the growth of the World Wide Web.

» pálido como un muertodeathly pale .

Example: He was deathly pale, just like a waxen image, and the red eyes glared with the horrible vindictive look which I knew so well.

» pasar el muertopass + the bucket [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]leave + Nombre + holding the bagpass + the buck [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro] .

Example: With ownership also comes responsibility -- when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

Example: The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.

» resucitar a los muertosraise + the deadwarm + Posesivo + cockles [Usado generalmente para describir una comida/bebida que reconforta cuando hace mal tiempo]resurrect + the deadbring + Nombre + back from the dead .

Example: EU leaders are trying to raise the dead by taking the rejected constitution and tinkering around the edges.

Example: We've created a menu that showcases the best of our wild harvest and will surely warm your cockles as you batten down the hatches for Winter.

Example: They say, a good broth can resurrect the dead -- bone broth does contain many vitamins and minerals that can help with stress, sore joints and digestive woes.

Example: As good as surgery and medicine will be in 100 years time, it will not be able to bring you back from the dead if you suffer a fatal accident.

» resucitar a un muertogrow + hair on an eggput + hairs on + Posesivo + chest .

Example: Why the world doesn't have more bald men walking smelling of bacon grease because I swear that stuff could grow hair on an egg!.

Example: And the coffee was so freaking strong it could put hairs on your chest!.

» resucitar de entre los muertosresurrect from + the deadreturn from + the gravebring + Nombre + back from the deadcome back from + the dead .

Example: According to Christian scripture, Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion = Según las escrituras cristianas, Jesús fue resucitado de entre los muertos en el tercer día después de su crucifixión.

Example: Based on a comic book, Hex is a glowering gunslinger who returns from the grave to avenge the man who slaughtered his family and left him for dead.

Example: As good as surgery and medicine will be in 100 years time, it will not be able to bring you back from the dead if you suffer a fatal accident.

Example: While the Bible speaks of the resurrection of Jesus it also speaks of a number of others that have come back from the dead.

» resurrección de los muertos, laraising of the dead, the .

Example: During Jesus' ministry on Planet Earth, one of the miracles that authenticated him as the true Messiah was the raising of the dead.

» ser capaz de aburrir a un muertobe like watching (the) grass growbe like watching paint dry .

Example: Watching golf on television is like watching grass grow.

Example: I'm a Liverpool fan myself and I was on the terraces a few times last season watching them play and that was like watching paint dry.

» tener cara de muertolook like + death warmed (over/up) [En inglés británico se usa warmed up y en americano warmed over] .

Example: She looked like death warmed over and had tubes and machines hooked up all over her.

» tocar a muertosound + the death knell for .

Example: Terror threats have sounded the death knell for traditional Christmas festivities in Peshawar.

muerto2 = dead ; deceased ; dulled ; dead and buried ; dead and gone. 

Example: The newcomer to the subject may be forgiven for concluding that the concept of post-coordinate indexing is dead.Example: Deceased persons of high renown in these fields will also be included.Example: Adolescents cannot be led so easily, so unselfconsciously as children, and disenchantment can be a door that closes tight against attempts to reinvigorate dulled literary receptivity.Example: The article 'Is horror dead and buried?' discusses the current state of the horror fiction market, and how predictions of its collapse have failed to materialize.Example: The article is entitled 'Who's gonna take out the garbage when I'm dead and gone? New roles for leaders'.


» alcanzar un punto muertodeadlock .

Example: Democratic leaders are pillorying Republicans as negotiations are deadlocked over raising money for infrastructure spending.

» ángulo muertoblind spot .

Example: Major blind spots are located to the left and right of your vehicle just behind your normal field of forward vision.

» bailar hasta caer muertodance + Posesivo + heart outdance + Posesivo + socks off .

Example: After dancing his heart out for an hour or two, and drinking more beers than he should, he flaked out earlier than most.

Example: Then, Nathan spontaneously offered to take her out for her birthday and dance her socks off.

» bebé que nace muertostillbirth [still-birth] .

Example: Most of these experiments resulted in badly deformed still-births = La mayoría de estos experimentos dieron como resultado bebés que nacieron muertos y muy deformados.

» caer muertoflop downcrash out .

Example: I'm 10 weeks pregnant with my second baby and have an awful habit of flopping down hard into chairs and on couches.

Example: After that we just crashed out on the beach and soaked up the sun.

» caerse muertodrop + (stone) dead .

Example: He dropped dead of a heart attack in 1959 at a screening of the film version of his only best-selling novel because he was outraged at the producers' interpretation of his work.

» completamente muertostone deadas dead as a stoneas dead as a doornail .

Example: I assumed she was stone dead when he told me she wasn't breathing.

Example: And there is a world of difference between these and an artificial, plastic plant, which may look very real but is dead as a stone.

Example: They found the poor dog as dead as a doornail, poisoned by the burglars.

» comprar hasta caer muertoshop 'til you drop .

Example: The article is entitled 'Shop 'til your modem drops. Internet shopping network is making strides as it learns how to sell in cyberspace'.

» cuerpo de animal muertocarcass .

Example: Professional cleavers used for carcass and sectional cutting also work for chops and chickens.

» dado por muertopresumed dead .

Example: That brings the number of missing and presumed dead orcas to four and the total population to 86.

» dar por muertoleave + Nombre + for dead .

Example: It's a fun, exciting, bloody adventure about a man named Kenshiro who's had his girlfriend kidnapped by a blondie named Shin, nearly killed, and left for dead.

» declarar muertodeclare + Nombre + deadpronounce + dead .

Example: Three persons died on the spot, while one was declared dead on arrival al the hospital.

Example: Once handcuffed, he collapsed and was later pronounced dead at a local hospital.

» dejar por muertoleave + Nombre + for dead .

Example: It's a fun, exciting, bloody adventure about a man named Kenshiro who's had his girlfriend kidnapped by a blondie named Shin, nearly killed, and left for dead.

» entresacar la hierba muerta del céspedthatch + the lawn .

Example: I don't often thatch the lawn, but this year I have more bare spots in my lawn than I've ever had before.

» estar en punto muertobe at a standstill .

Example: Many libraries in Africa are faced with little or no money for purchasing new materials, and library development is at a standstill.

» estar en un punto muertodeadlock .

Example: Democratic leaders are pillorying Republicans as negotiations are deadlocked over raising money for infrastructure spending.

» estar muerto de ascobe bored to deathbe bored stiffbe bored to tearsbe bored out of + Posesivo + (tiny) mind .

Example: Three years on, and we are bored to death with the war on terror.

Example: Instead of spending hours being bored stiff in church, most families spend Christmas with family and loved-ones or are still recovering from the hangover .

Example: The tiger was bored to tears with his viewers and started yawning to show it.

Example: Bored out of her mind with the long hours and mundane tasks, she decided to give radio a try.

» estar muerto de hambrebe starving to death .

Example: If you were starving to death and you had a way to surgically amputate parts of your body could you prolong your life by eating yourself.

» estar muerto de miedobe scared stiffbe frightened to deathbe petrified ofbe terrifiedbe scared to death .

Example: Students hate numbers; they are scared stiff of numbers.

Example: However there are a number of reports out there of people being frightened to death by ghosts.

Example: Instead, it has involved coming to terms with being gay and with not being petrified of someone finding out that he is gay.

Example: Americas are suckers for being terrified, it is very sad.

Example: A Texas woman tearfully told jurors Monday that she was 'scared to death' and held against her will by her employer after being drugged and sexually assaulted.

» estar muerto de risagather + dust .

Example: They trucks had sat gathering dust ever since, but have now been flogged off for a pittance to a second-hand dealer = Desde entonces los camiones han estado allí muertos de risa, pero ahora se han podido deshacer de ellos vendiéndoselos por cuatro perras a un compraventa de artículos de segunda mano.

» estar muerto de sedspit + feathersbe parchedbe parched with thirst .

Example: I ended up parking about two miles away, and by the time I'd lugged the cases through the labyrinth of alleyways and switchbacks, I was spitting feathers.

Example: It is smooth and refreshing with a taste that must be like drawing water from a cactus after being parched in a desert for days.

Example: The day was sultry, and some of the party, being parched with thirst, left the line of march, and scrambled down the bank of the river to drink.

» fingir estar muertofeign + death .

Example: The book has a blue mottled sheepskin binding signed by Antoine Menard, a famous bookbinder who was shot in Paris by a firing squad in 1871 but feigned death and escaped to Spain.

» hombre muertogoner  .

Example: The disease can be prevented by vaccination but once symptoms set in the victim is considered a goner.

» lengua muertadead languagedead tongue .

Example: Unfortunately, the only dead language included is Latin.

Example: If you're going to learn a language, it might as well be one with a growing literature, rather than a dead tongue.

» llegar a un punto muertodeadlock .

Example: Democratic leaders are pillorying Republicans as negotiations are deadlocked over raising money for infrastructure spending.

» manuscritos del Mar Muerto, losDead Sea Scrolls, the .

Example: This idea is hardly more relevant to the contemporary scheme of things than were those desert caves through the thousands of years that sheltered the Dead Sea Scrolls = Esta idea apenas es más importante para la situación actual que lo fueron las cuevas del desierto durante los miles de años que albergaron los manuscritos del Mar Muerto.

» Mar Muerto, elDead Sea, the .

Example: Bitumen used as a preservative in ancient Egyptian mummies was previously thought to come only from the Dead Sea in Palestine.

» más muerto que una piedrastone deadas dead as a stoneas dead as a doornail .

Example: I assumed she was stone dead when he told me she wasn't breathing.

Example: And there is a world of difference between these and an artificial, plastic plant, which may look very real but is dead as a stone.

Example: They found the poor dog as dead as a doornail, poisoned by the burglars.

» más que muertodead and buried<

Muerto synonyms

beat in spanish: golpear, pronunciation: bit part of speech: verb, noun short in spanish: corto, pronunciation: ʃɔrt part of speech: adjective cold in spanish: frío, pronunciation: koʊld part of speech: adjective, noun idle in spanish: ocioso, pronunciation: aɪdəl part of speech: adjective precise in spanish: preciso, pronunciation: prɪsaɪs part of speech: adjective utter in spanish: pronunciar, pronunciation: ʌtɜr part of speech: verb barren in spanish: estéril, pronunciation: bærən part of speech: adjective defunct in spanish: difunto, pronunciation: dɪfʌŋkt part of speech: adjective absolutely in spanish: absolutamente, pronunciation: æbsəlutli part of speech: adverb numb in spanish: entumecido, pronunciation: nʌm part of speech: adjective extinct in spanish: extinto, pronunciation: ɪkstɪŋkt part of speech: adjective gone in spanish: ido, pronunciation: gɔn part of speech: adjective stagnant in spanish: estancado, pronunciation: stægnənt part of speech: adjective doomed in spanish: condenado, pronunciation: dumd part of speech: noun, adjective deceased in spanish: fallecido, pronunciation: dɪsist part of speech: adjective utterly in spanish: absolutamente, pronunciation: ʌtɜrli part of speech: adverb abruptly in spanish: abruptamente, pronunciation: əbrʌptli part of speech: adverb suddenly in spanish: repentinamente, pronunciation: sʌdənli part of speech: adverb inanimate in spanish: inanimado, pronunciation: ɪnænəmət part of speech: adjective inactive in spanish: inactivo, pronunciation: ɪnæktɪv part of speech: adjective slain in spanish: asesinado, pronunciation: sleɪn part of speech: noun insensitive in spanish: insensible, pronunciation: ɪnsensətɪv part of speech: adjective fallen in spanish: caído, pronunciation: fɑlən part of speech: adjective executed in spanish: ejecutado, pronunciation: eksəkjutəd part of speech: adjective bloodless in spanish: incruento, pronunciation: blʌdləs part of speech: adjective drained in spanish: agotado, pronunciation: dreɪnd part of speech: adjective perfectly in spanish: perfectamente, pronunciation: pɜrfəktli part of speech: adverb breathless in spanish: jadeante, pronunciation: breθləs part of speech: adjective lifeless in spanish: sin vida, pronunciation: laɪfləs part of speech: adjective departed in spanish: salido, pronunciation: dɪpɑrtəd part of speech: noun, adjective stillborn in spanish: nacido muerto, pronunciation: stɪlbɔrn part of speech: adjective inelastic in spanish: no elástico, pronunciation: ɪnəlæstɪk part of speech: adjective extinguished in spanish: extinguido, pronunciation: ɪkstɪŋgwɪʃt part of speech: adjective malfunctioning in spanish: mal funcionamiento, pronunciation: mælfʌŋkʃənɪŋ part of speech: adjective deathly in spanish: mortal, pronunciation: deθli part of speech: adverb, adjective all in in spanish: todo dentro, pronunciation: ɔlɪn inoperative in spanish: inoperante, pronunciation: ɪnɑpɜrətɪv part of speech: adjective bushed in spanish: agotado, pronunciation: bʊʃt part of speech: verb quenched in spanish: apagado, pronunciation: kwentʃt part of speech: adjective nonfunctional in spanish: no funcional, pronunciation: nɑnfʌŋkʃənəl part of speech: adjective exanimate in spanish: exánime, pronunciation: ɪgzænəmeɪt part of speech: adjective nonviable in spanish: inviable, pronunciation: nɑnviəbəl part of speech: adjective murdered in spanish: asesinado, pronunciation: mɜrdɜrd part of speech: adjective nonliving in spanish: sin vida, pronunciation: nnɑnlɪvɪŋ part of speech: adjective unprofitable in spanish: improductivo, pronunciation: ənprɑfɪtəbəl part of speech: adjective assassinated in spanish: asesinado, pronunciation: əsæsəneɪtəd part of speech: adjective deadened in spanish: muerto, pronunciation: dedənd part of speech: adjective brain dead in spanish: muerte cerebral, pronunciation: breɪnded part of speech: adjective nonextant in spanish: no extensivo, pronunciation: nɑnekstənt part of speech: adjective pulseless in spanish: sin pulso, pronunciation: pʊlsləs part of speech: adjective deathlike in spanish: cadavérico, pronunciation: deθlaɪk part of speech: adjective uncharged in spanish: sin cargo, pronunciation: əntʃɑrdʒd part of speech: adjective nonconscious in spanish: no inconsciente, pronunciation: nɑnkɑnʃəs part of speech: adjective unanimated in spanish: unanimado, pronunciation: ənænəmeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective stone-dead in spanish: muertos piedra, pronunciation: stoʊnded part of speech: adjective nonresonant in spanish: no resonante, pronunciation: nɑnrezənənt part of speech: adjective noncurrent in spanish: no corriente, pronunciation: nɑnkɜrənt part of speech: adjective unreverberant in spanish: irreverente, pronunciation: ənrɪvɜrbɜrənt part of speech: adjective
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